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D = Dimension = Density = Physical Matter That Vibrates At A Level Of Consciousness


♦ Your Physical Reality is a Dimensional Timeline that
Changes as you Shift Your Consciousness =
YOU are Physical Matter Form ♦

You are physical matter (earthly matter & stardust) and vibrational energy that makes up form. Your own consciousness (or unconsciousness) affects the VIBRATION OF PHYSICAL MATTER and which dimension/timeline you exist in - in every moment. The denser the matter, the less it can vibrate easily, as it takes constant moving, flowing, activating and re-structuring energy for matter to take a different form. The denser the matter, the more "packed" it is, the less ability to "move & shape matter" into a new form... 

The physical matter of your body and your physical REALity too has a VIBRATORY RATE and it is this vibratory rate combined with your FIELD SPIN that dictates the actual PHYSICAL DIMENSION that you exist in. As you become more conscious, this "matter" starts to vibrate and move, change geometric shape and even "float" as plasma energy fills your cells/cellular body and gravity shifts can be felt. Electrical currents zoom through you to stimulate, awaken and excite your Quantum Cells. Your LightBody activates the physical matter in your physical body, as well as the physical matter all around you too. Your human mind/human eyes may not allow you to see this yet, because it's still fixated/fixed in limited mentalities that keep you from seeing yet. Be patient, for as your heart opens FULLY, as your MIND opens up, as your BODY is ALLOWED to relax and let go of the unconscious network (resistance) that it held, this new neural network FIRES UP from inside you, your SOULar Cells awaken your dormant ones/DNA, awaken that which was sleeping (not vibrating/able to move/too dense), for your WHOLE BODY to undergo an immense process of EVOLUTION that is beyond your human aspect's comprehension, therefore requiring that you relax and tune-in-to your own higher selves/Universal You to listen, ask, communicate and understand what your human aspect was not ready for before... 

Your EYES will re-focus to start to see differently AS YOU ACTUALLY LOOK.... as you are actually OPEN TO SEEING, your mind will go foggy, you will need more sleep to lift the veils of amnesia within you, so that your own Higher Consciousness that floats around in your own Field can integrate IN YOUR BODY.... your resistance creates your own suffering to a process that you as a SOUL chose to experience here. Your human resistance "locks down" your body and tries to STOP this VIBRATING from occurring, because it is "foreign" to your human and you feel like you are losing control. And your human is... to your own Higher Self, to your own higher aspects, to you as the entire Living Universe/Cosmos/Galaxies and Living Gaia that operate in Unison simultaneously..... 

As your Quantum Cells activate your own LightBody, they also activate your Crystalline/Christed Light Consciousness Aspects & DNA, your God Particle, your Galactic Aspects and ACCESS to what you forgot when your Soul chose to incarnate/walk-into a body (form) to experience realities of UNCONSCIOUSNESS, SEPARATION and FORGETTING... to live beneath the Veils, to experience all of the human ego realities in order to TRANSCEND all of this from within. 

Your RETURN TO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS to live and exist fully again beyond the veils, is called Physical Body Ascension, because you have to bring your body with you, yet it must undergo rigorous changes to adapt to higher dimensional/lighter density planes of actual physical existence. Your BODY was asleep, your Body was dormant, your body was located in a lower frequency bandwidth timeline where amnesia was SO HEAVY & THICK, it takes much sleep and intentional, dedicated focus to maintain consciousness for awhile. This FOG, this heaviness, this thickness... this is what lifts, this is what you feel, this is what you experience when distortions are ready to play out for you to hear/see, where gravity shifts, photons activate within you, creating a heavy affect. This heavy affect is a part of the process as you acclimate to higher frequency bandwidth existence and shift dimensionally into all new timelines that offer more than your limited human aspect mind can understand.

The words that you have forgotten just mean that you still exist beneath these heavy veils, which continually lift right now, like waking up in a dream... as in one way, you are. As you return to an energetic existence, one that is fluid and moves, your linear fixed constructs "collapse", so that realities can take new shape FOR/IN RESPONSE to you/your NEW VIBRATION... as this is how the higher/lighter density realms work.... Everything is VIBRATIONAL and a response to your current overall vibration, which includes all that you still hold in CELLULAR PROGRAMMING/MEMORY in every particle of your physical body that you walk around in..... 

This form you chose, this is just a form. It is your sacred vessel, it is the body that you chose for all of your experiences here. Love awakens it, care, kindness, respect, nature and all that SUPPORTS it's vitality, as the LIGHT OF YOUR OWN SPIRIT/SOUL activates every cell, integrates while you sleep/relax and anchors through your fully conscious actions and focus. For your human aspect, this is a process of surrender, allowing, honoring, listening and DOing what your higher aspects show you/tell you to do. Where you do not listen/honor, then your Universe/You uses the physical reality to SPEAK/COMMUNICATE/TEACH/SHOW/EXPLAIN to you. It's up to you to decipher the messages, as they are all around you in every moment. This is YOUR MATRIX, this is your illusion, this is your play, this is your everything and you experience this with the collectives who also hold the same programming/access/beliefs, until you choose different ones or come to REALize through new awarenesses here. Your physical is to be de-coded by your human if you desire to understand. If you prefer ignorance, resistance, fighting, and suffering, then this is what you shall experience here. Preference just means that you are refusing to open up fully still.... It means that you have not chosen/gained the ability to expand your consicousness yet. It means that you do not see the importance of these things and that you are still "trying" to hold onto your old fixed beliefs/programmed realities still. What your human aspect does not realize is that your SOUL must awaken for you to remain in that physical body that you chose/currently reside in and that Old Earth is no longer a reality in the HIGHEST DIMENSIONAL REALMS.... It's viewed differently than it was before. Everyone now "acts out" their own Universe/reality in the physical dimension they currently occupy "until" each has opened up enough to consciously and intentionally shift into a higher timeline by choice. Our bodies OCCUPY different dimensions. Our CONSCIOUSNESS dictates the one we physical walk/exist/live in and experience here. 

Old Earth is called UNCONSCIOUS EARTH of the 3rd Dimensional Density:
Remember, you are on MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EARTH now... and things are nothing like they were before we came through the 2012 Gateway. This changed EVERYTHING. Every previous teaching or belief, every previous perception, every previous ability.... the NEW CODES OF SOUL EMBODIMENT changed the COURSE OF REALITY as we once knew it.... 

Your physical matter body is working to vibrate all of the time at the 5th Dimensional Frequency Bandwidth that our BELOVED Earth Gaia transmits now. (Actually it's much higher, as the 5th Dimension is the baseline, instead of the 3rd/4th like before). What you observe when you see chaos or what is perceived as destruction by human aspects, is the re-structuring on an atomic/molecular/physical matter level.... You are observing human (ego) aspects losing control. You are observing physical matter taking a different shape to re-shape reality FOR EACH not understanding how MULTI-DIMENSIONAL VIBRATIONAL REALITIES WORK..... 

All physical matter is form... humans, perceivable realities... and it is this form that is changing density, this form that shakes and vibrates to re-structure in all new ways. Your human observes the Earth moving & shaking, the cosmic weather moving fiercely too, and only sees what it can perceive, because only your highest aspects of you/your Soul has ACCESS TO TRULY SEE the how's & why's to understand what's going on, which is nothing like your human "thinks"..... 

The 2012 Gateway CHANGED what the physical realm is:
No longer 3D as the only physical as before, where 5D was etheric only, heaven "up above", the place we die to go... The 5th Dimension became an actual PHYSICAL REALM too. As did all others... Multi-Dimensional Existence and Quantum Movement/Travel became our norm.... 

As Old earth breaks apart, dismantles, dissolves... NEW EARTH EMERGES to take it's place... to materialize in "new" form.... What used to be metaphors and crazy conjecture now play out in each dimensional reality EXPERIENCE now. This is because unconsciousness or full consciousness "play out" by way of solid form called "the physical realm".  

3rd Dimensional Old Earth Density = Unconscious Earth (Hell):
Hate, hurt, pain, suffering, prison's, blame, shame, guilt, fear, control, selfishness, greed, lack, ego, separation... Why would you ever want to remain in this type of reality still? Fear and lack of connection is your answer.... This Version of Earth is focused on the physical everything first. Energy/higher density realms/other dimensions are discounted, argued, not accepted, just a "concept" still.... This dimension is "no access" to alternate realities/dimensions, other than occasionally in the sleep state and occasional interactions to awaken/open the heart in ways that are not understood. This is an EXTREMELY physical response dimension, because of the amount of physical density that has to be "broken down" for one's heart to open. This dimension experiences physical death as well. 

Transitional Earth = 4th Dimensional Earth = Duality, Bardo, Purgatory:
This is where you awaken and work everything out within yourself. This is where your human starts to relinquish it's need to control and you start to allow your Higher Selves guide you/"move into" your body, your cells awaken, your LightBody activates more, your body starts RELEASING all that it held in unconscious programming, which is vaster than anyone "thought" or could comprehend before. Your human body occupies Transitional Earth as you work through all duality from inside of you. Christed Consciousness is activated for Unity Consciousness to become your new way as your body achieves the overall vibration to physically ascend. This occurs gradually (often years/your whole life thus far) until you LIVE from that unified place inside and your realities have flipped and merged.... The 5th Dimension that you used to experience in your dreams, becomes the physical reality that you WALK in and play in, which begins all new phases. You've experienced many ego deaths, many emotional deaths and often parts of your body have about shut down too. Your entire everything must be detoxed, purged and transcended from inside of you. All of the suppression that your body endured, this must be reversed too. As your heart opens, your mind relaxes, your body relaxes and your cells open up to RELEASE anything of an old vibration that cannot be sustained in your higher vibrating body now.... As your cellular body vibrates out of the old denser dimensions, you start to experience more vibrancy, more vitality, more beauty, more bliss and FEEL the SUPPORTIVE ENERGIES of NEW EARTH... this becomes a palpable experience and your PROOF you have sought, becomes your actual EXPERIENCES NOW. You become the proof as well. Your heart, mind, perceptions, beliefs, mentalities, energy and body dictate the dimension you physically occupy at any given time. You oscillate back and forth, in and out until you've been able to fully achieve staying conscious all of the time, no matter what you are going through/experience and what that outside world looks like/says. This transitional phase of Earth will last until each fully transitions over (Ascends), with a physical body or without. 

Physical Body Death is often mis-understood:
Each's Soul chose when/how to enter/incarnate and when/how to exit. It chose/programmed every experience, every person, family here. It encoded these programs into the cellular body and floats around (like a plasma bubble) in each's (auric) field around the body, "waiting" to enter the body fully each time one's heart opens. This heart opening triggers an electromagnetic pulse to be sent throughout the body to tell it to awaken too. These pulses transmit codes & frequencies that activate one's multi-dimensional body to start to come online, changing the dynamics of the human experience exponentially. Each's Soul also chose physical body Ascension or to return to Etheric State. Our Souls are PURE, they don't feel pain, mourn, hurt... that is our human aspect projecting this out. Everything is a reflection/mirror, aspect of ourselves. As we return to Purity and cross-over with our bodies, all Souls are one, unified and at peace again. Some are in a body and we interact with that form, yet there are not "other souls" here. Everything is ONE ENERGY, unified and love. Separation was our human existence and death for a physical body is because that Soul CHOSE not to fully integrate into that physical form. From the human's perspective, they were never able to integrate and the body shut down/died. Full integration of each's Light, each's whole Soul, all higher self aspects must occur for Physical Body Ascension to occur. 

It takes awhile for the physical to re-code, re-calibrate, re-materialize your higher dimensional reality, because you are breaking/dissolving old unconscious programming/patterns that were linear and fixed. There are geometric codes and sequences that must HOLD the new shape within your cellular body for your new transmission to stabilize for your physical to become stable too. These new codes operate by way of Quantum Physics/Mechanics with through algorithms, re-coding for new mathematical "equations" to replace the old. The longer you HOLD your highest state of consciousness, the "faster" the physical can re-align and appear for you. 

The NOW 5TH DIMENSIONAL ALIVE EARTH GAIA: (Physical Heaven starts as vibrant, playful, supportive NEW Earth and anchors in as each matures and fulfills service roles for humanity here)
The Earth you live on is not the same one you lived on before. Your mind will not even realize that you are on a different/multi-dimensional earth until you actually start to open up to the possibility and look, allow, get present and EXPERIENCE what is available to you as you do. Your Ability to maintain and sustain 5th Dimensional Earth (and higher) is dependent on you. The 5th Dimension opens up access to all other dimensions too. This is about YOUR ACCESS and continual EMBODIMENT of much higher states of consciousness, both from beyond your physical form and within your physical form too. How your own Consciousness/Super Consciousness correlates to your physical body too. Each phase, embodiment process, your body will re-calibrate/adapt to holding higher frequencies (light encodements) within it as you acclimate, stabilize, balance, maintain your fully expanded state in everything here. Your higher selves will descend into you, emerge from within you, the fragments of your soul will be recalled to return and merge back into one again, all from inside of you. Your human body works hard to keep up and at times, it must shut down to do the immensity that cannot be accomplished if you are awake (your human mind gets in the way). Honor your sleep state. It's one of the most important gifts you gave yourself to accomplish this evolution of RETURNING TO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS while keeping a physical body on this Earth. You will be able to access your other aspects in simultaneous dimensions, often referred to as bi-location. Alternate realities occurring 'now', as all is this now. These are not separate existence, as they are all simultaneous. You are "there" and "here". Technically all realities are this way, yet in another capacity, this reality is only an illusion too and you start to become more aware of this as you become PURE ENERGY AGAIN. You will become all of your highest dimensional versions and aspects, by way of your own intricate and immense Embodiment process here. YOU, as Pure Energy, can observe REALITY without being bound to any of it. You are even aware that your physical form is just that. A form that you chose. No identity, for it is not you, yet you also understand that your full integration and merging higher consciousness from within your body is what gives it life and the ability to re-generate continually, as you "work" and co-exist in other timelines, dimensions and alternate realities as well. You "work" in these other states consciously, affecting the physical as you do. Yet the way the human aspect "thinks" it's affecting is not quite how things work here. How you "affect" reality is to hold the frequency through Purity and Light. By holding these highest states of consciousness you "activate" those realities to start to materialize AS your Body achieves the ability to VIBRATE into the actual physical dimension where this has already occurred. By HOLDING THIS HIGHEST STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, your body/DNA communicates new codes & sequences to "dial" a new reality in.

Your Merkaba/StarGate System:
Your Merkaba will bring your Unified Bodies into the 5th Dimension and then it will dissolve. A new energetic structure is then coded with new geometrics to activate your Atomic Structure, therefore your StarGate System, which works in unison with your physical body through Advanced DNA & Genetics activated to start your next phase of your evolutionary journey here. These new codes give you the capability to "travel" easier through your own expanded consciousness and to remember easier too. Your veils are not has thick, for you've transcended the heaviest ones already, now it's just a process of continual veil lifting, continual focusing your consciousness/energy, continually expanding, continually re-coding/integrating the immensity of what you came here to BE & DO, as an Embodied Soul Here. These new atomic codes, give you the capability (access) to infinite dimensions beyond the physical in order to fulfill your highest service here. Meanwhile your physical reality is continually being upgraded easier too! Your whole body must be re-built and your realities reconstructed from scratch (Zero Point). Your every reality must align with your Soul and highest everything here.  

Zero Point Field Range: 
As Pure Source Light this is where you function from, this is where you exist. As all things and nothing, simultaneously and all is ONE again. All is LOVE. All is PURE. All is easy and fully aligned. It's your unconscious human (ego) aspect that kept you from remembering & accessing this...

Zero Point is where all is CREATED FROM... it's where you create, as SOURCE, AS CREATOR incarnate here. Zero Point is Choice Point for your human and what determines how the physical plays out. It is where all must come to, in order to be birthed, nurtured and "grown". It's where Stars are born (StarSeeds) and grow up as well. It is where your higher selves merge with your body, it's where you maintain balance, peace and ease. It's where you are fully responsible for everything that occurs, it's where you RECEIVE RESPONSES by way of REALities to EXPERIENCE, it's where you observe and see, it is this NOW/PRESENT MOMENT SPACE that you OCCUPY when you maintain your expanded state, it is where Heaven meets the Earthly plane of existence and culminates/converges into ONE.... 

Your Originally Body Template:
Holds the codes and sequences for all of HUmanity within it. Your body template goes through continual "wipes" and "re-writes" with increased SOULar activity that occurs continuously now. Accelerated Ascension, Accelerated Convergences "speed" this process up. We have entered the most accelerated phase that's been experienced thus far in this existence, which shall continue to increase substantially now. Your Highest Consciousness DNA now activates at an enormous rate. This is a "good thing". You have waited for this, asked for this, even if you are not consciously aware... 

Your body template held the separation of all within it. Time, identities, dimensions, timelines, each other, existences. Template re-coding/re-writes expedite the perceived "collapse" that occurs in the physical, which in essence is a re-structuring process for all new realities to be constructed/built by you. While you are doing the "work" in the physical to create, align, bring forth... in essence all you are really doing is anchoring higher dimensional codes into your own physical body, while contributing to the physical reality that your Earthly Body exists in. In essence, you are vibrating into an alternate timeline where a more awesome, pristine, beautiful and magnificent reality already exists. In essence you are TUNING your own REALITY vibrationally so that the physical matter reality can match this new vibration.... 

As you realize that physical matter vibrates, that realities are ENERGETIC, that the physical is a vibrational response/match... you will focus ALL OF YOUR ENERGY on tuning, holding, integrating, anchoring, stabilizing and take CREATE CARE in EVERYTHING you are creating just by BEing.... 

As you REALIZE that you are already telepathic, as are all others too... that this "telepathy" transmits for you, you'll choose to be more/fully conscious of your transmissions, realizing that they are DELIVERING YOUR PHYSICAL REALITY TO YOU....  

As you REALIZE that humans, things... all are a vibrational aspect of you, you will start to pay attention to what you allow/create and realize the POWER YOU HOLD INSIDE OF YOU.... 

As you REALize, that dimensions are dictated by YOUR consciousness, you will realize/understand that there are no limits, unless you believe that there are, unless you keep insisting on these, keep supporting these, keep requiring these and keep creating these to EXPERIENCE in your own physical reality world. 

Not everyone is in the same dimension or timeline... these are as INFINITE as we allow ourselves to be. Only through silent observation through your higher heart-mind can you truly see and understand. When you "look" out at any physical anything, any physical reality, any physical body, YOU HAVE TO WANT TO SEE different dimensions, you have to start to pay attention to the "markers", to the "signs", to the "symbols", "metaphors" and VIBRATION to determine which dimension/timeline everything represents.... 

YOU GET TO CHOOSE.... Zero point gives you this capability to choose the dimensions/timelines you EXPERIENCE HERE. Your CHOICE starts a chain reaction of "invisible events"... Your dedicated commitment/decision sets forth a VIBRATIONAL TONE/ENCODED TRANSMISSION that changes the geometric shape of how realities are constructed. This transmission "tells" these Quantum Codes how to take shape for you and HOW TO MATERIALIZE in your physical reality here. These codes respond to your Quantum You/Your Consciousness... this is what "tells" realities what to do. If you maintain an unconscious state, then this does this too. 

What you DO matters, where you come from matters, and what matters to you takes form. Where you focus your energy, your attention... Matter takes form in response to you. Conscious or unconscious, these transmit frequencies that are encoded with the Equations for Realities... 

Every cell of your body, particle of your Earthly Star BEing body holds codes waiting to be activated by you, and always being activated cosmically now. Your Highest Dimensional Realities are being transmitted for your body to encode with these. All is occurring inside of your body and in your field. These codes "dial" new coordinates for your StarGate System to bring you online into all new realities now. Your entire body becomes intelligent as it wakes up. A whole new foundation is constructed and held in place by you. Your Highest Aspects of you do this... from within you, as you allow for this through choosing EASE and allowing all that is no longer aligned to dissolve/fall away, dealing with the strong realities you created to return you to FULL POWER again. 

Honor your body and you, shift your perspectives, resolve all from within. Embrace the "perceived unknown", for it is know...you do know this... deep inside of you. Trust is created as your human learns to open up, listen and honor and you allow your highest aspect of you to emerge from within. ♥

I love you! Non-linear vibrational existence.... the higher your state of consciousness that you are able to achieve/hold, the easier the physical becomes. As the veils lift, the confusion will dissipate too. Be patient, stay present and fully connected inside to maneuver and Master all with greater ease. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Avatar Consciousness/OverSoul Embodiment/Multi-Dimensional Quantum NEW Earth Existence

Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a Globally recognized Ascended Master and Multi-Dimensional Wayshower, Author and Transformational Speaker here to assist with Global Consciousness, Awakening to Remembering, Physical Ascension and the Embodiment of Pure Divine Powerful Essence Light.

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