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Have You Ever Thought Of Doing This?

Have You Ever Thought Of Doing This?

During this holiday season, we are likely to attend gatherings that can often trigger feelings of overwhelm, judgment, and resentment when around others who may not appear ready or interested in connecting or communicating heart to heart.

From a quantum view, we can recognize the oneness of divinity dressed up as the very characters who act in ways that provide incredible opportunities to integrate any degree of spiritual ego and strengthen your empathic abilities by how you choose to respond. And yet, such a sacred recognition doesn’t guarantee the most enjoyable of human interactions. To help resolve this apparent contradiction, I was inspired to offer you an insight to further infuse more kindness and compassion into the emotional fabric of your holiday gatherings.

I remember when this insight was first downloaded from the Universe. It was during the holiday season not too long ago. I had already integrated the potent wisdom of not offering any guidance or advice unless I was asked a question. This, in and of itself, helped resolve many potential conflicts between me and family members. People who instead of recognizing a helpful perspective that could help alleviate the suffering they lived to complain about and avoid facing were more likely to interpret my feedback as the criticism or judgment they often projected. But this still put me in what felt like a one-sided position of being an incredibly patient listener who didn’t often feel a mutual interest from those I engaged to equally know my life and the incredible meaning it brings me.

As this continually occurred, I would tune into the pain of feeling like a spiritual ghost floating around the family dynamics I was still in the process of learning how to navigate. And then I heard my intuition suggest, “Why not help them learn how to meet you?” As soon as this question arose in mind, I instantly downloaded a meaningful and hilariously simple way of accomplishing this. Nearly a few minutes later, I would manifest the perfect opportunity to put this new approach into practice.

I remember taking my usual position as an active, engaged listener, allowing everything in their life to be honored as meaningful whether it was of personal interest to me or not. As space opened in the aftermath of their sharing, I knew this was my opportunity to try something new. So, I said to them, “I’m so excited. Please ask me about the incredible things happening in my life.” They paused, as if waking up from a daydream, and said, “Oh wow. What’s exciting in your life right now?” To which I replied, “Thank you so much for asking” and went on to share what meaningful offering my heart yearned to convey.

I even remember once after I invited someone to ask me a specific question, they said, “Oh my God, have I not asked a single question about your life? I’m so sorry.” I watched in amazement as such a simple approach helped them wake up into a more mindful perspective of awareness without a single degree of finger-pointing from my standpoint. Perhaps this helps you see that while it can be instinctive to believe your family are a bunch of unconscious narcissistic energy vampires, perhaps there is a deeper truth: what if our innate ability to lead with interest offers others the attention, they deny from themselves, they become so lost in the elation of being seen and heard that they innocently overlook the importance of reciprocating such presence?

During this holiday season, instead of judging how those around you do or don’t show up, why not replace any degree of righteousness or correction with a chance to ask for the very interest you aren’t receiving. While the ego may insist, “I shouldn’t have to ask,” it overlooks the most compassionate awareness that others are often so lost in themselves, as a subconscious strategy of avoiding a painful past they work tirelessly to avoid, to have the awareness of interest in topics beyond their self-referencing viewpoints. This doesn’t mean people are malicious, cruel, or overflowing with entities. They are evolving souls, just as we are, who may need help in learning how to communicate as openly as you instinctively are able to be.

If the opportunity arises, perhaps see what happens when you help others become more interested in you versus internalize anyone’s lack of awareness as a form of self-judgment. Even when your offerings are met with any degree of criticism, it is merely their ego suggesting how foreign of an environment your vibration of reality is from theirs. It doesn’t have to be internalized or taken on, no matter how empathically gifted or emotionally sensitive you have come to be. It is why everyone always deserves more love, not less by daring to invite others into the beautiful life you are eager to share. Happy holidays and blessings of conscious communication from my heart to yours.

All for Love,

Matt Kahn

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All Divine, All Human

We are so excited to finally offer the much loved long-form video format. Filmed at the Omega Institute, please join Matt for a soul-nourishing (and, of course funny) exploration of being divinity in human form. If you're ready to further dissolve the veil of separation between Source and Self and live more fully from your highest divine purpose and self, you won’t want to miss a moment of this inspired transmission.

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Have You Ever Thought Of Doing This?

© Copyright 2022 Matt Kahn All For Love 

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