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Powerful Solstice Gateways Underway

NEW Earth Was WITHIN YOU All Along

(Mid-Month Update)

NEW Energetic Foundations, Systems and Structures
Collective Ascension Accelerates\
Everyday is Infinite Gateways of Possibilities & POTENTials!

Multi-Dimensional Collective Ascension Timeline
Acceleration and Transformation

Collective Unity Consciousness Re-Birth & Living A-NEW

Aloha Heart Expanding NEW Earth Anchor Points & Grid Lights!

The whole month of June, the Aladdin Song "A Whole NEW World" plays inside, all day, every day.... It's an important "reminder" to "remember" to look for all new, to be open to all new, to embrace all new ... constantly, and to inJOY CREATING anew ... in every moment too!

Songs open, and activate, various portals and dimensional aspects within us. They assist us with hearing light encoded words to sing and "tune into", even to initiate when we are ready to open those portals and passageways intentionally ourselves even more. ♥

Ascension is a "choice point" for everyone on this path. The "early phases" of awakening are to "unloosen" the grip of the dimensions of old earth within us, to unanchor those strong, fixed and deeply held emotions and rigid, unbendable, unflexible, unshakable linear mentalities and beliefs... and to OPEN US UP to all NEW Realities multi-dimensionally....

To wake us up, our world is shaken, rattled, stirred up and realities "go sideways" (Quantum)... because we are so strong/fixed and won't budge any other way. This allows us to reevaluate everything in our lives that we've created/built/allowed/believed and to shift our focus to a whole new way, one that's vibrationally aligned on a Soul Level, which means all new paramaters that honor our beloved Gaia and ourselfs/each other, which is not how the old functioned.... so very different than the old ways of "before".

NEW Earth becomes visible INSIDE, as our human heart has opened enough to "trigger" our higher heart area to then open up too. This opens access to our Universal Connection with Divine Consciousness, so that we can REMEMBER what ONEness is.... THEN the Journey of LIVING AS THIS begins... The Journey of maintaining that beautiful connection at all times, both when we are alone and "out and about" or around others too... which is a balancing act at first.... and takes a while to Master the Energy of Multi-Dimensional Experiences here, as our Physical LightBody (and field) must continually be cleared, re-tune, re-calibrate and re-balance electro-magnetics, while clearing out any density of "the old".

NEW Earth becomes visible through our own deeply connected hearts. We can come together and connect to explore and activate NEW Earth Codes and realities as well as "alone" through our own deep sacred connection within ourselves... Eventually we are to do every way with great ease, joy and simplicity too.

Mastery is learning (remembering) how to live this way, fully, in every capacity, in every exchange, in every way.... in our whole life... as realities are no longer linear or "fixed", they are vibrational and energetic, which means all has to constantly be "re-harmonized", synchronized and vibrationally aligned... until all is this way naturally, simply and organically as our own way of BEing here....

The beauty is as ALL live this JOY, this Peace, this Magic, this brilliance which is our natural state... simplicity, inspiration and conscious expansive creation become this magnificent FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS that we all are able to unite, live and co-exist within. Where fully aligned, we can come together to share, play, work, create, accomplish and flow.... to fulfill our much higher consciousness purposes, missions and roles with even more fun and ease.

It's beyond inspiring to co-exist and move in unison as a cohesive unit or team, while respecting each's space through honoring what we all need to maintain, sustain and accomplish our individual realities too. Co-joining is the vibrational reference I use for this. We align our own realities, ourselves, and maintain all within... and we come together to share, inspire more and create more together.... and everyone contributing receives.... It's quite a beautiful experience.... ♥ Soul families, Star Families and Ancient Lineages living out realities without the ego distortions brought in.....

Collective Oneness Codes: Full on release came through in April, took all of May to fully complete the template re-write and integration processes to move into June's "A Whole NEW World" as a Collective phase.... 

As a result of this, you will be able to observe yourself more, and that which is "outside" as well... to see where there is oneness or separation, where there is Unity or Duality still... you will be able to OBSERVE Polarity in greater extremes in your own reality, where this still exists within you, until this is fully resolved, dissolved and unified through  Oneness deep within you.... You will be able to see/observe "others" still "battling" something "outside", to resolve all of that separation held within... which is necessary and important processes FOR THEM (until it's not).... you will be able to see where your Peace is/is not present, where you still defend or judge (or just let it go), where you compromise/accept less and where you are focused on anything other than creating, building and solidifying your NEW AMAZINGNESS too. You will be able to see where your ego takes anything personal or gets caught up with chaos, drama or story still or where you haven't been able to "put your ego aside" to truly care about yourself or "others" yet ... you will also be able to see more possibilities and potentials, where you are wide open to this.... This is the beauty of CONSCIOUSNESS, you get to CHOOSE where to focus your precious energy, CHOOSE what to create, CHOOSE where to put your VALUABLE LIFE FORCE SOURCE ENERGY.... CHOOSE when to pull away and honor you, CHOOSE what's truly important and a priority, CHOOSE the experiences you will have "later" (vibrationally) as a RETURN to this moment's vibration transmitting out of you this every RIGHT NOW.... It's BEYOND BEAUTIFUL to be able to CREATE through Consciousness... and live through simplicity, instead of the ego-matrix-complicate-everything ways.... :)

June is always a GAME-CHANGER.... as it focuses on Structures and Systems .... the "biggies" in a way. Because we are in stronger COLLECTIVE CODES then more powerful collective shifting will become visible as we all go.... It's exciting! You will have to Master your own inner everything, which correlates to your entire reality... as only you can do this through your own deep inner Divine connection, as a part of the "fusing process" and Physical LightBody/DNA integration processes too.

You will find as we all continue that our RELATIONSHIPS with ourselves, things and each other and our beLOVEd planet, animals, children and reSOURCES/minerals, will become more important in different ways. Nothing like the "old", these all evolve and their purposes/roles also completely change....

As more start to really truly fully live through Pure Unity Consciousness within themselves, then the capability to live this on a grander scale becomes possible as well. Truly caring without any lack or need, truly caring from our deep sacred place inside, truly caring about each other and all.... will replace "not caring", being complacent, complicit and needy or impositional energy of the old.... Truly caring enough to step up and DO what's highest aligned replaces ignoring and pretending .... Truly caring reaches out energetically and touches all's hearts to awaken through kindness and love... instead of the old ways bred out of safety, security, structured rules, "what's in it for me first" or previously deeply embedded illusory fears....

The PURE JOY and magic available through loosening those tight holds of trying to control... the pure JOY and magic of nature, children or creative excitement, the Pure Joy of creating magic.... is a part of our alchemist/magician aspects that are SO MUCH FUN!

So, have a blast, share share share, inspire, get excited, open completely up, expect the unexpected, allow yourself to be "crazy" (it's fun!), explore and GO FOR IT... JUMP into those NEW REALITIES with your entire heart you!

Keep honoring you/your LightBody fully.... as stabilizing during these off-the-charts amazing re-balancing of magnetics is KEY.  These Cosmic Frequencies and Harmonics are beyond exquisite.... when you ALLOW YOURSELF the magical, beautiful, simple, amazing and peaceful experiences fully.

This is a process of allowing the highest and no longer allowing that which is no longer highest aligned. It is that simple, if you allow it to be. ♥

CONTINUE TO BE PURE LOVE.... You are the example ... which means you have to LIVE IT FULLY and with your every ACT... no one can "fake" this part. Everything is visible energetically... so open completely up to LIVING your highest vibrationally aligned realities in every way too! ♥ Words don't matter here.

Energy Speaks LOUDLY or softly... or powerfully or blatantly or silently FOR YOU.... this is how we communicate and exist.... which makes everything SOOOOOOO EASY.... as all matrix programs are visible and easily detected for dismantling and rebuilding entire realities, sometimes within in just a few moments or an hour.... That which used to take years now can be accomplished through Quantum Consciousness in "no time", moving entire realities out and opening up access to all new ones... yes, instantly... that "fast". ♥

InJOY your Quantum REALities! ♥ Where everything is available from this space/now. ♥

P.S. I'll be sharing photos on creating magical realities, the fun and awesome stuff we've been doing/accomplishing as we unite and fulfill higher service roles together too. I have several upcoming new articles, including one "WE are the Glue", that will assist many with understanding (seeing) more of how our NEW Earth Networking systems work too.... This week I have our beautiful and dedicated Hong Kong Team here... as we decided to fly them over and gift them a week here to play, rejuvenate and inJOY the "fruits of their labor" of the last couple of years, by being an important part of an in-service team working through Unity Consciousness and as a heart-felt thank you for their continual service and contributions too..... We are packing a week full of sun, fun, play and JOY in (so I'm not around/available/working)... We are taking pictures where appropriate, as they share their joy and to also to inspire others to see what's possible when we do come together, work together/fulfill our supporting roles, share, uplift, inspire..... and how much fun and easy it can be too! Stay TUNED... as there is always more awesomeness to CREATE and EXPERIENCE through Purity and Love Consciousness here.  ♥  (I'm offline this week while they are here).

Immense Love, Gratitude and Deep Sacred Respect,

Lisa Brown


I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you. www.AwakeningToRemembering.com

Source: here

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