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The Transpersonal Path: Spark of the Divine

The Transpersonal Path: Spark of the Divine

What do you see in this picture? A buried treasure? A fallen tree? Look closer. Do you see several (or any) faces formed by the wood, the bark, the light and the shadows?

​Most of us are constantly looking for that one thing that we "all" see, because we have such a strong desire to be what we would consider to be "normal." Some of us are more willing to look beyond the obvious than others, but most of us know there is not really any one way to be "normal."

What would you say if I told you that if I were to ask each person who sees this post what he or she sees, they would tell me something totally different? But, if we were in a group together, it would be more likely that people would follow one another in their interpretation. The consensus would probably be: "Oh. It's a dead, decomposing tree!"

I won't deny there's a decomposing tree in that photo, Yet, there is so much more. When I give myself permission to see beyond what I think I'm expected to perceive, I do see those faces, shapes, and even shapes that could be spirits; and I certainly felt their presence when I took that picture. Am I delusional? I assure you, no. But...I am determined to live my life beyond the general consensus. I want to follow the call of the very highest part of my being.

You probably want to ask "Why?"

Well, I have lived much of my life shutting out the heightened awareness I am describing here, and as I grew older, I've learned to live in it and embrace it. At this point, there is no going back. I submit, moment by moment to living in a state of seeing the connections and reading the omens.

What is this state I'm talking about? It is the transpersonal approach to life.

​According to most definitions, including the one found in Wikipedia, the transpersonal approach to psychology, and life, integrates spiritual awareness with normal waking consciousness. Have you ever had an experience of being "in the zone?" Maybe you were riding your exercise bike, playing tennis, or cranking out a killer email for your corporation. You could also have been praying, meditating, singing, dancing, or communing with nature.

The feeling of having every part of your being totally aligned with what you want to be doing in any given moment in time can make you aware of that spiritual essence, that spark of the Divine that is at the core of your being. You can even grow to see there's a difference between the "spirit" you are and the "personality" you present to friends, colleagues, and family. 

It might feel safe and comfortable to live in normal waking consciousness, going through the motions, doing what you're "supposed" to do more than what you want to do, and talking more frequently about facts and things than perceptions or feelings. Many of the people who come to me for coaching have lived life like they were "normal," but then they reach a certain point where they realize there is so much more to being alive.

That's when they can benefit from learning how to get "in the zone" through transpersonal techniques. Once you can train yourself to establish constant contact with that higher part of your nature, your whole life changes. Rather than letting your actions be dictated by what the rest of the world might think, you begin to be directed by a wise inner voice that keeps you on your life's path, doing what you love and using your talents to your full potential.

While it's never easy to change the way you live, it's even more difficult to remain unhappy.

Many of my clients, by most measures, are extremely successful. Still, they knew some things were missing from their lives. When they opened up to learning about the transpersonal approach to living, life started to make more sense. maybe they gained the courage to enter into a relationship; or they came to realize they weren't meant to be married. Job changes, new friends, fun activities, a better spiritual life, greater prosperity, and better health are just some of the life experiences clients have acquired once they learned more about the transpersonal way of life.

It really isn't hard to do, and I'm very well-equipped and ready to help you change the way you live, right now.

There is one thing I want to warn you about, though. Once you have allowed yourself to observe the world in a more unified and spiritual way, you cannot "un-see." You're going to have to stay in an elevated state of mastery, contentment, and satisfaction. You may not be the same as you once were, but you will become the best kind of human being you can be!  Are you ready to do that? Good. Click on the link to my website, and let's get you in the zone now!



Judi Vitale
Transpersonal Life Coach - Author - Astrologer - Speaker
Empowerment, Happiness & Success through Transpersonal Life CoachingRegression/Hypnotherapy/EMDR, Astrology, Breathwork,Yoga/Meditation/Reiki  

I offer my services under the "Umbrella" of Transpersonal Life Coaching. Using a variety of tools, we will work together so  you can achieve a "Transpersonal" level of awareness, where you see yourself and operate as a unified mind, body, and spirit. It's like those rare times when you know you're "in the zone," only you will learn to live in this way all the time!  Your Transpersonal Life Coaching program is individually designed to align you and your actions with the wisdom of your very highest consciousness, so that you can benefit from constant communication with the essence of who you truly are. 

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