Addressing Atrocity
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- Written by Matt Kahn

Whether the topic is mass shootings, immigrant children being held at borders, political turmoil, the mistreatment of animals or any other subject that draws anger, fear, and concern to the forefront of your experience, it is an important first step to be aware of how others are affected by the injustices and inhumane patterns lingering throughout the collective. The question is, once you’ve uncovered each and every conspiracy and processed the feelings that result from such gruesome and unfathomable realities, what do you do now?
Everyone has a key role to play in the awakening of humanity. Some may play more vital roles in the physical realm, while others may be called to anchor on an energetic realm, and yet, it all works together as a symphony of truth to awaken all beings through a harmony of change.
It is very common for there to be two types of imbalances occurring when attempting to be ‘bringers of change’ for the benefit of all.
One type of imbalance exposes you to atrocities that often consume your full attention, causing you to live in a constant state of negativity toward the things you are determined to stop. In this imbalance, you feel your role is to make sure everyone in your sphere of influence knows each and every grim detail, which on an energetic level, is like replaying horror films throughout the cells of your body. Whistle blowers are essential at a certain level, but ultimately this approach overlooks our vibrational contribution, while maintaining a subconscious energetic standpoint of “I will suffer relentlessly until those who suffer have been freed”. If that subconscious belief actually added to the freedom and resolve of anyone’s pain, suffering, and torment, it would be a true act of selfless nobility instead of the martyrdom and righteousness it often perpetuates.
On the other side of the coin, there are those who attempt to anchor high vibrational energy, while turning away and denying anything that causes pain, grief, shame, guilt, confusion, or disgust. This is equally an imbalanced approach as one tries to bring the light of goodness, while turning away from darkness. Since goodness is the essence of Divine Truth, its natural tendency, outside of the play of conditioning, is to face and welcome each aspect home into the heart of love — no matter how darkened or conscious it has come to be. This essentially means that one is unable to truly anchor the power of love whenever treating darkness in an unloving or dismissive way. Instead of trying to “let things go” or turn away from the things that horrify your innocence, perhaps it’s time to face the very monsters that your loving presence came to rescue and return to the light. This occurs by allowing your heart to be open and affirming the Divinity that is nearly impossible to see or sense in some conditioned patterns or characters.
Loving what arises doesn’t mean liking what you see, or trying to make it less insufferable by discounting it as illusions of form.
Instead, the consciousness within our being becomes so aware of atrocities and injustices that it turns toward the resolution of justice in the most balanced, productive, inspired, and heart-centered way. It is important to be aware of the horrors of humanity, so you are aware of the things you are transforming for all; but the question is, once you are aware of certain disturbing realities, where do you go from there?
Once you know the problem at hand, now it’s time to offer time and attention to implementing solutions. If you are so disturbed by the things you see, maybe your contribution is in loving your own heart, so on a vibrational level, your greater awareness of your inner child allows the collective to wake up and support the safety and ethical treatment of children, men, women, animals, and Earth in all areas of experience.
If aware of the things you naturally oppose, perhaps it is time to allow each moment of disgust to remind you of the perfect moment in time to anchor blessings to contribute toward the global tipping point, where the vibration of humanity will not allow such violence and abuse to exist. As always, blessings are affirmative statements that anchor the command of a positive outcome throughout the multi-dimensional field of reality. Here is an example to help uplift your efforts into greater inspired action:
“May all men, women, children, animals, and all elements of Earth be rescued, resolved, replenished, rehabilitated, reborn, and respected as the Divine I AM now.”
Whether loving your own heart, sending blessings out to humanity, or tracking the every move of devious agendas, it is common for each aspect to feel defeated in believing “it’s never enough”. This is why some misunderstand “loving what arises” as a bypass mechanism or a way to turn away from the things that are difficult to process.
I offer these words to make my intentions and offerings abundantly clear: I am aware of the disturbing activities that occur on this planet. I do not turn away from anything, since that would be abandoning those souls who need the most help and resources, nor do I require myself to consume information at a non-stop level, as if that is an example of facing it all or avoiding denial. Simply put, there is nothing to avoid when there is everything to bless.
If a bill needs to be passed to affect change, then sign or start a petition. If you know the specific names of those who endanger and hurt others, no matter how public a persona they maintain, file a police report. And if that doesn’t get you anywhere, I invite you to join along with millions of heart-centered beings who recognize the positive change we can bring to life when the vibration of love is intentionally focused on resolving negativity by anchoring a more positive outcome.
Instead of trying to figure out how the darkness will collapse, I invite you to focus your efforts on anchoring the outcome you desire, and allowing the play of reality that your energy and intentions are influencing to bring about resolution in whatever way serves the expansion of the whole. Otherwise, you are determined to abolish suffering by spending time discussing the things you oppose with others.
Initially, discussions are required to become aware of things that have yet to be acknowledged. Once aware of the things that occur, now we transition into bringing light to the planet on a daily basis to resolve the very things orbiting our awareness. How many times each day are you willing to stop and declare, whether silently or out loud:
“May all men, women, children, animals, and all elements of Earth be rescued, resolved, replenished, rehabilitated, reborn, and respected as the Divine I AM now.”
Infinite blessings of love for all, now and forever, Amen. And so it is.
Matt Kahn
© Copyright 2019 True Divine Nature, LLC Source
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