1111 Powerful Portals & Gateways Week
- Details
- Written by AndEl

Sirian Flushes, Deep Cellular & Molecular Re-Configurations,
Shifting Realities, NEW Cosmic Body Energy Codes Activated for Anchoring In
What a POWERFUL Gateway Opening! Holy wow! Where to start...
The 1111 Gateway Opened up days before the actual day, as it always does, and continues to increase the passageway leading us through the December Gateway now. The new encodements, beyond wow, hit deep in the cellular/molecular body, going straight to whatever needed recoding for higher dimensional existence here.
The physical body, the center point of all, is in constant purification and recalibration mode. When the Portals/Gateways Opened, our Cosmic Bodies went into an immense Sirian Flush that unanchored anything not fastened down. For me it hit the night of November 5th, there was no sleeping as my body went into deep cellular detoxing/release. Anytime we are about to go into a huge system collapse/re-structuring mode, our body systems have to do this internally, so that all can be broken down and reconstructed according to new Galactic/Angelic/Comic Codes. These codes have to embed themselves in the structures of our bodies, so discomfort (sometime immense discomfort during) is normal. We've gotten use to this for the "biggies", so it's kind of routine after years of our Plasma Crystalline LightBody Reconfiguring/Recalibrating/Recoding Processes.
Preparing for a week long retreat, I was very happy mine occurred before everyone arrived. They all got hit all week, with every heart opening, more released. Baths, stretching, sleeping, out on the beach or in nature, honoring the body is necessary when such intricate encodements are ready for integrating into our field and body alike. Then our StarGate Systems activate and our bodies/fields must synchronize to align. The week-long process went straight to core programs, straight to unconscious beliefs, straight to where they were anchored and unanchored them, so that the body could release and new realities could emerge from within.
Sirian Detoxes and Flushes, these bring about immense recoding that seeks out everywhere lack of power/lack of love was hidden and any compromise, deep emotions are "ejected" from the body, often with great force. Diarrhea and vomiting are normal when Sirian body re-coding occurs. We observed many experiencing intensity and learning how cosmic upgrades work through the human body to clear any density and control mechanisms once held.
Choosing HOW we experience all, through Unity or our own separation mindsets, we see more opening their hearts in the most magical ways, ready to transcend linear constructs once explaining realities believed. Replacing old beliefs with simple, new, higher consciousness ones is so much easier than before. All we have to do is SHARE the simplicity and open up NEW OPPORTUNITIES for new realities to replace the old. So many choose the new, instead of the struggle and fight. For those who are not ready yet, we hold fast and let them see what they are missing out on. We also honor each's choice for whatever experiences they again create to experience due to their own consciousness/unconsciousness. It's the beauty of releasing instantly, working through any energy still held and clearing as fast as we can. Quantum Existence means everything is fast/instant. No holding onto any realities and shifting, shifting, shifting constantly, something our human aspect did not have the capability to do easily... we do.
We've experienced the most profound, beautiful and magnificently magical everything, as we hold our own vibration high. Unifying as love, we can recognize instantly what is not. This recognition leaves us scratching our heads sometimes at how the human-ego-separation-mind works. The struggle, the fight, the oblivion it lives in and the tactics used to avoid, not deal, not step up. It's quite interesting to observe. How much self-created everything many still insist upon because of their fear of fully opening up.
Every moment can be amazing if we allow it. Every moment can be magical, beautiful and experienced through BEING LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS and coming together as one. Unity must be our first place we function from for this to occur. Opening up to share, the magic, the abundance, that which is pure.... allows everyone around us to see/know this IS OUR NEW NORM.
We had new colors come through, with STRONG PINK SIRIAN ENERGIES.... feminine energies that are beautiful to anchor in. More Power through more Love... these are mega-intense encodements that work through everything to bring it fully into the vibration of GALACTIC SOUL LOVE. New pinks filling the skies, with the purples, blues and shape-shifting clouds as huge activations of BEINGS visible. Lots of celebrating, excitement and pure magic and peace! We shared a few on Facebook and will share more, taking thousands that cannot capture the essence of these REMEMBERING EXPERIENCES....
Venus and Jupiter alignments bring through more love too! Dolphins, whales, mermaid energy galore (unicorns too). Playfulness abound in every turn. Supporting our LIGHTBODIES, allowing ourselves what available through our highest vibrational existence now. There is so much to share, and I will... it's just going to take me awhile, with retreats/traveling and gatekeeper duties. Keep inJOYing as love! ♥
This is YOUR REALITY... it's exactly as you create it and allow it to be. Your vibration, your mindsets, your everything dictates... challenge yourself to expand beyond any old limits/fixed anything of the old...
1000's of photos coming soon too! We LOVE sharing the awesomeness with you! What a most awesome week to anchor more Heaven on Earth together and individually here! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
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