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We Are Embodying Our Enlightenment

We Are Embodying Our Enlightenment

If you can relate to the energies of this blog, you are in your transformation from human to divine human.

It does not matter what stage you are in, or what your personal perspective is, since each of us is on our own unique path.  But there is one commonality that unites all of us. And that is, what we are doing in this lifetime has never been done before in the history of humanity.

To not only become awake, and enlightened while here on the planet, but to also embody our enlightenment. To stay here and walk the planet as an embodied master.

I don’t think any of us anticipated what is truly involved in that process, and what a tremendous commitment that is. Or how challenging it is to our emotional, and physical being.


Many of us baby-boomers have been at this for quite a long time. And for us especially it is beyond challenging.  This process of going from caterpillar to butterfly, being crushed in the cocoon while still having to deal with every day life, feels often like we bit off more than we could chew.

In my own life, the last few years have been the most difficult for me, as I faced some physical challenges that seemed to take over and leave me doubting myself and this whole process.

I was being asked to trust in something up until recently I couldn’t really feel on a tangible level.  It felt like I as the human was being asked the impossible.  To trust in something that promises to take care of life for me, when I look at my body and my life at times and don’t really see any true evidence of that.

But that’s because the changes that have been taking place are more of an internal nature. And along with those comes a kind of break down of the old systems. A kind of disintegration before an integration.

Some call it a rebirth.

Not everyone experiences it the same. For some it may be predominantly physical issues, for others emotional, financial, and relationships. Or all of the above.

But there is indisputably some sort of inner and outer chaos/crisis that needs to take place in order to bring transformation.  Some refer to it as the dragon that comes in and routes around uncovering anything that will not serve us going forward.  Things like guilt, shame, and fear.  Health and abundance issues.

But the human tends to look at what is happening and evaluates it as bad. Which is totally understandable. The human is so used to trying to protect us, keep us safe.  And now it feels totally out of control.

Things in our life that we feel are working against us are not necessarily at all.

I’ve developed a lot of compassion for my human self, who often feels frightened, overwhelmed, and at times hopeless.  

The only thing that distinguishes us from the Ascended Masters of the past is, with very few exceptions, they all left the planet after their enlightenment.  They hadn’t prepared their bodies to hold their light body.

They are called Ascended Masters.  We are becoming Embodied Masters.  Something that all of creation marvels at.  

Many of us took a vow lifetimes ago that this would be the lifetime of our realization.  Our soul has become realized in this lifetime.  That part is done. And now we are in the process of integrating that realization, in as gentle and as fast a way as possible without burning out our physical systems.

And the thing is, as the human, there’s nothing we need to do.  We’re not in charge of this transformation.  

Personally, I’ve come to find that the more I try to figure things out, the harder it is on me.  Things of an emotional or a physical nature.  It’s been challenging to just trust that it’s being taken care of.

It would sure be nice to have a driver’s manual for this process. Except that we’re not driving anymore so it wouldn’t really do us any good anyway. But if there is anything that can help us through this process, it is to do our best to relax, to find things that bring us joy on a daily basis and do them, even if that means lounging around, eating yummy foods, taking walks, visiting friends.


Another thing that has been brought to my attention recently is that I tend to sit on the fence. Especially as things became more intense for me, I began to eye the exit. I began to contemplate leaving the planet because it felt like it would be so much easier than staying.

It was brought to my attention that there’s nothing wrong with leaving. It is as honored as staying. But, as long as I am straddling that fence, I am sending mixed messages to my body especially. That makes sense. But it’s not easy at times. 

That’s because the mind is very, very tired. It’s tired of trying to do what it thinks it must do. But it so much wants to relax and just take a backseat now, and trust the heart. It wants to trust the soul to take care of things. To take care of my embodied enlightenment.

And truly I’m not ready to leave. I’ve already decided to stay. But now my mind and my body need to hear that from me in a way that they have not felt before.

It’s easy to write a list of all the reasons that this planet is not master friendly. Or that it is not particularly embracing of the feminine, or of creativity. It’s easy to find hundreds of reasons not to stick around.


But really all you need is just one reason.

For me it is to experience walking this planet, and enjoying life in a way that I have never been able to do before.  From the perspective and sensuality of my divine self. I have had a taste of that many times.

But can you imagine being in that state of consciousness on a sustained level?  To no longer be triggered by the emotions that are generated from a fearful mind? 

I think sometimes it’s the fear and uncertainty that is most discouraging and exhausting. I have let go of fear on so many levels in my life. But there are still some places that are trying to hold on to it.

All the emotions, especially fear, grief, guilt, shame, are in the process of being transformed.  Which is why they are coming up for many of us now.  I said in a previous post that much of these emotions are from our physical body at this point. That the physical body holds a lot of these old stuck energies.

But again that’s not for us as the human to figure out, is it our body, is it our mind? That’s just more distractions.

It really doesn’t matter because who we truly are is orchestrating it all.  Our only job is to allow it and relax as much as possible.  And for those of us who may be eyeing the exit, remind ourselves of the one reason we want to stick around.


Image credit XIR155451 The Dream of the Poet or, The Kiss of the Muse, 1859-60 (oil on canvas) by Cezanne, Paul (1839-1906) oil on canvas 82×66 Musee Granet, Aix-en-Provence, France Lauros / Giraudon French, out of copyright.
© Copyright 2021 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers. 

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