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Finding Your Sweet Spot


We’re living in a time of pandemonium, chaos and upheaval. A time of r-evolution where the old paradigm is breaking up and the new one is filtering in… all at the same time. The Light is shining upon all that has been in the shadows. Old beliefs and hypnotic trances are being uprooted from our very core, leaving us wondering what is real, what do we actually believe and what programs have been running our lives below the surface. We’re struggling to find a new balance, which is changing moment by moment. Now more than ever we need to find our own personal “sweet spot”.

What is a “sweet spot”?
It’s a moment in which life feels sweet with a smile in your heart. A moment of peaceful pleasure. A moment spent with you, free of everyone else, free of the rest of the world. Just one moment in your sweet spot can shift your entire day. And as you string these moments together you have the potential of shifting your entire life, one sweet spot at a time.

How do you find your “sweet spot”?
Because it’s your own personal sweet spot, you get to choose it.
I have several sweet spots. Why only have one? *wink*

The easiest one for me is to sit down in my actual sweet spot, which happens to be the same place I’ve been meditating for years. It has absorbed so much sweet energy all I have to do is take a seat there and my demeanor shifts. This happens to be a place on my couch. It could also be a designated pillow, a bench in your garden, a prayer shawl or a favorite sweater. Have you ever reached for a specific piece of clothing that makes you go ahhh…? That’s a sweet spot.

Sometimes a few deep breaths and I’m good to go. Other times it requires a bit more. Since everything is effected by vibration, I use sound as a sweet tool. I find that three long Ohms clears and harmonizes energy in a snap. If ohming doesn’t do it for you, simple humming might. I’ve even made up a few childlike ditties with words that I sing during the day to maintain my sweet spot.

I resonate with music. You might resonate with something else. A few brush strokes if you’re an artist. A few moments of gardening. Reading a few pages from a favorite book. A few pen strokes in your journal. A snuggle with your cat or dog. Remember this is a sweet spot, a moment of pause from your daily life. I’m not talking about taking on a new project here, or completing a chore that’s been waiting your attention. Find something that only requires a few moments of your time. If that sweet spot draws you into completing a work of art, a weeded garden or the chapter in a book, fabulous! That’s all the more sweetness. But don’t make that your intent. We’re seeking a moment of pleasure, a smile in your heart. Simple and pure.

Mind you, I’m not talking about putting my head in the sand to avoid life. I’m talking about being able to approach life from my sweet spot rather than the crankiness that gets stirred when I see some of the world events happening around me. I’m talking about being able to approach life from a place of balance and harmony with whatever presents itself.

I can’t help but giggle as I’m writing this. My neighbor just bought a new leaf blower, ratcheting into my peace and quiet here in the forest and zinging my irritation. Okay, where’s my sweet spot? With a few deep breaths, somewhere in this racket I was able to find a deep humming ohm in what I originally thought of as noise pollution. sweeeet…. With practice we can find sweet spots in nearly everything. I can’t say this machine makes my heart smile, but I will say that it has faded into the background, out of my irritation zone. And as I look out into forest an eagle just flew by reminding me to fly high! Now that’s sweet!!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. Learn more about us @ www.sharonlynshepard.com
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