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Ground Crew: Straight from the Heart - January 2022

Straight from the Heart - January 2022

Here we are, ground crew, in the magical year of 2022. 2021 sped by so fast it is only a blur. Upon reflection it doesn’t seem as if anything is there. Some of you probably feel the same way. Time has sped up and this year it feels different. The holidays felt different. Everything is washed away from the past and it is almost like we are in an open canvas. This new year is about as mysterious as it can be. 

We are surrounded with new energies like cosmic energies, galactic, new connections with the great central sun, and the company of heaven. The old dark consciousness has been removed at the highest levels. The ascension energies are active in our bodies at the deepest cellular level. These are the energies of enlightenment, of knowing and allowing ourselves to know more than we have ever allowed. 

This particular time takes deep inward focus. It’s no longer important to focus on the external world because that is not fruitful and is insane. Our search is inward and it is for the truth of who we are, or I am presence. This is how we go about creating the new earth. In the Ascension process we are not only on the ascending levels of consciousness but we are descending and bringing in higher aspects of ourselves. This is how we remember that we are ascended masters, avatar’s, great angelic beings, powerful beyond words, and filled with gifts and abilities we are beginning to recall.

The magic is that we have already been these powerful beings and that we can now clearly bring back the memories of our God selves. In meditation you can breathe in higher aspects of your God self. Use the breath to fill yourself and your whole field with your God self. Upon doing this you will feel your self becoming higher and lighter, happier and happier. This is the strength and power that is necessary for ascension. In this process you are merging with the energies of the fifth dimension and higher. You are incorporating this higher consciousness into the deepest cellular levels of the body.

The more you do this the more you will raise your vibration and frequency. This is all about being in the heart of the Creator. In this process you attune to each other’s heart. At this point, the divine intelligence naturally flows to you and through you. You release struggle, fear, pain, suffering, the attachment to the material world, and you allow the light to guide you. The light heals you, helps you create and takes you into your miraculous new world.

In this state of consciousness, I believe we will be the happiest and we will live in the now moment. Perhaps this is why some of us might be feeling that the past is over. That energy is no longer necessary and does not serve us. This is because we are being called Home, back into the heart of the Creator.

Some of you might feel you don’t have time to do this little process. What could be more important than raising your vibration to match the vibration of the new earth and higher dimensional realities? I can assure you that you can do this merging in about 10 minutes a day. You can breathe in and bring back those energies. You can feel them in your body regularly, whenever you need them. This will give you strength and power to get you through whatever you have to do. 

What we are experiencing now has never happened in creation. As most of you are aware, usually when a planet ascends it goes nova and there is no life on the planet. This tells you how exceptional we are as a part of the light and all of creation that is freeing mother earth. As we continue to do our own inner work and re-membering our powerful selves, we will be rewarded beyond measure.

So please don’t worry, ground crew, how long this takes because it no longer matters. It is happening in the now. The past is the past. Focus on creating the new future that you choose to live in and be a part of with the help of creation. By repeating “How long is this going to take?” You are dis-empowering yourself and leaving it up to somebody else to do the work. We do not allow ourselves to be victims but we claim our power to be our masterful selves and remember all our might and glory!

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner 
Valerie Donner is an ex-healthcare executive. She worked in the corporate world for many years, before leaving this to practice her spiritual gifts on a full-time basis. She has been meditating twice daily for over 30 years. 
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