Freedom from Trauma
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- Written by Sharon Lyn Shepard

Everyone has experienced some kind of trauma in their lives whether it be physical or emotional. Often this trauma lives on hidden below the surface of our present consciousness. As it does, it proliferates with each added trauma. Until it becomes so overwhelming it can no longer be contained. All it takes is one fleeting reminder for all of it to detonate and shatter our peaceful world. Life will never be the same once this happens.
There are those who will do whatever it takes to distract themselves from it by adding more busyness to their lives. Or attempt to create a new persona, to disassociate from the person who first experienced the trauma. Others will purposely suppress it by thinking sweet lovely thoughts. Some will go into therapy spending years processing every iota of perceived facts to gain some understanding of it.
As a physical therapist who has worked with victims of trauma, I have seen this energy held in the body, creating dysfunction and disease. As a human, I have tried all of the above, with little success. Unfortunately, these attempts can go on for years and years holding us hostage from a life fully lived. A life free of the suffering and entanglement of past trauma.
What I have come to realize is that trauma will always surface of its own accord at the most appropriate time. We do not need to go digging around in our psyche looking for it. All energy is in search of balance. Its innate design is to surface when we are facing a new potential of expanded consciousness.
By choosing this new potential, the old trauma naturally comes up for release. It doesn’t need our processing, for the mind is adept at creating infinite loops of entanglement. It doesn’t need our coddling, for it will never really feel good. Distraction only works for a short period of time and leaves no space for the new potential to land. Suffering through the memories only creates more suffering and eventual disease.
What I have found that works for me is compassion and forgiveness, for my self and others. I have no need to agree or disagree, because forgiveness is free of judgement. I simply need to allow the release of the emotional energy with ease and grace by surrendering my fear, pain, and trauma to Love. The less attention I give to details, the easier it is released.
Our memories are nothing more than stories created by the mind. As we all know our remembrance of an event often differs from that of another who was also present. So it is with trauma. It is nothing more than a story our mind has created. What we are truly releasing is the emotional energy that has been held within our human bodies. Once we have done that, the stories naturally dissolve for there is nothing to hold them in place anymore.
There is no need to suffer. There is no need to process and dissect. There is no need for remorse. The only thing being asked is love and compassion for self.
I invite you to take a few moments to join me with several deep breaths to allow a calm serenity to flow through your body. With each deep breath there is a release of past trauma with ease and grace. With each deep breath there is more space for new potentials. With each new breath, more joy can surface. With each deep breath there is a new found freedom for a life full lived. Breathe deeply Beloveds, breathe deeply.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”
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