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2024 - Game On!

2024 - Game On!

In the last couple years, we have done a lot of internal work.

We have experienced everything from awakening to a different reality to ego death, which is required to change our stories. In 2024 these changes finally go public, meaning the world stage will begin to follow our inner shift. Exciting times! It will take at least three years to get this ship turned around, but it starts now.

“Truth” is falling from the sky, and it will change everything. Picture a snow globe being held upside down – it’s unstable and everything looks odd. When it is returned to its true orientation, it’s sitting on a stable foundation and the scene looks right, though temporarily obscured by the chaos of falling snow. That’s where we are now. The final belief (which happened to be about the patriarchy) was put right at the end of November 2023. 2024 will look pretty chaotic on the world stage, but that’s just the snow flying about after the world being righted.

Esoterically, this means the energetic templates have been returned to their original Divine state. It took us thousands of years to get the world this backwards, so bringing it back around in only a few years is impressive… or terrifying, depending on your perspective.

A major part of 2024 will be refining your connection within. This is an area of spiritual maturity, so we have to individually decide to make this a priority. This doesn’t need to be a huge time commitment. Think of it as a spiritual smoke break. Maybe even set a reminder every two or three hours, and take 5 minutes to connect within. Do whatever brings you back to your body… Take a few deep breaths, pet the dog, hug a tree, walk outside, just lay flat and feel your heartbeat. Find a quick and simple way to connect to your center and do it multiple times each day. Leave the stressful chatter of the mind, and center in your body. This will make all the difference in your experience of 2024.

We have reached the milestone of leaving the confines of the collective. This one is harder to explain. We have all been living inside a shoe box called “the collective.” You could decorate your space any way you wanted, but you still had the walls of the box to limit you. Now, we have no more box. At first this will seem like chaos or anarchy, but it will settle into a beautiful expansion. It used to be dangerous or impossible to live too far outside of the box, but now it is a way to bring new things into the world to make it a better place. Communities will happen naturally from expansion, rather than artificially through compliance. We could add our individual light to the box, but it was always limited to what the collective was ready to accept. Now we can shine as brightly as we want, because others aren’t forced to experience it. Anyone can choose to look away or bury themselves in the mud. Each journey is now individual, with true concern for improving the whole.

The “collective box” was built by limiting beliefs. This means everything we consider foundational is about to shift – money, religion, medicine, food, our purpose on this planet. This year will be full of change, which can be tough on the ego. Always be kind to yourself and others. The new currency is kindness. It’s best at this point to build your inner connection, and question everything that comes at you from the external. Especially question what you accepted as a child. Intuition and discernment will become increasingly relevant over the next few years.

It is also interesting to note that the old collective box only allowed a binary view of the world. Our experience has been minimized to two polarities – good and evil, men and women, two-party politics, rich and poor, right and wrong, heaven and hell… We have been taught to think of the world as black and white, instead of the endless shades of life. This is the fundamental shift – reality has much more than two options. We are about to have more options around everything.

Water is about to take its rightful place in the world. Look at the work of Veda Austin to get an idea of the future. On a personal level, bless your water before you drink it. If you enjoy a soak in the tub, bless and thank the water at the start and end of your bath. Remember that your body is mostly water, so you are living in this responsive packaging. Our thoughts drive this game, so find good thoughts to dwell on. Find an uplifting mantra to fall back on whenever you need to change the channel.

Aside from a little sticky spot around November (which will resolve quickly), 2024 is going to be fast and furious, bringing the change we need in the world. Remember to stay open to new information, and regularly connect within. Go team!

ABOUT NATHA – I have always been one of “those people” whose intuition and energy sensitivity is considerably different than those around me. I was 8 or 9-years-old when I first realized other people didn’t talk to their angels or guides, didn’t see ghosts, and couldn’t see glimpes of the future. Who knew? Shortly after that realization, I also noticed how uncomfortable people were with these concepts, so I just stopped sharing. Now we are all going through a spiritual awakening, a dimensional shift, and more people are becoming aware of the other world where I’ve always lived. I’m here to tell you that “you’re just as sane as I am” (Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter character), and to offer companionship on the journey. I write about my own experiences and my perception of the world, in the hope that it will be of value to you. Contact: Natha,  (email is best, but only checked once daily)
Source: here 

Picture from pixabay.com

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