Vastness of Being Message: Walking on Sunshine
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- Written by Leilah (aka Nancy W Ward)

Like many people these days, I often wake up in the morning feeling anxiety over what’s going on in the world.
But a few mornings ago, I awoke from a dream where a rapper was rapping to me a beautiful message about how we need to take care of ourselves. Take care of our bodies, take care of our spirits, to stay strong and focused on the goodness in our hearts. I keep remembering this. The Cosmic Rapper, spreading a message of love and strength, determination and togetherness. We are evolving into Unity Consciousness. Yes, it may not look that way, but we are. There is a bifurcation happening. A separating of paths. It’s been gradually building for a long time now. We are on a path of love. We, who feel empathy, who practice kindness when we’re out in the world, we, who have compassion for others, we are on a path of love. We have chosen the path of love. This is our strength. We must remember, when we go into fear or despair that we are love and love will prevail.
I have had a vision of us walking on a path and the path forks. One path goes to the right and spirals downward into darkness. The other path goes to the left and rises upward, circling in a spiral around the darkness and then spirals up where it meets another path and they converge and move forward together. This path feels light and is filled with hope.
The Vastness of Being
There is an energy flow that you are tapped into – you dip sometimes into the old energy flow, but you are always connected to this new path, the Ascension path – and you are seeing in your inner eye right now how that is the path that has lifted up off of the old path, has separated and is moving in a different direction, flowing in a way that appears as upward and is indeed on a trajectory that reaches into another dimension. This path is open to all. Focusing on love is how you find it and some are on it without knowing.
Do not let the workings and changes in the world terrorize you. Move onto the path of love, it requires vigilance at times. This is the path, the way forward. This will forge a strong path for others to follow. Many, many beings are already on this path, and it is getting stronger and stronger, so take heart, you are not alone. Connect to the crystalline grid that flows around the Earth. You meet one another there. This grid is part of the path. Connect to the grid at your feet. You are magnetized to this grid. Flow your love into the grid and sense it reaching all the beings that are also focusing their love into this energy grid. You are forging a coherent bond with one another, unity, you are strong and united. Keep visualizing this and feeling into it, making it more and more real.
We are being called to love. To love more deeply, more fully. Love for no reason - love is the reason. I see people helping one another, I see people in their own “little” lives forging connections through open hearts. Those who can love, will.
There are some beings who seem to be powerful. They have more money than they could ever spend in their lives and that becomes boring so power and manipulation is their game. They see the people of the world, who are called the “everyday” people, or “the masses” as useless consumers, as losers, as expendable. But it’s us, the people of the earth who hold more power than we’ve ever realized. That power grows in strength when we are united.
The dead-eyed people want to keep us divided.
In the woods, laying in the snow – I so love doing that – looking up at the blue sky through the trees. I asked, “Can people actually become separated from their souls?” The answer was yes but it is a choice.
When you asked that question you were tuning in to those of us within The Vastness of Being that are walking with you. We are your team – you have a guide team and many ascended masters, your Arcturian soul family, the curanderas, the Grandmothers – your ancestors – connected by blood, connected by Spirit, and connected by your Soul’s journey. You can tune in to any one, or all, and also the elemental Earth spirits. So we, your guide team, talk with you. You recognize the wise vice, the friend that we are. We have been with you for your journey in this lifetime. There has always been, in every lifetime in the vastness of this expression on earth, a team of guides with you. This message is for everyone who reads this. Some of us have been with you in actual lifetimes. Some of us have been with you for the entire journey, knowing that there would be a timeline of great impact to the whole. When you set out on this journey, we told you we would walk with you. There was a preparation time where all the beings who volunteered to go to Earth set up their situation as best they could, with their team of guides who would remain in the non-3D and would offer suggestions, nudges, comfort, steadiness, because they knew, and those coming to the 3D, knew they would forget who they were. They would forget everything. So the guide team – and they are a team with the one in 3D – would be there to provide assistance in helping the person stay aligned to their hearts, to the truth of love and to the essence of their Souls. No one knew what it would be like, but the purpose has always been to bring the light of love into this plane, to keep the light of love shining within the darkness that descended on the earth plane.
Those who chose to come here are very brave. Many teachers – way showers – through the ages held steadfast to love and passed the teachings on to others through the flow of time. Ancient wisdom, like rivers of light, have perpetuated through time, through written texts, through poetry, music and visual art from these way showers. So many light travelers planted seeds of love, which helps others to continue on their journeys.
Some of these paths of love have been usurped by the dark one, who wove teachings of hatred through the messages of love, creating judgment and division, manipulating people with fear.
So, when we speak of people becoming separate from their souls, it is those who have chosen, lifetime after lifetime, a path of cruelty, a path of darkness. Instead of having a connection of love to their soul, they began to align their connection to a darker power. This entity, for that is what it is, consumes life. Its hunger is insatiable and it leaves lifelessness in its path. Eventually, it consumes itself until it can find more light to consume. So, those who align with this maleficence slowly disengage from the light of their souls. They choose this other path. They choose to align with greed, hunger, cruelty and a false sense of power. It is false because it doesn’t belong to the individual, it belongs to this beast and those who align with this are constantly feeding the beast and luring others in through manipulating people to hate “the other.” It is hatred that fuels the fire and consumes the soul spirits of those who choose this path. Eventually, they give their souls over to this energy. The expression of selling one’s soul is true. Those who sell their souls will never know peace. They are truly lost.
There are different intensities of this, so there are many who are aligning with this path without realizing it and they still have the opportunity to awaken from the hypnosis of hatred. It is not too late for them to realize they have the flame of love in their hearts. Their guide teams are pleading with them to see the light of their souls, to find the innocence within them once again. The people in their lives who love them are broken hearted, and also trying to reach them, but many have found they cannot continue trying, they can just hold the light for these family members and friends in the hope that one day, they will awaken to the love in their souls. It is a personal choice that comes from within. There will come a moment where a surge of energy will uplift people out of that darkness if they so choose, to release hatred and allow their hearts to open.
Now, those who have been holding the light of love within their hearts have been aligning more and more fully with their Divine Soul Essence. They have been working on releasing beliefs and patterns that are part of a programming that is not aligned with the truth of the love of their soul essences. Everyone has Divine Soul Essence, which is like a song, a harmonic of sound and feeling that resides deep within each individual. This Divine Soul Essence is a resonance that is unique to each person and, all together, the harmony of Humanity’s Divine Soul Essence is so beautiful, a celestial choir of resounding beauty and radiance. This is happening right now. Critical mass of awakened beings was reached in 2011 and is still growing. Even in people who have no frame of reference for what we’re talking about, they are resonating with their Soul Essence and living their lives with love, compassion, and grace. Others are consciously doing energy work to bring their Soul Essence into their being, their consciousness, more and more fully every day. This sets up a resonance that is poison to the beast of hatred. That’s why it looks like that beast is stronger than the resonance of love at the moment. But it is not stronger, it is just loud. It is making one last grand stand but it is not sustainable. It is weak in its center, because there is no love there. It is hollowed out inside by self-hatred and as it consumes light, it also consumes itself. Like a great rolling empty cloud of darkness. We tell you, the Light is stronger. Many people are getting caught up in fear of this darkness. Do not forget the light within you. Join together with one another to create beauty. You have no doubt heard that JOY is the best resistance to this darkness and we highlight that for you now.
We see groups of people gathering and creating a joyful noise – in what you call “protests” add music to the marches. Drumming, bells, voices. Hold up banners of beauty and messages that have humor. The great gift to Humanity is laughter in the face of adversity. This coming together creates a bubbling up of mirth, radiance and joyful defiance. The darkness of hatred has no power where the light of love shines strong.
Remember this when fear pricks at your hearts. Of course, there is healthy fear, and that leads to action, to speaking out, demanding justice. So don’t be afraid of fear, it can feed a fierceness to the love within that can be effective when put into action. Turn fear into action, good trouble, like a mother bear protecting her young. Joy is innocence of Spirit and this innocence is growing through the truth of love.
Remember, all is not lost. Align with one another in your communities. You are strong, united by your open hearts, love and empathy.
The world UNITY is within the word community. The ones who are manipulating the darkness are truly afraid of us – the “masses”, the “everyday people” and so they want to keep us divided and they want to weaken us through fear. It is important for those of us who are awake and aware of this to not engage with the divisiveness, the ones who are radiating hatred. When we are on social media of any kind, ignore – do not respond to – the comments that radiate the hatred and division. Understand that most of those comments are not even from real people, they are bots implanted there by the dark manipulators.
Trust your intuition. Everyone has an inner knowing. Pay attention to your gut feelings and trust yourself. Keep bringing love into your hearts and trust that when you need some help and encouragement, you will find it, sometimes in the most unexpected places. I just had a vision while writing this that each step we take creates a glow of light as we step, whether we are inside or out in nature. Play with this vision of yourselves on the path of light, the path of love.
And now, my inner DJ is playing the song “Walking on Sunshine”. I’m happy to have this music inside of me today.
Leilah and the Vastness of Being
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