Earth As The Looking Glass
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- Written by AndEl

This Earth was created so we as souls could experience ourselves in a way we couldn’t in the other realms. We wanted to be up close and personal with ourselves. To be in an environment that mirrored back to us what was happening within us.
But somewhere along the way we forgot that was true. We didn’t like the way we were feeling and we attributed it to what was going on outside of us, Consequently we kept trying to manage and fix everything outside ourselves in order to feel better.
But it became a thankless job and just as we got one thing squared away there would be something else around the corner to greet us. Or shall I say, zap us?
Fast forward to the present, where many of us are remembering the truth of being a creator. That the real work was within ourselves, not outside ourselves. And of course you can’t unring that bell. Once you know that truth, you can no longer play victim. That game is over.
But not yet for most of humanity. They don’t yet connect the dots between their state of consciousness and their manifestations.
Even for us on the leading edge of creation, isn’t it all too easy to slip into victim mode? Sometimes much easier than claiming total responsibility for our creations. Especially as Spirit has a field day with our energies. Not to intentionally knock us off our keester, but it just comes with the turf.
Stuff gets stirred up.
The outer stuff that humanity is going through now, all these storms, all these acts of nature, are designed to stir things up, to move stuck energies.
But we needn’t worry so much about them affecting us. We already for the most part went through our storms.
The more conscious one becomes, the less one needs outer events to shift and move energies. The more we move into the new energy, the safer we become. It’s a balanced energy, so it’s a safe energy. And that safe space is why the aspects of ourselves from other times are feeling more comfortable coming back to us, integrating with us.
They now feel safe to do so.
Even the governments that appear to be negative are doing their part to move stuck energies. They are raising awareness in the populace by highlighting those imbalances that have been resident in the world for a very long time. The political leaders then become the mirrors for those imbalances.
It’s like getting a virus that helps clear out old stagnant energies. Energies like racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia, to just name a few.
So things are getting stirred up on the planet in a big way. But mankind isn’t quite ready to connect the dots. That each individual’s own consciousness contributes to the creation of what they are experiencing in their world.
Instead they are still in victim mode. Laying blame at the feet of the powers to be, at anyone or anything outside themselves.
And it stems from the fear of being powerless. Of being without.
And it’s one reason we are here. We in the forefront of the change in consciousness are setting examples of a being who has everything they need within. We are setting examples of the Being who understands that they are creating their own version of reality. Even if they have not ‘perfected’ it. Because it’s not about being perfect, whatever that even means.
But the shift away from victim mode is huge in and of itself.
It’s very freeing, because it frees everyone up to be responsible for their own happiness. It unburdens people. But they must first acknowledge their own eternal self before they can accept the truth of being a sovereign creator.
And that won’t be happening here on the planet for quite a while. Which is fine. We didn’t come here to change the world, but to change ourselves. To introduce a new way, a new potential.
So the planet is going through its iterations, which we have already done on a personal level. We understand profoundly that we came here to walk through the looking glass, and to meet ourself on the other side.
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