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You/ALL have the POWER WithIN You

You/ALL have the POWER WithIN You

Everything unlocks as you open your heart fully, open your mind fully, surrender your ego programming/mentalities/beliefs fully, relax your body fully until it can integrate/clear with great ease and clear your field, restructure your reality/priorities and choose which version of Earth you desire to EXPERIENCE.... then dedicate/invest yourself and your life to living this fully... bringing all into vibrational alignment on a SOUL/COSMIC LEVEL instead of human-ego one.

If you find yourself confused, because you are focused on "out there" or trying to live the "old ways".... then pull away from all of that chaos, distraction and those distortions.... get out in nature, take a break, have some fun/play/be free from "it all" and allow your overall vibration to rise again ....

Return to simplicity, return to love, return to that place inside where you have only love.... return to innocence, let your linear mind fall away..... identify your own patterns/habits/what you allow and shift your perception/perspective to an entirely different/alternate one to allow yourself to be FREE inside.... dissolve all of that energy within yourself.... so your whole body/being can shift to a whole new timeline/reality.... FROM INSIDE......   ↓↓↓↓↓

 REMEMBER that the outside/external is there to "show you something" you otherwise could not see/didn't want to see and that SEEING is through our PURE HEARTS, OUR UNIVERSAL HEARTS/COSMIC HEARTS.... where only Unity exists.....

Learning to read/decipher/decode yourself/your entire reality is MASTERY within itself. This is one of your POWERS as you allow yourself to EXIST THROUGH FULL PRESENCE and just see, just be.... as all "just is".... and what you "do" now determines your EXPERIENCES.... all of them.

Learning to ALWAYS BE LOVE and have a back-bone to say "no", to always be kind, yet no longer tolerate where duality "wants" to keep playing out the old games .... is a part of the process as well.

Learning to LIVE YOUR PUREST and BE THE EXAMPLE for HOW UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS LIVES... allows "new realities" to play out for you and everyone within the Quantum Field also choosing/allowing/supporting/living this....

every breath connected and breathing with our beLOVEd Gaia and each other as ONE.... Yes, when a dissonant vibration/frequency presents, you will feel it.... that's the point. Now you have a greater ability to shift this yourself, tune all to a much higher frequency and transmit POWERFUL LOVE out..... to CHANGE THE FIELD.... yes, this is one of your natural abilities/powers too. There are SO MANY when you are your absolute highest version/aspect of you......

LOVE.... a way of living. Not a word or a thing to attach too.... an ENERGY that's just so pure and beautiful that no words are necessary, no lack presents.... it's just your way of BEING.... and everything else emanates/responds to this.......

KINDNESS.... doesn't take EFFORT if this is your natural way. Otherwise it does.... for awhile, because you going against/breaking down old ways that were not kind before.

HARSHNESS IS NOT NECESSARY.... that was Ego too..... The higher the frequency each EMBODIES/LIVES, the SOFTER all is......

NOTHING IS COMPLICATED.... when all get their human minds/heads out of the way and open their hearts fully to allow the old to fall away........

SIMPLE LIVES.... are not boring. There is so much peace, joy and bliss that magical moments create a NEW KIND OF EXCITEMENT.........

ABUNDANCE: THERE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH if/when everyone shares. It's when they don't that scarcity/lack enters into the mix.... and affect infinite abundance, which is a natural state of being when all are fully connected and living remembrance again......

COMPLAINING/EXCUSES are the ego's way of maintaining lack-filled realities and avoiding "dealing" with themselves and aligning their own reality on a Soul level instead of an ego one like before...... It's a way to stay dis-empowered, as is "pretending" to be incapable....

COMMUNITY ... do you really truly care? About those in your life, your community, your moments..... do you treat everyone with love, kindness and respect and go the extra mile, take that extra step, to create the SPACE for each to co-exist in a UNIFIED MANNER that supports, uplifts, inspires and brings all together, instead of separating/dividing/pitting against or demeaning/criticizing/disrespectful in any way?

CONSCIOUS BEHAVIOR... this is a biggie. Ego acts like children and plays out narcissistic games (victim/blame/shame/guilt/non-enough/power plays, I/me/mine, etc.). Higher Selves treat all with Sacred respect, yet have a zero tolerance to that which is not.... because its unacceptable in any way/shape/form anymore.... That was the "old"...... Everyone can be loving/kind and treat all with respect/care, unless their ego is present, then the human games enter in again.... Nipping it in the bud, is the kind thing for all of us here. Everyone can say "no with love" and move onto that which resonates at a different frequency and returns a different vibrational match than unconscious ones...

Creates an ATMOSPHERE that's kinder, softer and opens up for others to co-exist as this energy too....

Self-Mastery ... observe yourself and how you show up, respond, contribute, inner-act and consciously create a beautiful reality highest aligned with your HEAVEN ON EARTH.... and share this with others.... so they can do this easier and with more GRACE too!

Eloquence.... yes this is one of our traits..... There is an eloquence to all that we do. We can be strong/powerful if we need, yet we need not be, other than to accomplish various service roles, which require a ridiculous amount of FOCUSED ENERGY, clear of distraction/distortions that innerupt CLEAR SIGNALS/TRANSMISSIONS AND COHESION WITHIN THE QUANTUM FIELD.....

CONSCIOUS CHOICE... everyone has to choose. Otherwise everyone gets what they get.... and heart-choosing tells the field what to return. Head games hold 3D realities in place, "causing" them to continue to "play out" as what many call "reality".....

REALITY is not what anyone thinks it is..........it's something else completely. Understanding this requires each's HEART AND MIND be fully open to learning/seeing/accepting all new ways that look nothing like before.............

THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO DO THIS JOURNEY.... the harsh way or the way that presents different options that break down the old/break through/out of the old and activate very different realities that don't conform. The first thing to do is to MAKE A CHOICE to be WIDE OPEN and clear the resistance out..... otherwise each experience called forth will be to do this anyways.....

DENSITY.... has to be cleared. The human body, carbon-based body will go through SOOOOOOO VERY MUCH to clear density... and because nothing is linear, it won't "appear" to make sense, because the "reasons" are QUANTUM/COSMIC and are relative to LIGHT CODES ACTIVATED IN EACH'S CELLULAR/ATOMIC body to literally re-code physical make-up, which correlates to how the physical/external reality takes form as a vibrational response as well............

SOUL/SOURCE/COSMIC dictates all.... To "do" this in unison, each must align/unify fully on this level and HOLD THIS FULLY (at all times).... EMBODIMENT.

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.... from deep deep deep inside.
Live this fully and so completely that you forget your entire human ego identities/existence and welcome your new realities that bring JOY, happiness and ease to everyone within your FIELD/REALITY........

I love you. Keep shining, sharing and making a difference just by being YOU!

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you. www.AwakeningToRemembering.com
Source: here

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