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CNS Recalibration


If we do not deeply know ourselves, then we do not know of our Original Spirit. One cannot know the nature of God’s Spirit until deeply knowing themselves, through the process of becoming increasingly self-aware. Through meditation, prayer and heart focused inspiration, we can become conscious of our direct relationship with our original God Spirit. Our inner spirit is accessed directly through our heart complex, and comprises of an intricate filament like webbing of energetic transmitters and receivers that exist within the makeup of our entire central nervous system and brain. When we are monadically embodied, the consciousness body resides in the central seat of our being, seating directly in the hara complex that exists underneath our navel. The sexual misery programming directs extremely low frequency into the hara complex, in order to stop the monadic self from fully seating.

The balance and health of our Original Spirit in physical matter relies upon the entirety of the state of energetic balance that exists in the body’s vital essences and life force. One of the three sources of energy, the spirit, vital essence and life force, cannot exist in matter without the presence of the other. Our monadic spirit energies are an intelligence that comprises many complex levels that is connected into our multidimensional being, running through all stations of identity that exist simultaneously. 

Our God Spirit energies descending into our physical body is ultimately the meaning of embodying higher consciousness and becoming spiritually awakened during the Ascension Cycle. The higher consciousness intelligence of our original spirit overrides the programs that exist in the lower ego mental body that projects false identities.  We embody higher consciousness and awaken at the varying levels when we embody the layers of our spiritual body intelligence at the various levels. At this time, we have many diverse levels of spiritual awakening that is based upon the DNA history that exists within the many different tribal and star lineages on earth.  The embodiment process of the Spirit's intelligence bodies into matter is the process of bio-spiritual energetic expansion and human evolution that is called Spiritual Ascension. This means our auric body and its multidimensional energies expand to encompass more layers of the Planetary, Galactic and Universal fields of multidimensional consciousness until achieving unity consciousness or Oneness. The process of Spiritual Ascension is the natural and organic process of biological evolution for every living thing. This opportunity has returned to this planet through Krystal Star Hosting and begins a longer term cycle of planetary and human bodily transmutation.   

As a result of the Electrical Peak cycle, many on the ascending path are undergoing stages of light accretion into the cells of the body during this phase. This can result in assorted neurological symptoms such as light headedness, pin pricks, tingling, ear ringing, vertigo and mild neuralgia like sensations in the limbs and in the body periphery. The electromagnetic frequency transmissions can be intense, and especially when combined with the multiple exposures we generally have to artificial signals such as wireless, cell phones, and smart meters.

However, once the new electromagnetic frequency is initiated into the aura and being transmitted into the body by the CNS and brain, the frequency and information it carries is gradually being completely absorbed within the lightbody. Each individual has a specific process during the personal frequency absorption process, as the new frequency will hold information that will bring to the surface many different kinds of experiences, as it reveals karmic lessons, issues of self-mastery, other lifetimes, seeing deceased relatives, emotional and spiritual conflict resolution, etc. Kundalini spirals move up the spinal column, conducting with the spinal nerves, and its electromagnetic frequency will move up the central column towards the brain and flood into the chakras and spiritual bodies. As the new frequency starts to accrete in the lightbody, it will come up against energy blockages in the body. Energetic blockages are generally caused from unresolved trauma or pain or from energetic parasites. At this stage karmic patterns may appear to dislodge or clear out dead energy or false white light blockages or miasma that need to be cleared out of the cells in order to spiritually progress. During this stage, many strange things can occur as the spiritual energies are becoming physicalized. Successive clearing of psycho-emotional energy blockages allows access to higher intelligence and begins expanding consciousness through the person’s higher spiritual identity.

When this movement through dimensional bands and communication links to higher intelligence is coming online, it is perceived by extra-dimensionals in the environmental fields, such as advanced ETs. Sometimes they will find ways to psychically attack an ascending person to keep them controlled or derailed from achieving the ascension process. Generally when a person is not understanding the message to be still and focus within, their body gets increasingly uncomfortable and they may feel physical pain. As an example of light accretion, when ascending into the soul dimensions, the person starts to absorb soul frequencies into their heart center via the Nadial Structure, which relays that information to their CNS and Brain. If we block this process because we’re in fear or don’t understand what’s happening, this can generate energy blockages which may feel painful.

There are twelve (12) subharmonic tones within each dimension (4D-5D-6D), which make up the three layers of the Soul body. The person starts to accrete the 1st subharmonic of the Soul layers and must absorb all 12 to complete the entire 4D spectrum. This continues all the way up the harmonic scale of dimensions where we all have aspects of our spiritual bodies. These frequency notes drill down through the layers of our Lightbody until they’re fully anchored and interconnected into our physical structure. This process is also referred to as light accretion. The combination of our natural biology, Soul and Monad intelligence is in charge of this process, and the higher intelligence does this as smoothly as possible. If the person resists or does not understand what is happening to them, their ego programming can block progress, and block the spiritual communication from continuing. The NAA promotes fear in the spiritual development process in order to stop the higher consciousness from embodying in the individual that is undergoing light accretion that happens naturally during the ascension process.

Reconnecting Body Parts to One God Spirit

Additionally, our physical body parts can have varying degrees of embodied spiritual intelligence that may or may not be connected to other parts of our body. Ultimately our goal is to reconnect every body part, every organ, every gland and all cellular tissue to be reconnected fully to our One God Spirit energies. These energies are intelligent and will change the functioning of our body parts to the most optimum. The body parts have increased functions when being fully operated by our original spirit and through holding higher dimensional frequencies.  

Much of this is unknown to current science at this time.

We are undergoing a change in our physical body parts that will manifest many different anomalies to the perspective of the western medical system.  Many body parts and organs were not operating as they were designed to function because of energy blockages, alien machinery and alien implants.  These inorganic energies and their imprints and residue will continue to require clearing and re-encryption through the Krystal Star Host to be able to run the internal trinity of life force energies properly. Some of us have begun this process now through the recalibration of physical reconnections, which are deeply impacting layers of the following bodily matrices:

  • The Skeletal, Cranium and Bone Matrix
  • The Muscle and Ligament Matrix
  • The Circulatory and Lymphatic System Matrix
  • The Organ and Endocrine System Matrix
  • The Immunity Matrix and Blood Chemistry Matrix
  • The Brain Systems and Central Nervous System Matrices
  • Epidermal layers, Skin, Hair and Nails

These layers of our physical body are all ultimately associated to energetic intelligence held within our One God Spirit body.  

It is suggested to cooperate with recalibration by requesting your One God Spirit to reconnect all body parts and body intelligence matrices into the control of your Original God Spirit.

This will begin to activate the inner alchemy process. When we reach inner energetic balance to unify the internal trinity of energies with our Spirit or Monad, this will take over the functions of these matrices to correct the systems that they operate. All of these bodily energetic matrices have been impacted or damaged by trauma based mind control and alien machinery.  Once we are aligned, our spiritual intelligence will re-pattern and override these inorganic energies to correction made through reconnection and re-encryption as per the spiritual blueprint designed by your Original God Spirit.

Depending on our unique energetic signature and ascension pathway, will determine how involved we will be in order to observe and carry out this process of bio-regeneration and ascension. Starseeds that are ascension prototypes that are building ascending body templates for humanity, will have a much more detailed regime than another person without that specific mission. This group may have been undergoing dramatic or specific health regimes to begin the bodily recalibration process at this time, through cleansing, purification, fasting, sleeping, session or body work, as well as direct communication with guidance teams.

In the coming months, some of us may experience the physical reconnection and recalibration to higher embodiment levels that is directly impacting and changing our neurological system and the way it functions. The Krystal tone pattern is a trinitized wave format which overrides the bi-polar geometries and reversal energy systems that were in our bodies that we inherited from the planet.  The internal trinity of energies merges within our body and becomes the state of Unity or Oneness. 

Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and Multi-Dimensional Guide, the author of the Hieros Gamos System (HGS). She is an impactful and startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds, and spirits and how this new energy can be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. Find Lisa on the web at www.energeticsynthesis.com.
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