Exploring Fundamental Questions
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- Written by Matt Kahn

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, with spring comes the blossoming of new possibilities. As we spring forward with renewed joy and inspired direction, witnessing our world slowly but surely open back up, we are invited to emerge as the newer versions of Self we have allowed this unprecedented time in history to help us meet and become. I personally have used this period of shutdown to become even more clear on my life’s mission, diving deeper into my own evolutionary process, and now more excited than ever before to return to the in-person healing events that truly fulfills my heart in loving service for all.
I am overjoyed to share this newsletter featuring two upcoming events: a UK virtual group healing event that is now open to all countries since I am unable to physically travel to London as I did last year, and my first in-person three-day healing event in over a year at one of my favorite retreat centers — the Omega Institute.
Whether joining us for a one-day virtual event or helping us celebrate the triumphant return of in-person gatherings with a deep three-day dive, or perhaps even both, please join us for a brand-new chapter of heart-centered healing during this most incredible time in Earth’s history. As we collectively exit one of the most intense periods of transmutation and expansion in this planet’s ascension, we bring with us a renewed depth of sincerity for the positive change we are ready to birth throughout our lives, along with a willingness to evolve with loving-kindness toward ourselves and greater empathy for our fellow human beings. May this springtime remind us of all the miraculous possibilities coming into bloom, as reminders of all the goodness coming to us in subtle, obvious, and unexpected ways.
Please enjoy this heart-nourishing newsletter as a living reflection of the light you so beautifully shine.
All For Love,,
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Exploring Five Fundamental Questions
Whether as a contemplation or a writing exercise, and without trying to rush toward conclusions or hurry the process, please consider the following questions. They are inquiries that help deconstruct attachments of ego just by asking each one to allow the gift of clarity to dawn. It may seem as if one, or even all five, of the questions are meant for you to explore. Even if nothing arises, feel how just by considering such questions, there can be a deeper willingness to face your current circumstances with less to negotiate, criticize, or fear and more to honor and accept as a gift of love for the one in you experiencing it.
This means there are always benefits to receive whether arising immediately, at a later date, or as a more meaningful relationship with life that may seem like nothing of value to the ego who only knows how to seek the very things it was never designed to receive. When the hunger of constant seeking, and insistence of fighting for some degree of control can be seen as the operating system of ego, whereas the ability to openly receive is the nature of the soul, please consider the following questions to shift into a reality where the Universe already knows everything you want and need, even before you do, liberating you from constant exhaustive seeking so you may peacefully abide as the witness and receiver of endless miraculous grace:
- What does the Universe want for my life that may be different from what I personally desire for myself?
- What are the choices that Source is asking me to make that will change me for the better when I'm not so fixated on the things I insist must happen or come my way?
- Am I able to acknowledge and accept the fundamental difference between what I want and what I need?
- If so, am I willing to focus on fulfilling my needs, even if it triggers the fear of not having the things I can’t stop wanting?
- Even if the difference between what I personally desire and the simplicity of what I truly need is not apparent in my awareness, can I love the one who only wants things to be one way versus another as a replacement for the love only I can learn to offer myself?
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© Copyright 2021 Matt Kahn All For Love Source
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