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Our New Role Is Pretty Simple

Our New Role Is Pretty Simple

In beautiful duality, most folks are looking for a savior.  Someone to lift them out of the quagmire of their own messy life.  Some look to god, some to government.  Some look to a mate.  Or a position of wealth and or power.  Some hope for the second coming, or for the Aliens to show up and rescue humanity.  And some try to make their own human personality, their own mind do all the heavy lifting in their life.  Those who claim to be agnostics or atheists try to make their human self the sole creator in their life.  And, non of these are working very well, are they?

The current Coronavirus pandemic has exposed many systems that people have been trying to depend upon as the corrupt and broken systems they have been for a long time now.

Whether it’s companies they are working for, or the medical profession, where they can’t access their own doctor in person.

So, many people are re-evaluating, for the first time in their life, where they stand themselves in relation to those systems.

For the first time, many are recognizing that they must more and more rely upon  themselves.  Wether it’s for their own health, or their own support system emotionally.

And they are more and more recognizing that they themselves as just the human, is not really enough.


And that’s where we come in.  Those of us who have already gone through our own dark night of the soul, and who know that a partnership with our soul is the only solution to the dilemmas we face.

So we will be seeing more people who feel lost, and want a new solution.  Somehow they will find their way to us, whether it’s at the grocery store, the cafe.  To our website, or any of a number of other ways.

They will find their way to our doorstep, and will not really understand how they got there, but will sense in us something different.  They will feel a balance.  It doesn’t mean our lives will be picture perfect.  But there is a balance, and a peace they haven’t felt from very many others in their life.

They may want to know us more deeply, or it may just be in passing.  They may not really need a lot of time with us for something to be activated within them.
The words are not as important as the exchange of energies.

Our presence at this time on the planet couldn’t have been more timely.  With a pandemic that has profoundly shifted the energies and consciousness, and with technology moving at lightening speed, now more than ever there needs to be awareness and consciousness.

I’m not talking about going out there and extending aid to those who are suffering right now.  That’s for others.  Everyone plays their role. For those of us who have awakened, we are not here in that capacity.

Ours is a quieter way.  We are simply here to radiate our Christ consciousness.  Each in our own unique way.  Our new role is pretty simple.

And we are not going to allow ourselves to get distracted with what’s happening out there.  We understand that humanity has an incredible opportunity now to re-evaluate their lives, and what’s really important to them.

We are the guiding presence right now, because we have gone through what they are now going through.  And we have healthfully detached from it. We are simply not a part of that anymore.


And when you think about it, who would you prefer assist you when you are going through a life crisis?  Someone who can bail you out temporarily, someone who is still trying to figure things out in their own life?  Or someone who you sense has already gone through it themselves, and has come out much wiser, more self-loving and compassionate?  Not someone who feels sorry for you, because you know that doesn’t help anyone.

Someone who has invaluable tools to share with you.

Someone whose own life seems to flow synchronistically.  And who also has some challenges, perhaps, but doesn’t allow those challenges to define them, or take away their joy.  The simple joy of, well, enjoying life.

Would you prefer someone who is developing a beautiful relationship with their soul, and their I AM?

And the folks who find their way to you are from all walks of life.  They may be doctors, scientists, a student.  Perhaps someone who has no clue what a soul is, or who has not had any religious indoctrination.  Which, actually, people with religious history are the hardest to work with.  Someone from a purely scientific background is much less jaded by shame and guilt that religion has levied upon people.

Even the so-called spiritual community has its baggage.

We are discovering that awakening and enlightenment have nothing to do with spirituality.  Spirituality can be a stepping stone toward awakening, but it’s certainly not the only path, is it?

So our role, and really, it’s not even a role.  There is no obligation, or duty to serve humanity.  We are well past that.  But it turns out that we do become the greatest standards of a balanced human who has embraced their own eternal nature.

And, we do that by just relaxing into life, by no trying, and just allowing our own realization, our own special brand of embodied enlightenment to unfold.


Image credit pixabay.com

© Copyright 2020 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers. source

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