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Birthing a New Collective Consciousness

Birthing a New Collective Consciousness

Eons ago, a group of angels came together with their desire to create anew.

This was originally done our collective consciousness. In order to do this, we had to slow down energy and increase gravity to bring it into manifestation. Because all energy naturally seeks resolution, a cycle was created for energy to slow down enough so that we could physically and sensually participate in the process. At the prescribed point of vibration, the cycle would reverse and return to its pure state once again after having gleaned all the wisdom of creating anew.

Unfortunately, free will resulted in manipulation, control, and power games amidst some humans. Thus, much of the planet is a sad state right now. The good news is that the cycle that slowed down energy to manifest in physicality is in the process of reversing itself.

More light is pouring onto the planet to expand humanity’s awareness. Gravity is loosening up to allow more space for change. There is no turning back. This is happening! However, just as it has taken the planet eons of time to descend to this place, it will take a very long time to ascend to its pure state once again.

As excited as I am that we are in the process of ascension, I occasionally become disheartened with compassion for the humans that are suffering. I often wonder what we can do to assist. I took that question into my dreamtime, as I often do, and here is what I experienced:

In my dreamtime, I saw the earth drifting away from me. It looked dark and desecrated. I thought that was an interesting word that came to me. . . desecrated, as in no longer sacred. At first, I thought “I” was moving away from it, but I realized “it” was moving away from me until I was no longer able to perceive it. I felt confused and emotionally bereft.

But once I awakened in the morning, there was a vibrant turquoise energy swirling around me and I had a sense of rejuvenation and regeneration. Amidst my confusion, I called upon my Soul’s Wisdom for clarity. This was the response:

“What you experienced was the energy of the old earth moving out of your energy field. You have always thought of the earth as a physical entity. But, it is actually nothing more than a collective consciousness. Take a moment to allow that to sync in before we go farther. . . . Therefore, what you experienced moving away from you was the collective consciousness of the old earth which will continue as long as that group of humans choose to endure it, at which point it will simply dissolve of its own accord. There is no prediction per how long that will take and it matters not for it is no longer part of your reality. Indeed, it still exists, but you have made a conscious choice to no longer participate with it and therefore it no longer exists within your reality. It is much like a former life that has been distilled into wisdom and the story itself dissolved.

The turquoise light you are experiencing is the birthing of a new collective consciousness. Things do not feel as real to you because they are not held together with as much gravity as the old earth. So it will take a bit of adjustment and realignment for your human self. This is why you have felt inclined to push the pause button, to disengage from life as you’ve known it while everything is aligning in new ways. You can not engage in the new until you have fully disengaged from the old for they are different realities. Allow your human self the time it needs to adapt without attempting to increase your understanding for this is beyond the capacity of the human mind.

You are the Master Creator within your own creation. Know that this is cutting edge creation for humanity and it has never been done like this before. Simply allow it to evolve of its own accord with its own divine timing as you, through you.

At this stage, you are much like a newborn infant orienting to a new reality here on earth. However, as a child, you had been here before and it was simply a matter of adjusting. This time you are creating anew, learning how to live and create in a whole new way without mimicking your parents, society, or anyone else. This time you are creating for the pure JOY of creation rather than attempting to create from within something that already exists.”

What delightful clarity!
Indeed, there is another way! We cannot create anew from within the chaos of the old-world order. Instead, we need to remove ourselves from it to birth a new collective consciousness, which many are referring to as the New Earth.

We need to decamp from the lives we’ve become accustomed to living in order to create anew. Most humans are not willing to sail off into the wild blue yonder without seeing their next horizon. It takes a few courageous explorers to cast off and head out into the unknown, leaving the world they have always known behind.

Once we set sail and the old shorelines disappear, our hearty group of sailors can begin the process of birthing a new collective consciousness. For awhile, this may feel like a parallel reality, until there are enough of us to bring it into view for those who are awakening from the hypnosis of the old mass consciousness.

Ahoy fellow sailors!
WE are that original group of angels that created the present earth. And we have returned to do it once again, taking everything we love and the wisdom garnered from our prior experiences here on earth to create anew.

Every smile and every act of kindness raises the vibration of the collective. Every supportive word enlivens our new creations. Every time you “like” or “comment” or “share” a social media post, it expands the collective consciousness. And shining your Light brings awareness to those who have been sleep walking through old illusions. You may not always see immediate results, but every positive action and every supportive word strengthens our new reality to make the world a much better place for everyone.

THIS is how powerful you are!!
Together, WE are birthing a new collective consciousness as New Earth.

~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~

artwork by Jan Kooistra

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
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