Ascension is Not What You THINK It Is
- Details
- Written by L’Aura Pleiadian

What you are thinking about?
It is in the letting go of thoughts that you will hear the quiet whispers of the heart, which is the eternal portal to the only true you.
Going from the head to the heart and the harmonious frequency that it creates; resonates and activates the alignment already existing in the blueprint and DNA, with the Ascended Being ~ Cosmic God Self.
So many are getting caught up in the old ways of being by allowing thoughts and worries to be their way of being. This disharmony and the dwelling in its state, is a separated state of consciousness awareness, that exists for you to recognize what it is and to then choose, the heart.
Choosing harmony and union and being elevated in that state, takes the observance and the awareness in the first place, to recognize the different states of being.
So again, what are you thinking about?
Putting aside all thoughts that go on and on about worry of a future and a past, and recognizing those thoughts while they are occurring is the the first step in conscious, awareness, development.
The opposite of this exists as gratefulness and humbleness. In this state no thoughts of deserving this or that, exist. All demands are gone in this state. Which leads to greater awareness of the heart.
To live in the heart one truly KNOWS and experiences all is here now, that there is no separation. That being that knows and lives like this has mastered form.
Mastery of form is the process of this EARTH ~ school and program.
Everyone will graduate in what you call Ascension.
There are many levels to be graduated, through this. They are like portals, when you complete one level, then on to the next.
OF course all of this already exists. IN the resonating through the harmony of the heart you are instantly there.
What are you thinking about?
When you let all those thoughts go, there is only the heart awareness. There is nothing else to get caught up in.
Your ascension is on the table whether you are aware of this or not.
We activate your observing awareness to pay attention to what it is you are choosing moment to moment.
Developing your focused awareness through the heart is your ascension.
We activate you into this.
We were present before Earth time and we are present now.
We are The Divine Council of Overseers, always present in all that was created in this universe and others. It is all present now, for those in their hearts.
In this love and glory, we activate you now.
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