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Breaking Free

Breaking Free

The past few weeks have felt so dense and challenging compared to my usual way of being. I’ve been experiencing disruptive sleep patterns both day and night, often unable to sleep through the night while spontaneously nodding off during the daytime.

Although my dreamtime is usually very prolific and lucid, even that has been unsettling. My recent dreams have been as disruptive as my sleep patterns. Some feel heavy and disturbing without the ability to remember the details, interspersed with others that are light and airy, without a pattern nor sequence to any of them.

I sense my body and dreamtime have become the conduit for a lot of the heavy antiquated energies that are breaking free and on their way out. I feel caught in the midst of the disillusion of the old while the new is streaming in.

I am so exhausted with sparse energy available for normal everyday living, especially since this density is so atypical for me. My body feels stiff and lumbering, like I’ve aged 20 years. Where is my spry energetic body hiding?

What am I doing about this unsettled energy?
I am listening to my body and supporting it in every way possible. Sleeping when sleep is called for, eating when hungry, no matter what time of day or night it is. Not attempting to control my sleep patterns, food choices, nor my emotions. Lots of rest. Staying hydrated. Nor attempting to do any extraneous activities, while honoring whatever my body needs in the present moment.

Most importantly I am living in Compassion.

Compassion for what all of humanity is going through during these transformations from the old antiquated matrix to a new earth rooted in love, sovereignty, and freedom. I feel blessed that I am tuned in and conscious of why I am feeling as I do, allowing these changes with the most ease and grace possible. Whereas so many people have no idea of what is transpiring. Thus, they are acting out in excessive distorted ways as if they can fight their way back to what is no longer our normal way of being. Here is where compassion is most needed.

Last night I finally slept long and deep. In my dreamtime. . . .

“I was living with a group of women. I knew my time was coming to an end there and I was preparing to depart. There was a phone call for one of my friends but since she wasn’t there I took the call. I really resonated with the woman on the phone and ended up speaking with her for quite a long time. As we were speaking I noticed some of the women carrying wrapped gifts out into the main room. Then one of them came into the bedroom where I was on the phone and told me I was needed out in the main room. I ended the call with the woman on the phone after exchanging phone numbers so we could continue our conversation at a later time because I knew she would be playing a part in my new life. When I went out into the main room I realized there was a party going on in my honor with gifts galore. Things I would need as I was preparing to embark on a new way of life. Music was playing and we all danced with glee long into the night.”

When I awoke, I lay quietly recalling this dream. I could feel all the dense heaviness leaving my body and dissolving. I then felt a new stream of light energy flowing in. I lay there for quite some time, allowing the transitions, and simply enjoying the feeling of receiving.

When I finally got out of bed, everything felt so much different. My spry body had come back out of hiding. Whereas I’d been wearing dark colors, I reached for much more colorful clothing to wear once again. Once I turned on my computer I was reminded of all the uplifting astrology within the past 2 days: the Sun has moved into Aquarius, a New Super Moon in 0 degrees of Aquarius, Uranus moves direct today (all planets are direct now), Venus and Saturn are conjunct in Capricorn (seen brightly in our night sky) and today is the Chinese New Year of the Water Rabbit! Add to that, comet ZTF, a once-every-50,000-years cosmic visitor, is streaming across our night skies.

Yay! No wonder I am feeling so much lighter!

Perhaps we’ve finally broken free and the Phoenix is Rising because this morning I am dancing with the Light as a creator of the New Earth once again!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
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