Ascension’s trek up Golgotha
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- Written by AndEl

Each and every foot step of our journey to ascension has brought us closer to the crest of Golgotha where Yeshua was crucified and arose three days later as the resurrected Christ.
Golgotha, translated as “place of the skull”, is where we are being asked to surrender our human mind to that of our Christ Consciousness. This is not a crucifixion as in ancient times. For our mind has an honored place in our enlightenment. However, with ascension the mind is no longer the one in control. Instead it is being called into service to our Christ Consciousness.
This trek up the hill of Golgotha has been a very long journey, carrying the burden of the cross of humanity upon our backs over many lifetimes. Each and every step has required the shedding of another layer of who we thought we were, bringing us ever closer to our enlightenment.
Some of us are now standing on the crest of Golgotha for whom the journey has come to an end. We have arrived. Having laid our heavy burdens down, we stand upon the crown of the skull looking out across the horizon of a new landscape as the Christed Ones.
There are many who have not yet begun the trek up Golgotha, perhaps they never will. And there are those who are still in the process of climbing. Those of us who now stand tall upon the crest of the mountain are the way showers who have forged the footsteps that so many are now stepping into on their personal journey. It is not up to us to pick up their crosses and carry them. For each soul has its own unique purpose here on earth to be honored as sacred.
This is it, Beloveds! As we gaze across the horizon we realize the arduous part of our journey has reached its culmination. It’s time to massage our blistered feet and dust off our time worn clothes. We have been transformed. As Christed beings having endured the alchemical process of becoming a LightBody in physical form, we are no longer dependent upon outside resources to survive. As divine humans the eternal Source flows thorough our veins as sovereign beings.
What does this mean for us now?
Our roles have changed. No longer absorbed in the process of ascension, we are free to pursue that which makes our hearts sing as the creators of a New Earth. The innate knowing of who we truly are has been the passion that has continued to carry us through all the tribulations of many lifetimes. This passion to live life fully as Christed beings has finally bubbled to the surface where it awaits our command.
We are as children with a whole new multidimensional playground with which to play and create. Our human mind has been freed of old constructs and there are no limitations to what we can create. New worlds are being birthed via our infinite imagination. And when the others reach the top, in their own divine timing, we will have created a most beautiful place to land with exquisite vistas in all directions with an open hearted invitation to join us.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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