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Freedom from Mass Consciousness

Freedom from Mass Consciousness

What a diet of information, mis-information, advice, and confusion we are being fed these days. Accusations and judgments are lashing out at us like laser swords. Every moment is a battle for the mind trying to find balance in a world of crazy making constantly being stirred up by the media.

Read that sentence again. And then feel into your own energy. If it’s like mine, it’s zinging as if I’ve inhaled a whole pot of caffeinated coffee. That coffee you needed to pull you out of the numbness of the mind when it finally shuts down in overwhelm.

Those seem to be the two extremes of the autonomic nervous system these days: overwhelm or shutdown. Not much in-between. Not much rational intelligent functioning, nor peace of mind.

I don’t own a tv, nor read the newspapers, and my time spent on social media is limited, so I’m not getting the high dosage that most of humanity is being fed. I don’t have my head in the sand. I am aware of what’s going on in our crazy world. But, I do admit to wearing rose colored glasses because I prefer to see the world in full color rather than the extremes of black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. Instead, I refer to my own inner wisdom and use my own discernment rather than being fed by the mainstream media.

But even I get caught up in this frenzy from time to time. Last evening, I read a very benign post on facebook written by a friend who was reporting an eye witness report of what was happening at a protest in Portland. This person observed several groups of well behaved, mask wearing, social distancing people such as doctors, nurses, teachers, first responders, grocery clerks, mothers with children, and such, all walking peacefully through the streets carrying signs in the designated area. Until, late in the evening when a very small group of derelicts purposefully stirred up violence (which I have no need to describe) waging war with the police patrol. THAT brief moment of violence is what the media reported. There was no word about the peaceful protest earlier in the day. Just the violence!

This morning I awoke from a fitful night of violent dreams. I don’t dream about violence, so this was very abnormal for me. I then recalled the fb post that instigated that. Although it was a well-intentioned post (and I do not fault the person who posted), just reading about the violence sucked me into an emotional reaction. I fell asleep wondering what kind of human beings we are fostering on this planet whose only purpose is to inflict violence upon all the rest of us. That’s all it took to get sucked into the demented clusterfuck of the mass consciousness and the source of my violent dreams.

Once I realized this, I was able to take a few deep breaths and break free of the collective energetic field of mass consciousness. I was able to shift my sovereign “Point of Consciousness” per my own choice. No longer embroiled in this energy, I am free to engage the purity of my own wisdom rather than what is being force fed to us. No longer embroiled in this energy, I am free to engage my compassion rather than my judgement. No longer embroiled in this energy, I am free to create from new potentials rather than wallow in the brokenness of an old world.

Seeing oneself as a victim to a virus, government, media, or anyone else locks oneself in a state of resistance, blocking our infinite free flowing Source energy rather than allowing new potentials to present themselves.

So, I invite you to take a break from the media, take a few deep breaths, and disengage from the mass consciousness. It will require making some life changes and shifting your focus to a more conscious and enlightened reality. Indeed, it will take practice to continually shift your “point of consciousness” and claim your freedom from the collective.

With enough practice, freeing ourselves from the mass consciousness, our nervous systems will readjust and find a new balance free of fear based manipulation. And we will become the Master Creators of a new collective consciousness where peace, love, harmony, and joy become the natural way of life.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

Gratitude for the artwork: Joy of Life by Francois Girard

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
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