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Address the Darkness

Address the Darkness

We’re here to create more light in this world.  Yep, we sure are.

But what happens when we turn up the luminescence?  The Light shines into the Darkness.  Great!  That allows us to see the Darkness better.  (Because of this happening, some silly humans think it means there’s more darkness in the world.  Nope, it’s always been there.  You can just see it now.)  Why is that a good thing?  Because the Darkness IS THE MAIN THING THAT WE ARE TO ADDRESS IN THIS ASCENSION EFFORT!

What?!… you say.

Yeppers.  Being aware of the darkness on a global scale is definitely significant because ya all could stand to QUIT PARTICIPATING IN IT.  Your continued (albeit unconscious) participation in it just continues to feed the old paradigm.  How do you quit participating in something that you are not even aware you are steeped in?  Mmm?  Do you think of yourself as a “star seed” and that being caught in the old 3D Earth Matrix didn’t and couldn’t possibly happen to YOU.  Well surprise!  It did.  If you were more aware of the Truth of this world and your own programming, no one would have to tell you that I’M TALKING TO YOU!  Ask the Divine to help you know what you need to know in that regard.

And addressing ONE’S OWN DARKNESS WITHIN is THE ABSOLUTE TOP PRIORITY!  We create the World of Outer Effects, the “out there”, with our Inner Causal Realms, the “in here”.

The paragraph before that last one plays into this mightily.  The bulk of most people’s inner darkness is not of an out and out malicious sort.  It’s mostly ignorance, which comes from being programmed or conditioned with disempowering be-lie-fs.  Still causes lots of problems though.  So… understanding the world you live in and what is REALLY going on “out there” will help you understand how YOU have been programmed.  The global cabal is about to take a tumble (finally!).  But just because the programmers are gone does not mean the programs are.  Everyone needs to heal!

And all that Light stuff, ya know, like love, peace, abundance, joy, all-knowingness, etc. IS WHO WE NATURALLY ARE, IT’S NOT SOMETHING THAT WE NEED TO SEEK!  We just need to unbury our True Selves from under that crap heap of disempowerment, dysfunction, fears, ego issues, wounds, etc.  Then violà!  Your True Self will be revealed!

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”  ~ Rumi

And most important of all, addressing one’s own Inner Work / Healing Work / Shadow (darkness / hidden) Work is HOW PLANETARY AND COLLECTIVE ASCENSIONS GET DONE, ya know, your Soul Mission… re-member that?!  Oh yeah… that!  Gosh, sorry to interrupt your “play time” and your “pea-brain, mind-candy addictions”, but… there’s a planetary and collective ascension going on here that could use your participation.  You in or what?!

LIGHTWORKERS, GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT, ONCE AND FOR ALL AND DO YOUR OWN INNER WORK!  It’s the part of all this collective stuff that is YOURS to do and that no one else can do for you.  And… knocking out your own inner work is the absolute biggest bang for your buck that you’ll have to actually be able to assist anyone else.

If we were playing baseball / softball together, I’d be telling you to cover your own position on the field instead of putting your nose into the next person’s ability to play theirs… and then not covering your own!  Doh!  You can’t play their position for them… but you SURE CAN inspire them by how well you play your own.  You’d probably play your own position better by making and keeping it your TOP PRIORITY! … ya know, instead of trying to impress everyone else and “help” everyone else.  LEAD BY EXAMPLE!

Enough with the useless, egotistical codependency, which is useless, that you got going on with your fellow lightworkers (did I mention useless), stroking each other’s egos for all the wonderful, flowery channeled messages you are putting out (*yawn*)… which isn’t getting the job done.

As one fellow lightworker so aptly titled their article a while back – “Deal with your OWN shit, THEN serve.”

Priorities!  Get them straight or you are not gittin’ ‘er done.

Get the job done already!

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