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More About April's Energy: Part 2 (Love is in the Air)

More About April's Energy: Part 2 (Love is in the Air)

+ Photonic LightBody DNA Upgrades/Integration/Clearing Processes

Aloha Love Family,


​I'm really excited to share this with you, because of the ENERGY COLLECTIVELY as more awaken and move into their own next phase of Ascension/Higher Consciousness for their own REMEMBERING processes here. 

You are going to find me use the word "Awakening" less, unless I am referring to "that collective", as we are powerfully shifting this to more living from a REMEMBERED STATE, which is a completely different stage/phase of the RETURNING to Full Consciousnesses here.  Living from a REMEMBERED STATE is a whole new ballgame, it's a deeply Sacred Experience and Existence where we are all connected inside AS ONE. It's where we all live from PURE kindness, softness, gratitude, respect, generosity, sharing, inspiration, upliftment and Union within. It's where we start to form, build, create NEW RELATIONSHIPS in every way.... It's beyond BEAUTIFUL... as each clear the rigid programming that bound all to karmic cycles, timelines, realities of "before". ↓↓↓

It's been sooooo BEAUTIFUL to observe and experience all of the KINDNESS that's now emerging from beneath those who have been going through being shaken, jolted and fueled awake.... to bring those walls down, to allow themselves to FEEL, to embrace the softness of each's Divine Feminine energy from within.....

Yes, it's happening, finally.... hearts opening, birthed through the messiness and ugliness of dissolving, dismantling and clearing the density of all of that unconscious ego matrix programming and survival modes that held 3D realities in place...  

A NEW HUmaNITY is BORN.... emerging as LOVE... yes, many will still be fighting, struggling and beyond challenged as they fight to hold on and continue to give their power away, until they "don't anymore", which is an important part of the process for all.... YET THE SCALES ARE TILTING...... with each's continued PRESENCE, dedication and focus and self-accountability/responsibility for their own ENERGY, each pulls their own ENERGY back in, clears their own field and brings forth the MAGNIFICENCE, BEAUTY and WEALTH that was buried, dormant and hidden deep within...

Like GEMs and Diamonds in the rough .... shining so brightly as the rough exterior is finally chipped away, broken completely away, for the BEAUTY to become VISIBLE and the PURITY... wow! 

Diamond Light Code Consciousness, Christed Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, LeMUrian Consciousness, Galactic Consciousness, Pure Source Consciousness, God/Goddess/Divine Mother/Divine Father/Divine Child (Holy Trinity/Three Fold Flame), Purity/Unity Consciousness and so very much more.... oh yeah and Rainbow Consciousness, can't forget that one!!!!!!!!

This is a beyond POWER-FULL "time", with entire COLLECTIVES saying "no more", with entire collectives hearts bursting wide open (infinite ways this occurs), more caring, more SHIFTING from an "external focus" to establishing their own deeper inner connection and living from this place/space MORE.... 

Until each actually start to see each other as "Family", as Cosmic Family, as Star Family, as Light Family... and see themselves as Light, see themselves from a Soul Level... then all they've "got to go on" is what their human eyes see, what their human ears hear, what their human thoughts "say", what the "outside world" does/says..... YET THERE COMES THAT MOMENT FOR EACH, where enough has been experienced/felt that that little tiny space inside blows open and THIS PURE LOVE comes bellowing forth...... and each's body is "overtaken" with LOVE... that changes everything.... 

This now, this month, this whole year... this is where so many collectives are.... BEGINNING TO REMEMBER... and moving out of the "awakening phase" (which is turmoil, confusion, digging up the heavy emotions suppressed and and "ego death cycles" that exacerbate separation programs/energies still housed in the physical body.... until the physical body has purged/cleared enough for the body to hold enough LIGHT on a cellular level for EVERYTHING to start to shift.... 

So many finally getting it, making their Physical LightBodies priority, their own awakening/ascension/embodiment processes priority, pulling away to care for themselves, clear their field and allow their bodies to raise their overall vibration, for all to become "easier", because of going deeper to make that connection necessary to start to anchor HEAVEN FULLY FROM WITHIN... (which begins new phases)... 

2019 IS IMPORTANT FOR HUMANITY - Yes I'm doing linear on purpose here... 

2019 is RETURNING TO POWER within, by breaking away/out of/through all that conditioning and programming held within (Maverick energies)
Returning to Sovereignty
Returning to Pure Love
Returning to Consciousness
Returning to softness, kindness and generosity

2020 is even more powerful, so this phase is beyond important for all.... 

So, grab your EXCITEMENT ENERGY, GRAB YOUR CREATIVITY and YOUR OWN DESIRE to LIVE y/our highest versions/aspects/realities HERE/NOW.... embrace all AS LOVE, especially that which is the "absence of light" (new activation coming at some point), and bring it all into LIGHT, envelope all in LOVE and DECIDE what you desire to experience here, from the depth of the core of your own Beautiful BEing and get ready! We've got a whole lot of awesomenss to LIVE!

P.S. If/When you find yourself in the "photonic heavies", honor this, as it's a huge part of the/your unanchoring (you'll re-anchor after/later, differently), re-balancing through electro-magnetics density clearing process, which shifts the GRAVITY of how all is felt/experienced and each's Light Quotient too, a huge part of working multi-dimensionally, huge part of clearing heavy veils of amnesia (foggy/groggy/thick). When your physical LightBody is going through massive upgrades (star particles/crystals/itchies), (F)requency (L)ight (U)pgrades (massive Light detox/flushing of all systems/bones/blood to clear toxins and work with repairing degraded DNA), when your body is "overwhelmed" (huge sign your bio-electrical body says pull away, as a massive tuning process is going on and over-stimulation has varying purposes, yet "shorting out" is what the carbon-based human body goes through.... the LightBody uses this differently, which is opposite).... when your brain/body doesn't work linearly... all of these are important processes to honor/respect/support.... every gland, muscles, bones, body systems go through a massive "overhaul" process of re-working HOW OUR BODIES integrate/process/read LIGHT .... and shift how we live our lives, where our bodies produce light, we generate light, we live as light, so what we "do" with our energy, affects every aspects of our realities/lives.... to enhance and bring forth the most exquisite, magical and brilliant realities, as the density/linearity within clears..... there is an immense "break down" cycle, birthing and re-building cycle, that accelerates in power and speed.... We can all participate, respect and flow through Divine Union and Divine Flow or we can "work against" these important processes, which only makes it harder on ourselves..... As Your LightBody "takes over", it restructures your reality for you.... this is where full surrender, trust, listening are beyond important/necessary to release resistance that creates the "collapse" of "reality" that the human ego aspect "has to endure". Merge/Unify fully inside, open up to receive/allow..... the rest is natural, organic and in unison and Divine Flow.... and opens portals/passageways for the most bizarre, trippy (mind blowing for awhile) and amazing journey through photonic wormholes, vortexes and plasma corridors........... you don't want to miss out on these experiences! They are BEYOND WORDS and have to be experienced fully (by each) in order to comprehend the vastness and simplicity of all..... ♥

Lisa Brown  

I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you. www.AwakeningToRemembering.com

Source: here

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