Energy Update: Tidal Wave Activates Portals to Higher Dimensions
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- Written by AndEl

Earth warriors, lightworkers portals are open as we move towards our solstice. Portals of higher frequencies, fifth dimension and beyond, creating a tidal wave of lighter vibrational energy washing over Gaia. Connectedness to guides and higher self will become clearer, we will feel, see, hear their presence, their guidance and their love. Call soul tribe on this earthly plane, to you. Meditate love frequency, inner calm, outer peace. Be mindful. Stay balanced. Remember we have been here before.
Rest and self care are paramount. If you are experiencing persistent disturbed sleep, waking up at the same time 3.33 4.44 1.23 you are already deep in recalibration. Don’t be afraid to rest through the day, to find some quiet time, turn everything off and simply be. Our bodies are restructuring, our minds are expanding and our souls are waking up. We are coming online as quantum beings. This takes a huge amount of energy. Stay hydrated.
Be aware of your energy field, what or who resonates with you, avoid people or places you feel averse to. Be kind to yourself. Minimise what you have to do. Don’t worry or freak out, this will pass and surges of energy will follow, where we are uber efficient, calm and focused. Allow this experience, embrace it and welcome upgrades.
The wave of intense recalibration we are engulfed in is activating our throat chakra. We shed layer after layer of old stuck karmic energy. We are finding our voice. We are stripping back matrix programming. Discovering our true selves. What makes us tick, our dreams and passions. We are waking up to a planet in need of care and attention. An awakening people.
Embracing our authentic selves means shedding layers of protective karmic armour. Speaking about other dimensions, other lifetimes, other lifeforms. It means stepping out of the shadows, embracing energy as a language, as everything. Unplugging from matrix algorithms, behaviours, thought patterns. To be different, to be unusual, to say and do things that challenge the status quo.
This is our mission. To cause ripples, make waves, challenge, heal and share. Breathe, release, protect, shield up. We are all in this together, manifest change, manifest peace, manifest dignity. Safe surfing beautiful people.
Mantra: I am having a calm, safe day.
I ask my higher self to clear and power up my energy field, protecting me from all lower frequencies.
I am who I am supposed to be, I am where I am supposed to be, I am ready to change all that no longer serves to my highest purpose. Namaste.
I am Morag O'Brien MA, MSc, PGCE, a certified and experienced reiki healer, and tarot reader for 25 years.
As an intuitive medium I use crystal pendulum to channel deep energetic healing and detailed spiritual guidance. I also lead regular one to one and group guided healing meditations.
By Morag at awakening5dhealing on Facebook, WordPress and YouTube.
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