Are you BEing your Ascended Aspect You? All of the Time?
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- Written by AndEl

Okay loves. We had a huge blast of PURE SOURCE LIGHT earlier (not the biggest we've ever experienced, yet powerful non-the-less. Seems this huge upgrade lasted 3 days thus far. Anytime we have PURE SOURCE LIGHT it activates dualistic human's stuff to trigger to come up. There have been reports lately of many going through deep Atlantean cleansings, well...... here comes a huge one...
Where there are ANY UNCONSCIOUS PROGRAMS (separation from love and unity inside), these will play out in exterior realities. We had a huge collapse of lower density programs earlier as well.We have observed interesting energies going on with many collectives. You shall be surprised at what you see when you just observe.
Pay attention to your own emotions, the words that you speak, that which YOU PROJECT OUT... this will show you anything that you have been oblivious to thus far.
Inner conflict plays out as outer conflict. Many having their ego surface. Let's face it, this is a huge Atlantean energy and these next few days are a huge collective trigger/activation/cleansing process for anyone still holding ego, judgment, finger pointing and imposing their realities on another. Many will lose their minds (literally) when their inner chaos is triggered to play out.
These upcoming days set the stage for your own realities to play out. Heaven or hell. Still playing/participating/caught up in the old matrix/illusory simulation programs or beyond the matrix living in peace, magic and bliss.
Are your thoughts, actions and emotions of unity, peace and love? Do they unite or tear down/apart? Do they transmit respect for you and all as one? Are they driven by an emotion or a pre-considered observation from within?
Many "spiritual" peeps will get caught up in the chaos, because they have not moved out of "separation spiritual" and into full consciousness yet. There is spiritual ego and hierarchy that has to be resolved by all. It's a part of the process as well.
There is no battle of dark and light. That is an old program that each hold inside. There is fully conscious of ourselves, total responsibility, total accountability, total awareness and choice. Every word spoken transmits a frequency, just as every emotion and subconscious energy does.
A fully conscious being comes from PURE LOVE AND UNITY INSIDE. There is no separation, there is no "out there" that wasn't created from within. There is no duality. There are purposes, gifts. opportunities and experiences that teach/show us what is within us/going on with us, so that we can understand. There is Mastery of all realities, not just ourselves, but all in our reality, for higher-heart-mind soul love transcends dualistic realities completely. They no longer exist unless they exist within.
Human plays the "that is against" game. Something was done "against"... which is the separation game. The ego is antagonistic, selfish and with out thought. WE do all FOR all, as one, as love.
Hours ago we had lower density timelines go into collapse mode, collapsing those realities which "push" anything of those vibrations to the surface for un/conscious beings to feel/see. One can clear these, deal with these things consciously and intentionally with greater ease. One must be fully conscious to do this though.
Peace or struggle.. this will show you the dimension your consciousness and body occupies. Love or duality. This will too.
Heighten emotions are a result of timeline collapses... observe YOU and how you re-act/act .... this will determine the physical reality/timeline you exist in. To experience a different timeline, you must tune & shift, you must open your heart, eyes, mind and truly see (become conscious) to accomplish this. ♥
Get ready loves.... WE go higher than ever before. If you exist beyond the old illusory matrix, YOUR REALITIES shall be more amazing than ever before! All that you dream & desire shall activate to come forth. All a vibrational response to the expanded conscious that you continually hold. All that you have worked for, in-service, by continuously raising your vibration higher, including all around you too, by intentionally anchoring light in your physical body vessel and choosing to transcend/leave all of the old behind and go on.....
The frequencies on Earth are higher than ever before. Unconscious physical reality timelines cannot exist in these vibrations anymore. Your experiences will show you which dimension your consciousness & body are in... in every moment. It's up to you to be fully conscious in order to choose which one you are occupying at any given time.
Your ability to hold the highest consciousness at all times, will activate the cellular encodements of your physical matter body to re-structure themselves in order to re-code/re-dial a different reality for you. Your body is intelligent and the more in-tune you are, the more aligned you are inside, the more your outside world can easier align for you as well. There are times that you must align your own physical reality, because you created/allowed a distorted/mis-aligned reality to occur. You can do this as LOVE from that soft powerful place inside. The stronger you react, the more human you have gone. External realities are not unconscious, you are. They are your creation and a thing for you to master & transcend from within. The external occurs to teach you Mastery Skills and bring forth your many gifts. When you maintain full consciousness and full alignment, your physical reality does too.
The physical is simple when you understand, when you pay attention, when you listen/see/honor from within. The physical is a response to your vibrational transmissions of all times. In this moment you get to change that transmission if you so desire or experience the magic created from a previous transmission as it arrives in this moment right here. ♥
Here we go loves. NEW Timelines activating to arrive as the old one's collapse/unify as fast as you allow. ♥ In every moment you have the capability to raise the vibration of all, transmit intentionally or experience an unconscious one. ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Elder, Key-Code Holder & Guardian of our NEW Earth
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