Cue Cards
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- Written by Julie Boerst

The only tyranny you can experience is the tyranny you have imposed upon yourself. No matter what the world seems to be doing, no matter what others seem to be doing, it is only an illusion that came at your request.
It’s not anything you can judge or analyze, but you can remember that it came at your request, and there is always a higher power to which you can apply.
When you observe what you believe to be the least breath of tyranny anywhere, coming from any aspect of the illusion you view, remember that this is the false part you look upon. If you judge an appearance of tyranny, you have asked that it become reality for you and those you call other. If you remember it is only a facade, you look to the reality behind the facade. The powerful reality of love can take care of anything the illusion shows you.
You can receive at any moment the essence of freedom that is the deepest nature of whatever or whomever you seem to look upon. Do not be fooled. Freedom itself is what is shining upon, out from within, and straight through anything that appears to be its opposite. In truth, no opposite to freedom is possible, and it is only within an illusion that you requested that you can experience the apparent lack of freedom. Do not be fooled or shaken. Freedom is here and is the true nature of all. Merely focusing upon the ever-present truth of freedom instead of the illusion you requested brings all the gifts you need in any moment. You Are this freedom that cannot be shaken, and so are all. If you exclude one from your true identity, you lose the remembrance of it, so include all to remember what is Real and what is here.
As you include all in your true identity, you are seeing them as they Are, not as they appear. Allow the way they appear to become irrelevant. Remembrance of what they Are is enough. As you remember who they Are, no matter what role they seem to be playing, you can remember your Self as you Are.
The doings you observe are just the doings and can’t be judged. The appearance of anything is just the appearance and can’t be judged. These appearances have no real positive or negative quality. The purity of our shared being is ever-helpful. Focus here consistently, and you will stop placing value on what anyone seems to do and in how anyone seems to appear. Focus here, and here is the peace you have been seeking from appearances, from doing.
There are two sets of cue cards as you perceive that you play a role in a drama. You can read from the cue cards that are ego’s judgments about what seems to happen and how things appear in the drama. You can also read from the cue cards that Spirit holds up for you as you learn to make a happy dream with thought. This is your job today. Stay quiet when you see ego’s cue card urging you to react, and have faith that Spirit’s cue card will appear when you need it. Say nothing, do nothing, for just a while. You are switching operating systems, and it is safe to pause as you reorient.
We are here with you; offering all the love and support you need because you are learning to consistently offer this love and support of focusing on what is Real to all. We celebrate your willingness to remember.
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