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With all the recent solar activity and our LightBody activations, our bodies have been in constant integration mode with energies moving through all aspects of our body down to the most microscopic atoms.

Like many of you, I have been experiencing some very unusual phenomena, which have intensified over the past few months. Electrical currents have been running through my physicality, enlivening every cell of my body. The frequency of the tones I typically hear in the background have morphed. Energetic currents are no longer flowing down through my crown. Instead, they are flowing from my energized heart center. My brain itself feels totally fluid with liquid Light having dissolved its prior neurological pathways.

I feel like I’m walking on air with no sense of the ground beneath my feet. Simultaneously, more grounded in my physical body than I ever have. When I walk out in my garden, I’m seeing a type of mist, which my eyes immediately acclimate to, and I sense I’m in a totally different dimension with the flow of nature. All my typical routines have disappeared, like when to sleep or be awake. Sometimes I sleep for long hours at a time, other times in need of frequent naps. Food choices and times to eat change from one day to the next.

This morning, I noticed a significant difference in how my physical body is responding to energy. When I tuned into my energy, I realized my consciousness has exponentially expanded to become a virtual display of fireworks spontaneously sending bursts of my Divine LIGHT outward!!!

My Soul is dancing with Joy and my human mind has pretty much blanked out due to the overwhelm, which is a good thing because it’s propensity to rationalize is out of the way until it is able to re-acclimate to this “Reset of Consciousness” with its shift in perception, dimensions, and frequency. From my eagle’s perch, I have become aware of how intricate the directives of the antiquated mind matrix have been, which have served me well in the past. But are no longer of import because this expansion of consciousness has its own Wisdom and Intelligence, which I am allowing to lead the way with new potentials presenting themselves in every moment.

As you are aware, we are in an epic time of transformation, in which our physicality needs to adjust before the next expansion of consciousness. Our body knows how to handle these transformations. But self care and commitment is required. The more fully present we are, free of expectations and anticipation of linear events, the smoother our experience will be. I share with you my favorite go-to’s to maintain ease and grace.

  • Love and honor your body, it’s going through a lot of change
  • Lots of deep conscious breathing to relax into the void between the in-breath and out-breath, allowing this new way of BEing to organically present itself in a whole new way
  • Listen to your inner guidance
  • Approach life moment by moment without attempting to control it
  • Learn how to be a bubble of sovereign energy in a world that is not yet ready to embrace it
  • Withdraw from any routines, external stimuli, or people that would unconsciously attempt to pull you back into the old matrix
  • Be fully present with your body and honor its choices of sleeping, eating, movement, and rest, which may differ from your usual routines
  • Hydrate to flush and maintain the flow of organic energy
  • Allow your sovereign flow of energy with its Divine Wisdom to guide the way
  • Know that All-Is-Well and we are Blessed with this Sacred Gift of expansion
  • Live the Joy of every moment!
  • Expect Miracles!

This Divine Gift of expanding into Living the Infinite while enjoying the benefits of physicality is why we incarnated into this lifetime. By simply clearing our own energy body to “BE the LIGHT” and Allow our pure Light to effortlessly do what the Light does best is how we can best support ourselves and all of humanity during these epic shifts!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
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