A Deeper Look at Desire - Part 1
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- Written by Matt Kahn

Part 1 of 3 in the “Reclaim Your Power” Series
Desire is a potent force of nature. It is to be honored for all the wisdom it offers to the degree its inherent power is respected.
It does not have an evil agenda to lure you away from higher states of consciousness, nor is it less than the divinity shining within you. Desire is a wisdom keeper. A reflector of worthiness. The surging flow of life force energy. Desire can be a source of inspired action or the motivator of coercion, manipulation, and greed, depending upon how it is harnessed, cultivated, and expressed. Attempting to singularly define your depth of fulfillment by cascading waves of desire certainly isn’t its deepest offering. Nor will you reach enlightenment by treating it like a trespasser you attempt to chase away. As you come to see the two aspects of desire and the unique role they play in your evolution, you are able to glean its wisdom and entrain with its magic without being caught in a spell you unknowingly cast against yourself.
From a standpoint of human exuberance, desire is fun, playful, spontaneous, and engaging. In our earlier years of development, desire may help us construct fantasies that create safe havens from the pressures of family patterning and relief from the complexities of being a growing individual among a world of many people, places, and things. Whatever isn’t panning out to your liking in the storyline of development can surely be envisioned through the fuel of each desire. While this may offer momentary bursts of elation during time spent in the pressure cooker of your upbringing, it often creates attachments to the specific objects being desired; attachments that may contract the purity and clarity of your perspective when such desires are pursued through the intensity of obsession.
While a key part of the human journey is developing the courage and determination to bet on yourself, believe in your dreams, and follow your northern star, it can easily move in an unhealthy direction when your life has no meaning and seems useless, insignificant, and broken until such desires are somehow made to occur. From a subconscious standpoint, the ego can be driven to fulfill nearly intangible dreams, hoping long-awaited moments of grandiosity can somehow act as reimbursement for how invisible, unworthy, and insufferable it felt during the most difficult times of its upbringing.
Especially when fantasies of desire were the safe places to hide either from the monsters of imagination or from the monsters lurking in the bodies of parents and various authority figures, it becomes a self-imposed necessity to manifest fantasy into reality as a means of psychologically confirming all monsters have been defeated. It’s as if the ego needs specific outcomes to occur to justify the hardship of its most painful experience. From this subconscious standpoint, if the fantasies envisioned during your most difficult experiences don’t come to be, then it seems likely to conclude, “I was created for no greater purpose but to be a doormat for other people’s reactions and a snack for the insatiable hunger controlling those I trusted to love me.” This can further you down a spiral of disillusionment to questioning the existence of God or assuming you must have done something so horrible in a past lifetime to justify the endurance of such punishment.
While the ego fixates on the details depicted in desire and remains obsessively determined to piece its fantasy together by nearly any means necessary, the soul, or maturity of your light, views the nature of desire differently. While it honors the subjectivity of desire like a movie in mind it would certainly love to live out, it also honors desire as the directions you are drawn to pursue in order for each gift of evolution to be received. In essence, the soul knows that whether a desire comes to life or not, and no matter how long-lasting or short-lived it seems to be, the deeper desire is expanding into a higher version of self as a result of the things you seek. This doesn’t mean desire is fooling you or should be defined as illusions of mind. Through the allure of sensory perception, you are attracted in specific directions for the consciousness you will cultivate and not necessarily for the outcomes you insist must be.
While the ego believes it's able to stack the deck of fate in its favor by desiring outcomes at an obsessive rate, the Universe is not an overworked parent who can be worn down into submission. Equally so, the Universe is never withholding the fulfillment of any desire as a means of making you earn it. These are merely the stories you may tell yourself or the concepts inherited from others, as a way of imagining desire as a form of control through beliefs in reward and punishment. What the ego insists it can manifest by constantly wanting it to be, the soul understands through an alignment with destiny. In its natural state of detachment to outcome and harmony with what is, the soul knows a desire for something is a condensed experience of what its like to already have it. While the ego suffers from the attraction to what must change in order for fantasy to become reality, the soul honors each symbol of desire as access points into the frequencies of energy and higher emotional states that preview how it is meant to evolve—no matter the objects and events that come and go.
While the ego defines the value of life by a collection of gains and losses, the soul is committed to the journey of expansion for the experience each moment provides. From the soul’s perspective, a desire begins as a mental movie depicting specific scenarios that offer emotional sneak previews of incoming frequencies of expansion. It remains unattached to whether the scenes in mind manifest into form, simply because, any movie in mind is always a short-lived experience. Even when a movie of desire expands from the movie theater of mind onto the IMAX screen of your external reality, it is an opportunity to experience a bigger movie that, once it begins, is only beginning to end. Even when the ego becomes frustrated at the impermanence of life and refuses to move toward gains that are only likely to fade over time, the soul understands human expression as a collection of temporary experiences that it moves through for the benefit of growth —regardless of how any storyline appears to play out.
In essence, your true desire is the higher consciousness you cultivate by pursuing desire no matter how literal or metaphorical you interpret it to be. Even when navigating the intensity of a healing journey, the unfoldment of remission is a tenant of destiny and not a matter of desire. This means that while you are free to desire being healed and hope a constant desire for a different outcome can force the hands of fate, your healing is ensured by destiny to occur at a precise moment of time that aligns with the purpose of your journey. From the soul’s perspective, if you could snap your fingers and make it all go away, there would be no deeper meaning for the journey you are on. Worse yet, you would be more likely to be intolerant versus compassionate to those who suffer—who you may judge as not being evolved enough to know the ‘snap your fingers’ trick.
In truth, your healing journey requires time because it's occurring on a multi-dimensional level. It also needs to be exactly the way it is in order to trigger any beliefs of unworthiness, victimhood, and the assumption that you are being punished. This process is all in the name of helping you slowly but surely see through the facade of your most limited beliefs and conclusions; to see the bigger cosmic mission you are fulfilling by allowing any degree of healing to help you evolve the ego into the expansion of your soul.
Ridiculing desire doesn’t render you immune to its allure, and pursuing every temptation doesn’t necessarily equate to ‘living in the moment.’ By embracing a deeper exploration, you can find peace with life in all its diverse shapes, forms, and variations.
As you align more with the light of your soul, a surge of desire is like living out the life of a character you see on your internal movie screen. Whether that movie ever truly plays out in your outer world is merely an occurrence created by the hands of time. Knowing, the desire you envisioned on an energetic and emotional level is a chance to preview the incoming energies you are assimilating into your field. Meanwhile, any mental movie inspiring you to pursue its unfoldment ensures fulfillment based on who you become as a result of such adventures, whether the desire manifests, remains elusively out of reach or only comes for a short visit.
The question remains, ‘Can you learn to be okay with this?’ When you align with accepting desire, seeing it as a powerful force rather than a definitive promise, your life changes. It becomes less a prison cell of unmet passions and more a playground of endless fulfillment. This transformation unfolds once you accept that life’s only guarantee is your destined emergence as the person you were always meant to be.
All for love,
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