Embarking Upon A New Flight Path
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- Written by AndEl

I am a very prolific and lucid dreamer. I say that in regard to the dreams I’ve had ever since childhood. Big dreams, dreams beyond other people’s imaginations, dreams often poo-pooed by others. Because of that I often relegated those dreams to the shadows while living what others call “real life”. But in recent years those dreams have sprung out of the shadows unceasingly vying for my attention once again.
This began nearly 20 years ago with a repetitive dream night after night that would not allow me to avoid it. Once I acknowledged it and brought it into my meditations, the dream began to grow and expand, taking on a life of its own. Since then there are others who have begun talking about a similar dream. That dream is living what many refer to as New Earth.
Living on New Earth requires a lot of changes from the normal human perspective, the one I had bought into as “real life”. Like many of you, I’ve broken away from most of the old belief systems created by mass consciousness. I’m no longer living according to man made laws, rather remembering and living according to Divine Law. On a more personal level, I’ve created a very different life style as well. A lifestyle that aligns with my perception of New Earth, no longer needing to work hard to live a happy and fulfilling life.crystalwind
In the past few months my dreams have been fine tuned to reveal the deepest most core beliefs that needed to be released in order to step fully into the dream I incarnated with, the dream I intend to fully embody within this lifetime.
I share with you a dream I had a few nights before the solar eclipse. Perhaps there is something here that resonates with you, either consciously or unconsciously.
During this dream: I was traveling with two people, one of whom was my father. We each had a duffle bag that was long and narrow, much like a body bag, that we were going to check as baggage. While the others were busy with something else, I opened my duffle and a pair of men’s shoes fell out that one of my former lovers had left behind a long time ago intending to return for them. I was debating what to do with them. I wasn’t able to make a decision, so I set them aside on the floor. I then pulled out a computer device and transferred some data to a smaller devise which I tucked into my belly pack. As I was zipping it closed, my father walked up and asked what I was doing. I told him I felt better having this with me in case the baggage got lost. I realized as I said that, I no longer needed the duffle. I was done with it. I already have everything I need. I then turned and walked toward the flight gate while the other two were busy rearranging all the stuff in their duffles. When I looked down at my ticket, it was nameless and I had no identification. Without looking back, I walked through the gate. That was the last I ever saw of my travel companions, my duffle or my lover’s shoes.
Along with being a prolific dreamer, I’m also a prolific journaler. First thing in the morning, my computer is in my lap with a pot of coffee or tea at my elbow. Dreams are recorded, brought into my meditation, and given a life of their own to speak to me in a more conscious way. These have always been some of my most intimate Soul conversations.
This dream said the following to me:
I am free, no longer a bag of flesh and bones with DNA inherited from my human biological ancestral linage. I Am a multidimensional being with my own Divine DNA, a unique and sovereign Soul being, ready to take flight in new and exciting ways, free of the old matrixes that have been holding me back. The men’s shoes were the amalgamation of all the men in my life who were my most sacred teachers. It was important for me to remove them from my body bag. The shoes were not discarded. They were simply waiting for the owner to retrieve what is theirs if they so choose. For although I still hold a special place in my heart for them, I am now a sovereign being, neither male nor female, both male and female. I am the embodiment of Source as my own sovereign Soul Being.
This is the second dream I’ve had within a week about walking away from people into my own realty without any desire to tell them where I’m going or invite them to join me, with the awareness that we each have our own unique Soul path.
As a result, I have become totally honoring of other’s Soul path without the need to understand or change it in any way. I realize how obvious it has become to observe how others shift when they step into my energy field. Sometimes they can’t move away from me quickly enough. Other times they linger without any words and that’s enough. Or they may initiate some kind of conversation and wonder how they got there. Knowing this, I can simply ALLOW the other person to lead the way, without any efforting.crystalwind
If I resonate with them for my own soul growth or expanded consciousness, I will engage. Otherwise, I do not engage nor attempt to change myself to fit onto their path for the sake of a relationship. I trust that if anyone resonates with my sovereign self or my soul path they will ask, otherwise I do not share my inner wisdom. In some ways you might think this makes for superficial conversations between everyday people. When in reality it makes for genuine conversation and intimate connections between people who are interested in Soul growth rather than human based egoic validation. By doing so, the people we draw into our lives facilitate each other’s expanded consciousness, love and joy.
I have walked away from much in my life, people, homes, jobs, health issues and old beliefs. Now it is time to walk away from my old persona to take flight, much like a butterfly that is no longer a caterpillar. I am aware that not everyone is choosing to walk through this gateway. That’s okay because we each have our own unique Soul journeys, each one of equal import.
For those who choose to walk through this flight gate, it is solo as a sovereign being without any baggage. The sovereign being passes through the eye of the needle naked, alone, in serenity and simplicity, having left everything behind after surrendering it all to their GodSelf.
Once I settle into my seat I notice that although the landscape has changed, nothing was lost, everything gained, as I dream my new life into being perfectly aligned with with All-That-Is in a new playground of joyous creation. As a Sovereign being, with a heart fully open, I glance back at the gateway and bow in gratitude to my human self for the courage to step through.
Although the seats on the transporter are solo, there are many on board. However, we don’t realize that until we’ve already settled into our own sovereign seats before lifting our vision to look around. When we do. . . Voila!! We realize although we are sovereign beings, we are never alone!
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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