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Spirituality Is So Yesterday

Spirituality Is So Yesterday

Recently someone said to me that they have found a highly evolved spiritual community of millennial empaths on Instagram.  And that WordPress has ‘lost its vibe’  I found the comment quite revealing.

I know the comment was designed to insult me, but it got me thinking that where I am, where many of us are in our embodied enlightenment is actually not even spiritual anymore.  For me, the spiritual community feels passé.  The one she described is more of what I consider the new age community: Tarot cards, crystals, psychics, and a lot of feel-good catch phrases.  I call it the honeymoon stage of enlightenment.

Many of us went through that stage, and it’s a totally appropriate stepping stone for the awakening process.  We hung out at the shallow end of the pool but knew we were going to have to dive into the deep end eventually.

She mentioned there were empaths in that community.  Again, there is no judgment, but empathy does not fare well in our awakening.  In fact, it’s gotta go entirely.  Fortunately it’s on the way out.  We can’t drag old, outdated tools, one of which is empathy, into our enlightenment.

Many of us know that holding and processing energies for others, and for mass consciousness no longer applies to us.  Nor do things like prayers for world peace.  We are beginning to understand that not everyone is ready for or wants peace.

We are not interested in pushing our personal agenda on anyone.  Whether it’s peace, or healing. Some people are zealots in their belief that others should be at a certain place in their development, a place they determine for them.

So, rather than empathy, which is feeling others’ pain, we have compassion for others,  it’s a tool of the new consciousness.  It is the acceptance of where others are, and allowing them to continue on their own path.  Even if it is war.

After a point, we are not so interested in causes, or in being activists.  We find political news more often just a distraction, and a reflection of a patriarchy doubling down in fear of losing its power.  We are not so triggered anymore by that outside world.

We essentially are detaching from humanity, but in a healthy way.

But to get here, we had to go through the underbelly of ascension.  We had to face our darkest and deepest fears, which often brought us to our knees.  It shook us to our core and crumbled our very foundation.  But we came out the other side realizing that those fears are manufactured by a mind that has been trying to stay in control.

So those in that spiritual community will eventually have to go through their own life-altering dark night of the soul.  Because if they focus only on the light, they will continue to project their shadow outward.

If they are not in touch with their own anger, and their own sadness, their own self-judgment, they will continue to see it only in others.

Empathy, by the way, is being replaced with sensuality.  With having more human and soul sensual experiences with music, art, nature, food, our environment and the body.  We become highly sensitive, but eventually no longer take on others’ emotions or issues.

We become self-directed, not outer-directed.

So I am grateful for the attempt at an insult because it helped me to realize that I am really not part of any spiritual community.  I am a sovereign being who is experiencing the integration of her divinity and her human self.  Full stop.


When I publish my posts I often use spirituality as a tag because there isn’t much yet to replace the word.  Embodied enlightenment, ascension, awakening, consciousness, soul, divinity, are all good tags, too. But spirituality tends to encompass religion and the new age so it is not perfect.

But the words are not as important as the energies.  As the heart and soul.  And, it doesn’t matter where we publish or share our soul’s expressions because whoever needs to see those creations will find them.

Because I have nurtured this blog now for a decade, and it has brought me so much joy, google has rewarded me with a significantly high Alexa ranking without having to figure any of that out by myself.

The beauty of the internet is things can go viral.  Your messages can spread throughout the world, by other people, in all languages.  Many of my posts have been reblogged and translated into a variety of languages.  There are no limits.  In the good old days you had to put up expensive billboards, run ads, find publishers, and those reached a limited number of people.

In a way the World Wide Web puts everyone on equal footing.  You can become visible even among millions of other domains.

Your only job is to show up, be creative and feel passionate about your creations.

So, spirituality.  There is nothing wrong with the word.  But for those of us who are becoming sovereign masters of our own domain, it is kind of yesterday.

Art by Maria Chambers
© Copyright 2019 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers. 

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