Expansion into More Incredible Newness
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- Written by Terry Andrews

In my recent post called “Talking to Birds,” I shared that we’d reached a new level.
One of the ways the newest level was showing was by how we are connecting with wild animals. They are losing their fear of us as we embody more light. They’re curious and interactive. And they’re communicating with us in a new way. They are actually initiating the communication.
In the last week, two more people have told me, very excitedly, that they’ve had conversations with a deer. In both cases, these people were working in their yards, and when they stood up, a deer was about 3 feet away, looking right at them. And a conversation ensued. Both people were very surprised by this, as it’s never happened before, nor have they even thought about it happening. In this new energy and this new space, it just happened.
Because that’s what next for us. That and so much more.
These are people who don’t know what I do or what I write about. They are both very much a part of the 3D world. Yet they are now having these new experiences like we are and they are enlivened by them and excited about them.
We’ve made the pathways for all to follow, and we are going to see great progress now.
We’ve created the space and we’re holding that space within us and all around us. We are the New Earth. We’ve created it, and it is here because of all our efforts and diligent work. And to see others lighting up when they are in this new space makes all of the hard work worth every minute.
And of course, the animals, the trees, nature has all moved into the new as well. It will be interesting to see what adventures we have.
Someone is my area just cleared all the trees on her property for her “view,” even the trees that weren’t blocking her view. This is so hard to witness. To me, trees are part of the view, a very important part. I read somewhere in a 3D article this past week that trees have a symbiotic relationship with all other creatures, humans included, and plants too. When we fail to see ourselves as part of this whole giant creation, we have much to learn. We will see how that happens.
For now, I’m enjoying seeing those who are starting to awaken. They’re almost childlike when they exclaim that “I was just talking to a deer.”
There’s so much more to come.
This week, I woke up from a dream where I was helping many many people thru a portal, and time was of the essence. My cat woke me up by meowing. It was a little past 4 am. We are doing incredible work while we are “sleeping,” and we may wake up groggy as a result. Here is the message that came later, when I asked about the dream. You are all busy helping at this point. There is much to do and we are supporting you and helping you with this. Continue as guided. Great progress is being made and you will see the results of this. The ones you’ve waited for are finally coming with you. Just allow them their journey, and continue to hold the space. Continue to feel the love that rises within you, that fills your cells and your heart center and the expanse of your new being, the love you brought with you for this important time, the love that is awakening who you are and your memories of what is true. There is nothing more powerful than love. It is the essential creative force of the cosmos. Be well, we are with you, always.
In this strong, unrelenting energy, you may be feeling the need to purge again, old items that no longer resonate. Two nights ago, I was lying in bed, unable to sleep, and about 1 am I got up and began clearing closets and cupboards. There was so much energy flowing thru me as I did this clearing for 2 hours. It completely surprised me, but this can happen as we are ready to shift again into more expansion and even more of our New Earth and our new lives and our new Selves. Whatever is dropping away, let it. Be your newest, brightest Self. Embrace your power and what you are creating. It’s really all about “out with the old, in with the new.” And we want to be as new as we can be in every moment. We are holding this space for ourselves and everyone we love, and indeed, everyone who is ready to open their hearts. New Earth, here we are. We are light leaders, creating, building, sharing, showing a whole new way to be and live.
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