Drama, The Food Of The Mind
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- Written by Sharon Lyn Shepard

Intense drama has become the food of the mind. It feeds upon every disaster, every problem, every dilemma. Without it, the mind feels empty and bereft, in fear of dying. Over the years, the mind has become so inundated with information and drama that stronger addictions of “need” have been established in order to survive. Without it, it fears death.
Just writing that sentence amped up my limbic system!
For those who don’t know, the limbic system is a complex system of nerves and networks in the brain associated with instinct and mood. It controls the basic emotions (fear, pleasure, anger) and drives hunger, sex, dominance, and care of offspring. Once triggered, the entire body goes on alert into its reptilian fight or flight response. The longer the limbic system remains in a state of anxiety, the more prone we are to react from violence and the more susceptible our body is to disease.
In recent years, we has become so accustomed to drama it has become the norm. When things calm down, the mind immediately goes in search of more drama, more explicit drama, more emotional drama. All to keep itself feeling alive.
The teachings of our spiritual path encourage us to simplify our lives, to remove ourselves from the drama of mainstream, and quiet the mind. We have learned that the answers reside in that still quiet space within us. But finding and maintaining that space requires a lot of changes in our lives. Changes like withdrawing from the mainstream media, less time spent on social media, withdrawing from family dramas, etc., etc.
But as soon as we withdraw and life quiets down, our mind becomes restless with its addiction for drama to feel alive. The mind isn’t comfortable in the temporary void we experience during this transition. There’s a pull to turn on the tv or fire up the the computer and see what’s going on in the world. Even our spiritual self has been tricked into “doing” things to save the world and other people. It pulls at our heart strings, drawing us into things that have no relevance to us. So we’re seduced back into the drama, albeit spiritual drama instead of the old style drama. But drama, none the less.
Withdrawing from drama requires a lot of practice, even more so if you are naturally empathic. It doesn’t happen overnight and there’s no need to beat ourselves up for failing to instantaneously shift into a new way of being. That just adds to the drama. It’s a moment by moment process and it requires self compassion. The first step is realizing the underlying cause. Once we do, we need persistent reminders to shift our perception from drama to peace within a new and different context. . . the context of our Inner Being that thrives in the stillness and silence.
There are many things we can do to shift our consciousness from drama to peace and contentment. One of my favorite it spending time in nature away from all the day to day distractions. I am blessed to live in the forest. Even a few minutes of forest gazing, as I call it, will shift my consciousness and soothe my limbic system. Listening to calming music or reading a book that transports me to another reality will also do the trick. A shower or soak in the tub…. bingo, an instant shift in consciousness. Playing with children will bring a smile to your limbic system. I’m sure you can think of many more to adapt quite easily into your daily routine.
With moment by moment practice, we’re able to reset our limbic system. We can finally relax into knowing we are safe. We are drawn into peace and contentment as the norm, rather than drama and superficial excitement. After awhile, we are no longer entertained by the drama. Instead we are entertained by the new passions that begin bubbling up from within us as creators of our own reality.
Attempting to change and create something new from within the old confines only strengthens the mind and the limbic system. Whereas creating from within the peace that passeth all understanding allows us to create a new reality for ourselves in which to thrive rather than diminish our health and vitality. We’re now creating from our divinity which has a constant flow of supportive energy rather than draining our energy via the imposed dramas of the world.
So, I ask you: Where do you choose to place your attention?
The drama of the outer world, or your own innate inner peace.
It really is this simple to initiate your shift in consciousness to one of well-being and creative joy that builds upon itself rather than the “need” for external stimulus. Everything you need is within you. Herein lies the Joy of Life.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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