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Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth LIGHT Letter


NEW EARTH = Beautiful, Soft, Living Visions and Dreams
☼ NEW EARTH is Y/Our Experience when we live as our Pure Soul-Light ☼
Anchoring more Pure Love within and RAYdiating out to Unite all as LOVE too!

Aloha Be-YOU-ti-FUL Soul-Star-Light BEings in form!

When I started my own journey/path/experience, I had no clue about any of this. I was one of the strongest and weakest at the same time, because I lived from immense duality and separation consciousness inside of me, without expanded awareness that I was living from deep programming of "what reality was", which was an extremely distorted version of all, because this is what 3D Old Earth is....

With all Ascension journeys, everything comes into play. Absolutely Everything. There's not one "stone left un-turned" as we each go deep deep deep within and start to vibrationally align ourselves and our own whole lives. Not only is this process completely life-changing, it's path altering and life-shifting in every way as well. It's a re-prioritizing of everything and a vast restructuring/realignment process, as NEW Earth has a completely different Value/Operating System than old earth realities did.

The turning point for me, was when I stopped fighting my own Light/"Higher Self"/Soul and released my own inner-resistance and all preconceived notions that I understood/knew anything at all. I came to understand/realize/see that it was my own human ego aspect that was my own separation, my own dualism and the aspect of me that held out for some semblance of "control", finger pointed/judged/blamed everyone else, which just exacerbated my own reality collapses, because my own heart was welded shut and always in this perception that everything "out there" was a threat. This mentality/inner belief system that I had running was what caused me to always be in protection/fight/flight/fear-based mode (zero trust), which meant my mind was fixed/closed/rampant, which meant that I was bound to never-ending loop cycles (karmic timelines) as a response to this. I was on "holding on so tight" to a mirage, an illusion of what I "thought" reality was, as well as functioning from immense distortions that only became visible as my own heart opened fully and completely to REMEMBER EVERYTHING again. Once I allowed my whole being/self to expand and shift to a completely different dimensional place/space inside, I was able to view all from completely different perspectives and accept things my ego aspect didn't want to, let go of things my ego aspect didn't want, do things my ego aspect didn't want, because there was a "new me" present and "in charge".

I share this, because "on the other side" of all of that inner-fight, duality and chaos (separation programming) is a whole new reality for us all. It truly represents pure HEAVEN.... literally, because we've dissolved/resolved all of that inner struggle, fight and resistance to PURE PEACE, PURE LIGHT and PURE LOVE and we've given ourselves PERMISSION to accept an entirely NEW REALITY that is simple and not complicated like before. We each were the ones "in the way" of having this absolutely beautiful EXPERIENCE (and new life), because our minds/fight/survival modes bound us to the old "karmic cycles" that only dissolve when we allow them to. We were the ones making excuses, found/listed every reason against and fought tooth and nail to hold onto the "old ways" that we "believed" into realness.... and we were the only ones that could open up to allow a full body/full consciousness/energy shift.

WE each are the ONES that have to do the deep deep deep inner exploration/work in order to expand through our own wide open hearts to be able to shift to a much "higher" level of Consciousness than our human-ego-aspect was. The "reward" is un-explainable in human words... we can only describe and share our own experiences while Living Our Own Light fully, which Lights the Way for us all.

The "work" means going so deep within ourselves that nothing is hidden and that we don't turn a blind-eye to what's going on inside of us anymore. It means we are not fighting ourselves, judging ourselves and resisting/suppressing those FEELings that are ready to emerge/come forth from within. It means opening up to all NEW, as within that "new" (human aspects call this the unknown, yet it's actually quite the opposite)... is NEW opportunities, new possibilities, new potentials, new ideas, new visions, new adventures, new experiences, new choices and new decisions to make... that go completely beyond the old 3D (Old Earth) perceptions/constructs of what "reality" is....

This is not a "thing" to fear or shy away from, yet something we instead fully embrace. Once we get the hang of it, we actually inJOY it, as breaking our own programs/programming brings NEW FREEDOM and activates DREAM REALITY CODES (NEW EARTH) that were "hidden" (encoded) within our own Light BEing DNA.

Photonic Light (aka Ultra-High Frequencies) activate these NEW CODES for all of us. We do have to be WIDE OPEN to all of this, otherwise we resist and inner-fear with this very important acceleration/upgrade process. As we embrace fully, we each start to find shifting so much easier and start to reclaim our natural powers/gifts/abilities for shifting entire timelines/realities ourselves.

All of our NEW Earth realities will ask that we each step up to create all anew, bring into form, build and support the implementation of all new programs and systems that empower humanity in all new ways, completely different than everything was before. This means the formation of all new relationships, the Union of all in Service and as Pure Light,  the anchoring of immense Light Codes within our bodies/realities and the application of all new "rules" relative to humanitarian templates aligned with Source Consciousness/12D.

Part of the shift from 3D/4D to 5D+, is moving from Linear Consciousness to Quantum States of Consciousness from deep inside (and with our whole body/BEing) and by making the necessary changes for shifting timelines with our entire body/lives. This means each of us shifting from our head to our pure hearts to open up inner portals to NEW EARTH REALities which naturally and organically unlocks encoded knowledge within our own DNA.

NEW EARTH IS A LIVING DREAM REALITY vibrationally available to everyone through their own Pure Heart Connected Consciousness. Every now moment will present each with a choice of which dimensional timeline to anchor/hold/experience, which is affected by way of each's vibration, energy, focus, level of Consciousness and acts.

The ego aspect perceives NEW Earth completely differently than all actually is. This is because it can only be understood through actual experience of living through our own pure heart connection and seeing everything from a much more expanded view. This expanded vision gives each new capabilities to realign entire realities on a Soul Level instead of a human ego one.

NEW EARTH is a living Unity-Based Reciprocal Consciousness. It's transmitted out by each one of us through our own Light, while showing up as kindness, generosity, compassionate, caring, respectful Energy that treats all with the utmost respect. Yes, you/we see deep heavy duty programming, yet through Full Consciousness, we each also have the ability to bring this into Light/Visibility in order to break down, dismantle, dissolve, resolve, unify and shift to a much higher state of Consciousness, therefore shifting the entire belief/mentality/reality/energy to a completely different one. 

A Total Shift in Consciousness means a total and complete shift in "reality", a total shift in perceptions, a total shift in focus, priorities and what we align with as well. This total inner-shift in Consciousness is how we each open up access to all new timelines and the realities that we often refer to as "Our NEW EARTH". It's a new, improved and updated/upgraded version that honors each as a SOUL, while the old stifled, suppressed and did everything possible to minimize and diminish this. Our NEW Celebrates the beautiful energy of all of our LIGHT, all that we each have to offer through Unification, Pure Presence and Pure Hearts. It takes the best of all and combines it, redistributes all differently, as well as opening up vast opportunities for each to explore all new realities/ways that are completely different than the old.    

Thank you for your own Beautiful Light and for bringing more love to the planet through your own presence and conscious acts too.  It's beautiful and exciting to see so many stepping up/forth to implement and facilitate great change, to uplift and share and unite to  accomplish new realities, new programs, new systems and new ways that support humanity as a greater whole too. ♥

Keep Embracing, Honoring, Building, Shining and Sharing Your Light as Love,

Lisa Brown

Lisa Brown

I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you. www.AwakeningToRemembering.com

Source: here

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