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Creating Change in our World through Spiritual Grace

Creating Change in our World through Spiritual Grace

Opportunities in life appear when we are ready to acknowledge them. But the changes that allow us to see major opportunities in our life must come first.

The most potent changes we make in life are those that we don't realize we have made. Usually these happen out of Spiritual Grace. They happen quietly while we sleep, and bit by bit when we aren't 'trying' to change ourselves. They happen when our mind releases its need to control our thoughts, our body and emotions. These shifts happen when we enjoy someone's company, a good movie, or let ourselves be carried away by beautiful music. Profound changes happen when our hearts are open, our mind is quiet, and Spirit is allowed easy access to our life. These shifts move the potential that our Soul has for us into our conscious awareness. This conscious awareness is the view we have of the world through our mind.

I was taught that the role of a teacher is to imagine the potential of a student, and help the student take small steps in the direction of that potential. For example, as a vocal coach I have a sense of what someone's voice might sound like with less tension and easier air flow. I don't expect them to realize that potential in a single lesson! It is a journey, and a potential to work towards.

Likewise, as an energy healer and channeler, I see the potential for clients to have greater personal clarity about choices they are making, and easier engagements with their physical world. Especially their physical bodies. I see the disconnect between our minds and our bodies as the primary cause of difficulty in expressing our Spiritual nature out into our world.

Because of this disconnect between mind and body, there are potentials in our lives that we don't even let ourselves think or imagine are possible. When I mention such a potential to someone they simply don't hear it or completely misunderstand what I am saying. The real healing work isn't to convince them to understand or acknowledge the potential I am pointing out. Rather, my job is to remember the potential for them, and help them identify and clear the obstacles they see and feel in their lives today. Over time, usually months and sometimes years, the potential slowly comes into their view.

These potentials appear when we are ready to acknowledge them. The changes that allow us to see major potentials in our life must come first.

These changes happen because we are not trying to mentally impose change. They happen when we cease trying to bend the world to reflect our personal will. The changes that precede our seeing potentials our Soul has for us in life happen naturally. They travel along a consonant sympathetic resonance between our body and our mind, which flows through our open heart.

"No changes happen other than those your Soul and body are ready to make."

This is the promise that the guides who work through me have given me. And it applies in my energy work with others. I am drawn lately to pondering how I might be forcing changes in my life to take the form and shape that my mind believes is best, therefore missing those changes that my Soul has already placed before me.

The mind is viewed in the Western culture living alone in the head of the body, and it is the ruler of our life. But what if the mind is meant to be the great listener to the wisdom of the body and the passion of the heart? What if thinking were a process undertaken by the entire body and the Spiritual energies that surround and support us? What if thinking was not meant to be our mind telling Spirit (or our body) what to do? Perhaps true thinking is a process of taping into our ability to find silence within our mind, and then allow ourselves to listen to our body's wisdom and heart's compassion. This is how we enter into a state of active listening.

For myself, that is what happens in the deeply quiet moments during meditation. And these quiet moments happen when I sing and chant as well. And while sharing energy healing with others.

May we each embrace the possibilities that are offered from Spirit, and find the courage to look beyond the desires of our mundane mind.

(with a little help from Mary)

Here is an audio meditation to help identify and release obstacles to change, and help you connect your mind and body through your heart. Listen Now (Is it an Obstacle or Spiritual Redirection?)

Listen here



Copyright 2020 Norma Gentile. 

Norma Gentile, sound shaman, is a natural intuitive and channel for Mary, Archangel Michael and the Hathors. She maintains a private healing practice, offering sessions in English and Spanish, as well as singing healing concerts and teaching workshops. Her CD of live sound healings, Songs of Spirit, is available in the Maat Shop. 

Source Here

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