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Spiritual Guidance for May/June 2023

Spiritual Guidance for May/June 2023

Free yourself with spiritual intelligence.

Here’s my spiritual guidance for May/June 2023, covering the month beginning with the new moon in Taurus at 4.53pm on Friday May 19th (in the UK).

Spiritual guidance for May/June 2023 from the Tarot

Another Prince leads the way for you and this month it’s the Prince of Swords. Princes always emphasize forward movement that’s often fast and enduring. So, for the next few weeks we’re focusing on the realm of the mind and intellect; the way you think and communicate, your ideas, ideals and beliefs are very much asking for attention.

As you can see in this image, it doesn’t look like a smooth ride for the Prince. The beings pulling his chariot seem uncoordinated and all pulling in different directions, so he’s definitely not able to control his trajectory. It’s a pretty good depiction of the monkey mind which jumps from subject to subject distractedly.

Firstly then, you’re being advised to think things through carefully before you act, giving each thought or idea enough time to breathe and blossom so you can be sure of exactly where it’s heading. Otherwise, you’re going to be the archetypal Gemini butterfly, flitting from one thing to another too fast and without any depth. You can have the most genius ideas but unless you spend time on developing them properly you won’t ever follow through and implement them for tangible results.

Remember, as well, that there are two aspects of the mind: the conscious and the unconscious. You may think you’re focused on manifesting an idea or holding a particular belief consciously, while your unconscious mind is busily sabotaging and dismantling those positive thoughts as soon as you have them. If you’re one of those people who wonder why they talk themselves out of implementing a great idea, this could be the reason.

I recommend two practices for the next four weeks to help you not only survive but also thrive during what could be a stressful and chaotic four weeks. Engage in deep breathing exercises, many of which you can easily find online; after all swords are the suit of air. A simple but effective one is inhaling through the nose slowly and deeply for a count of 4 to 6 (whatever is comfortable for you), holding the breath for that same count, and then exhaling through the mouth for 4-6 counts. Repeat this for five minutes. Not only will it help calm you so you feel less fragmented, but you’ll be able to engage your heart and intuition so you can better understand what’s going on within you. Breath and divine knowing are linked in the word “inspiration” which has its roots in the Latin meaning “to breathe or blow into.”

In the face of the change that’s likely to be accelerating in the wider world, the pause afforded by breathwork will give you clear space to investigate your own values and beliefs and ask if they’re still relevant for you. Are you stuck in habits and patterns of behaviour because it’s just what you’ve done for years? Or it’s what was instilled in you by your upbringing? Do you still even enjoy or believe these things or are you just acting on autopilot? How do YOU really feel about the way your country is governed? The state of the planet? The distribution of wealth? What’s outdated and limiting or restricting your freedom to live a life philosophy you love?

To balance all this turbulent air, I’d recommend regular earthing by getting out in nature and preferably walking with your bare feet on the soil or grass whenever you can. It will bring your energy down from your head and back into the centre of your body, restoring a sense of stability and allowing any excess mental charge to drain harmlessly away into the earth for recycling. Sometimes your mind can get caught up in fantasy, but when you reconnect to the physicality of earth you can more easily see what has a base in reality and what might just be a flight of fancy with no real substance. On the other hand, you may discover that there are very real practical steps you can take to achieve what you thought was just a pipe dream.

These two practices will ensure you remain in touch with your higher mind, your heart and soul when you’re having to consider all the information, suggestions and theories that will be thrown at you or occur to you this month. I call this accessing spiritual intelligence. These steadying practices could also prevent you from snapping at someone close to you, or hurling thoughtless and hurtful words into a heated conversation or argument that you won’t be able to take back.

In the wider picture, expect anger and volatility to erupt in the local and global environment between those who want change and freedom and those who want to maintain the status quo and control. Listen out for those people who can pose a very clever argument but who are not operating from the heart and soul. They’re likely to sound convincing and make sense logically but they’re cold and possibly even cruel, without compassion and care for the impact their ideas may have on the people around them. They might be fanatical about their own beliefs, adamant that everyone else is wrong if they think otherwise. They could be short-sighted and unclear in their purpose. In general, people may seem to be acting and talking more than a little crazy and you need to be careful that doesn’t include you!

If you work effectively with the Prince of Swords now, you’ll be clear on your personal values, beliefs and ideals and feel completely free to manifest them. That means you won’t be threatened, distracted by, or pulled off course by anyone who disagrees with you or holds opposing views. You’ll understand that everyone is just another way of expressing the divine All That Is. So, you can focus bravely on aligning your life and being with what you know in your heart and soul to be true and just for a long term, flourishing future for all.

You might like to read this monthly reading against the overarching background of my Reading for 2023.

Guidance for May/June 2023 from astrology

Astrologically the new moon in Taurus continues to press the absolute need for radical change if we’re to continue living harmoniously and sustainably on our planet. You have to be prepared to make a leap of faith and embrace a completely uncharted future, but know that the universe is supporting you to do it. Over these next weeks you’re likely to see even more clearly what selfish greed and lust for power has cost humanity and the earth, and just how far the deep deception and corruption has gone. Many in the collective will be vocal about it. With the Gemini new moon on the 18th of June, everything is set to enable a unity of body and soul, heaven and earth, through constructive ideas rooted in humanitarianism, inclusivity and equality. The seed of the new earth has the chance to germinate.

© Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive guide, healer, animal communicator, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Work with me page. 
Credit: here

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