Ascension And Enlightenment-Myths And Reality
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- Written by AndEl

A lot of information coming out of the spiritual community suggests that the planet is on the verge of enlightenment. That the events we are witnessing in the world news are a precursor to quantum shifts of consciousness within the masses.
Yet if you allow yourself to feel into the collective consciousness, without judgement, you will most likely conclude that the prevailing energies out there in terms of consciousness are significantly behind yours at this time.
While there have been many awakenings across the globe, for the most part humanity is still in its formative stages of ascension.
And although social unrest and protest are becoming more highlighted as a result of the toxic patriarchy’s extremism, most humans are still playing victim and are looking outside themselves for solutions to personal and global problems.
They are still in good vs. bad, right vs. wrong mentality. They judge themselves for the most part as unworthy. They are not acknowledging the existence of their soul as something that is within them.
Is that OK with you?
“Does the planet have to catch up with where you are in order for you to feel like the master of your creations?”
Does the planet have to catch up with where you are in order for you to feel like the master of your creations?
Yes, the light has hit this planet, and continues to grow more intense. Yes, people sense something is different, and are interpreting it as bad. The light is doing its job. Things are being exposed. It’s becoming more difficult to hide. Everyone on the planet to one degree or another has given permission for this light at this time, on a soul level. But for some it will be too much, and many will be leaving.
For others it will manifest as upheaval in their lives.
And for some others they will continue doing what they have been doing, trying to make their lives work within a system that has consistently failed them time and time again.
We came into this lifetime knowing that it would be a time of such immense potential to realize our own enlightenment, which creates new templates for the rest of our human family.
We are not here to change the world, but to share our radiance with it. Whoever is ready to receive that radiance will receive it, and will do with it what they want to. And that number is growing, and could number in the millions eventually. And it will help them to facilitate their own ascension.
As pioneers of change, we had big aspirations. One of which is to embody spirit and to walk the planet Earth as the embodied master.
And it’s not that we are not capable of realizing that potential. But we didn’t quite realize the type of resistance we would be up against here in such a crude, dense environment. It’s always easier when we are in the non-physical to create, unimpeded by a time/space reality with all the pesky gravity.
Not to mention all the inherited crap, both physical and emotional that we have to contend with on a daily basis. And of course the mind is the most resistant to change. It’s been a battle between our mind and our heart for a long time.
But this lifetime we have the opportunity to feel a type of joy that is unheard of in this reality called 3D. We wanted this to be the lifetime that we would embody spirit in the densest and most resistant of systems.
When we do feel that joy, we are amazed because it’s a joy that as a human we have rarely allowed ourself to experience in this or any other lifetime.
In those moments, and even for now if it’s just moments at a time, give yourself the credit you deserve. Because most humans are nowhere near that place of allowing.
And we as a group are creating our own very distinct reality in which we can exist, and express, whether we call it 5D or another name. It’s a totally separate consciousness than the reality the planet is experiencing. Yet we can walk this planet, be in this world, but in an entirely new way.
You could say we are the masters, just passing through.
It’s important to point out here that if we wanted to be in a nirvana-type of reality that some spiritual sources espouse we are heading for, we wouldn’t have incarnated here on this planet at this time. We are adventurers and way showers, and by definition that means challenging existing systems of reality. We are bringers of new energy.
Another perception floating around is that as we integrate our spirit within our body we will become avatars, and be superhuman, transcending all our human limitations. Another setup for disappointment.
Our soul and our human self are learning to merge and mingle with each other in a loving partnership.
We will still be very human, and also recognize ourselves as the master. The master knows they can choose how they want to feel. They still may have an active mind, but the thoughts that travel through their mind don’t have such a triggering effect on them.
They can choose to feel the joy of their soul. And ultimately life reflects back that place of joy. Yet feeling the joy on a more continuous basis is something that seems elusive right now.
But it’s important to remind ourselves that even though we are on the accelerated path, we did choose to do this on a planet that for the most part is still in its ascension infancy.
We love this planet. Many of us have spent countless lifetimes here. This lifetime we chose to be the lifetime of integration.
But the reality is we are the emerging masters on a planet that doesn’t really recognize who we are.
Well, thank god for nature, and a good cup of dark roast!
Photo Credit Maria Chambers
© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers.
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