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2018 Multi-Dimensional Quantum Energy Report - Part 1: Overview


As I did for the 2017 Multi-Dimensional Quantum Energy Reports, these will be broken down into 2-3 parts, because there is so much. Still not even touching all, it's a starting point, an overview and is different for each collective/individual experience, based upon the stages/phases each one is currently in. Utilize this to expand, not to make an excuse or compare. This is for awareness and for each to realize that infinite everything is occurring with a multitude of vibrational timelines running simultaneously for all. I love you! Feel free to share to assist/awaken others as well. ♥

I'm doing this one in a linear list, as all is so vast. I will continue to expand on many topics as we accelerate, access, activate and anchor more individually and together too!

  • Old Earth Matrix Programmed Realities will continue to become "tighter" (choking and strangling each still a part/holding this programming within). Increasing plasma energies will exacerbate distortions to become more visible/louder and more intense, pushing those still operating in these realities to have to make a change, choosing on a Soul Level instead of trying to adhere due to fear-based programs embedded deep within. For many it will come down to choosing themselves over trying to fit into a system that is meant to suppress/collapse. For others, new awareness and finally being able to SEE what was hidden is enough to "about face" and choose a higher consciousness timeline over one that serves the human ego self. 

  • NEW Earth Realities will further flourish, as more come online and "cross-over"/transition with their bodies through Physical Body Ascension to come to exist in all new realities that were unbelievable and "far off" before. The excitement, the exquisiteness, the ease available through UNITY LOVE Consciousness is beyond! At first playing, inJOYing, receiving, being supported, those who have learned how all works will step-up/forward further into fulfilling their own Soul Purposes/Galactic Missions/Earthly Roles here. As more Christed-Star-Light-BEings unite, this will get easier, as more exhibit partnership vs. individualism to CREATE together, combining efforts, reSOURCEs, skills, connections and financial all to support the bigger picture as ONE UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS here. Infinite abundance & prosperity for all who unite and do the work necessary to anchor highest dimensional timelines in the physical here. These new codes came through in December 2017. Now it's up to each to implement through purity, unity and Galactic NEW Earth aligned HUumanitarian Projects in order to additionally receive. 

  • "The Game" just got "stepped up"... huge

  • Vaster alignments to bring more collectively into Highest Consciousness Living

  • Contributions are to be "bigger" for all who know better/are shown as a part of fulfilling higher purpose roles here

  • Multi-Dimensionality becomes more mainstream

  • More Galactic Presence

  • Leaving old realities faster increases substantially

  • Continuing transition from linear (human ego/constructs) to non-linear (Quantum)

  • Bigger Focus on Planetary (and cross-planetary) Consciousness for Embodied Galactic Souls

  • Bigger focus on Universal/Galactic Consciousness for those newly awakening to this phase

  • More Support as a Vibrational Response replaces "saving" or enabling the old, as this support continues to diminish exponentially to shift all into a self-empowered state fully

  • More Unifying and coming together (both online and in the physical) for those stepping up/stepping forth to accomplish Global/Galactic Projects & Programs now ready to be anchored in

  • More Carbon-based human bodies start to evolve and reject what seemed to work before. Chemicals ingested/absorbed (external & internal) over the years of unconsciousness, medications, foods/meat, toxic/distorted relationships and atmospheric toxins, genetically/chemically modified foods/water and more become apparent to more as their bodies awaken to activate higher consciousness DNA and cellular restructuring accelerates to clear density and unconscious programming held within each's body template that must reverse/repair/re-calibrate/re-code/re-tune/realign all to new codes activated in each's body/field "faster" and stronger now. Human's looking for linear explanations that feed the ego will have a rougher time. As each opens up to higher consciousness explanations that obliterate the old beliefs, to implement natural, organic, clean and vibrational support, this will be much easier, depending how deep the old Earth Matrix programming was embedded on a cellular/molecular level before. 

  • Increased Nervous System and Immune System Upgrades/Overhauls. These hit the body hard as it transitions into MUCH higher frequency bandwidths and re-wires how it functions completely from the inside out. Over-stimulation is necessary to dissolve/break those old matrix systems down and remove the human-ego's ability to override these processes that now need to occur for occupancy/residency on NEW Earth. These represent DEFENSE SYSTEMS and the entire infrastructure of realities are communicated through this. 

  • Continued collapse of "old regimes", as more come to realize they are participating in a matrix program and choose to not support/participate anymore, stand in their power, see what wasn't visible before, challenge their own perceptions of what REALity is, instead of adhering to a program by wanting to ignore/refuse to see/listen/avoid taking responsibility for their own unconsciousness and bring all into full consciousness now. 

  • Unconscious realities become less comfortable and are no longer the "easy" way

  • New systems/programs coming online through joint efforts and combined reSOURCEs

  • Increased Veil removing/dissolving through whatever means necessary to wake all up. For the deep asleep, this can "seem" or appear abrupt/harsh. These are timeline collapses where one was holding onto the old and "not ready" to embrace higher consciousness before. These are to move each out of mis-aligned realities and into higher aligned ones (on a Soul Level). Harsh/abrupt ceases when full consciousness and embodiment becomes a priority instead of an inconvenience as the ego aspect "treats/views" their awakening processes here.

  • Increased cleanses/clearings/purification/detoxes on an Energetic Level, which dictates the physical reality/physical body. Where one is continually doing this naturally & intentionally, this process is much easier and all is able to be maintained in a simplistic flow. The more carbon-bases, the more physical. The LightBody phase is less, the Crystalline LightBody goes deeper and can be intense, yet the physical reality is much easier, so devoting time/energy is easier for this. The Plasma Crystalline LightBody goes even deeper, on a galactic level as all non-linear constructs continue to dismantle and be re-structured more immensely, yet having cleared Karmic timelines, all is easier in every way, while deep into the cellular structures (bones/teeth/blood/flesh) all goes. The Etheric Plasma Crystalline LightBody (Avatar Consciousness/OverSoul Embodiment) completes deep cellular linear anything left, completing Ascension in it's entirety after years of Embodiment through Purity and Galactic Soul Service here. Heaven on Earth fully anchored, no Karmic timelines "allowed" to play out, the physical is beyond simple as generosity, unity-service and full-expansion is able to be maintained fully integrated/anchored within the physical body form and all new Quantum Linear abilities are created to function/Master realities in all new ways/with greatest ease as love here. ♥

  • More Souls completing their Earthly Experience and transitioning out for huge 3D/4D dissolution to occur. Entire collectives exiting (both physically and leaving the physical (etherically where the body "dies" and the Soul returns to the Unified Field as ONE Consciousness, yet may re-birth/incarnate/walk-in "later" as a Christed StarBEing to assist with Galactic NEW Earth.

  • More coming to understand VIBRATIONAL EXISTENCE (5+D) over Linear Existence (3D/4D) to easier shift and activate NEW EARTH Realities easier/faster too! Remember, each Density is your EXPERIENCE and mindset now. It's where your body is located trajectory-wise in a dimensional timeline. As each expands their consciousness, the body can re-code/re-transmit and vibrate at a different resonance in order to access a different/parallel/alternate reality for a multi-dimensional experience, instead of just a fixed linear one. You are ON a Multi-Dimensional Earth. You can shift to any dimensional timeline at will. You must HOLD the new/higher vibration/consciousness long enough for this to anchor into your own physical reality as YOUR NEW EXPERIENCE now. This encapsulates everything you think/do.

  • Increased ABILITIES for Unified Light BEings

  • "Old Twins" resolve unconscious timelines (together or separately, however is most appropriate for each's experience here). NEW Divine Partnerships are formed through Uniting as Higher Consciousness. Most "twins" will conclude their agreements and go on. Those Souls meant to come together, will, as each achieves the vibration for this to occur. Many will go on to connect with much higher versions in other physical forms to match current vibration easier, without the struggle/mis-alignment and history of the old. All new everything! Divine Partnerships on every level become more relevant for these next phases we've entered into now.  

  • Remaining Unconscious Karmic Cycles increase to clear these old programs out

  • Polarity between Unconscious and Fully Conscious is much vaster than it was before. Unconscious operating at a frequency of duality whereas Fully Conscious operate at a frequency of unity and love, which are opposites, so sustaining any realities where all is not able to come into full consciousness quickly means realities are unable to sustain for very long at all. More SPACE (which is "time" for the human aspect) is often necessary for each to come into full consciousness on their own. Uniting can occur in increments as old programs are continually resolved for vibrational synchronization to be able to fully occur.

  • Old Earth not visible to those fully living on NEW Earth, unless through observation in order to see, assist collectives with transitioning over with greater ease. The physical experience will reflect back each's current state of consciousness. Where there is an old earth matrix program still held inside, this will play out in the physical in order to clear this energy/be resolved. Vibrational timelines (Earths/Universes) can shift instantly and in every moment, which means FULL presence and re-tuning/instant alignment is KEY. 

  • NEW Earth inhabitants fully focused on uniting, accomplishing, creating, reaching, supporting, inspiring and anchoring all new. Physical body integration processes take precedence, so that the physical can be super-mega-easy to Master and maneuver on a daily basis, yet cutting out all that does not support what we are here to be/do.  

  • Much easier higher dimensional timelines arriving faster for all doing this intentionally and consistently now

  • Much rougher/more challenging realities for deeply embedded matrix humans, as all works to re-align regardless of their refusal/resistance to multi-dimensional existence here. Mostly unconscious behavior, which is a part of the process, the comfort level and ease with staying unconscious goes. Complacency and conformity programs are greatly challenged as well.

  • Anchored Creations through Unity-Love-Consciousness take off! 

  • Shocking and shaking awake increases. Harsh/abrupt increases as well as easy, awesome pure heart-opening love awakenings do too! The amount of ego energy or openness energy dictates each individual experience. 

  • Victim mentality realities exacerbate to dissolve/collapse faster now

  • Global Consciousness moves further into the forefront as more step into supporting roles and exercise the care for our planet, while bringing to the forefront unconscious programs to easier realize and choose to shift. A heightened awareness of chemicals and foods, plants, our lands, water and total life changes increase as more comes to LIGHT about how UNCONSCIOUS MATRIX PROGRAMS worked.

  • Increased intolerance for unconscious realities. Everyone is pushed/required to choose, commit and take action in all new ways. For those learning to pull away and just BE, this is imperative to gain new clarity and connect to/through higher consciousness. For those who have mastered BEing, DOing is now paramount from this place. For those who have mastered balance with both and are in total creation/generation mode while holding the highest timelines in place, ease and simplicity prevail and all reap the rewards, receive the benefits of the level of commitment on a SOUL level now. 

  • 2018 is our most exciting year evah! 2017 was absolutely amazing and we continue to anchor even more brilliance here! Being non-linear and looking over a whole "year", means seeing the energy of each dimension and correlating this to vibrational experiences available and open for each. All receive according to presence, contribution/fully invested energy and purity held. Open up fully! Let's do this Love Family! ♥

I will post part 2 & 3 as my schedule permits (this month). I've set up a dedicated page for these "2018 Annual Energy Reports" for easy locating/viewing as the articles are completed/posted for all!

All my love from Kauai. I'll be sharing some personal posts soon too! ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Image tagged by CrystalWind,ca

I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you.
Source: here

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