Love Letter from Your Higher Self for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace
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- Written by Semele Xerri

This love letter from your Higher Self offers guidance for spiritual growth and inner peace, helping you reconnect with your true essence. ~AndEl
My beloved one, it’s me – your Higher Self.
It might not feel like it now, but I’m writing to tell you that you have already everything you need to make it through these troubling times. I know this with absolute conviction. How do I know?
I’ve watched you face challenges before, when it felt like your life was falling apart and you didn’t know whether you were going to make it to the other side. Or if you did, whether you would have the energy to keep moving forwards after that. And yet here you are, still.
If you prefer to listen to a spoken version of this letter, play the video below. Otherwise, read on.
When you look back at those times from this moment, from the person you’ve become, I see how much you’ve grown through those changes. How you’ve acquired more understanding of yourself and of those around you. I watched you dig deep inside and heave up by sheer will and determination the most incredible reserves of strength and power. Back then you doubted it was even there, and you reached for it all the same. And here you are, very much alive. A survivor at the very least, and a thriver if you would allow yourself to accept it – as I do.
In the middle of any given crisis of the past, did you know what the future would look like? Did you have an itemized list of what to do and how to do it? I don’t remember either a clear vision or a precise plan. Not at first. What I do remember is your ability to just get up in the morning and move through another day. I remember the way you raged and cried and grieved and hurt and yet found the energy to do what had to be done. I remember your bruised and battered heart bravely beating its rhythm of love and life minute by minute.
And after a while, I remember your surprise when one day you discovered you could smile again, then laugh again, eventually want again. You began to glimpse a glow on the path ahead, gaining luminous clarity with every single sunrise step.
You were amazed by what you had done, how you had managed, what wisdom had pushed itself up from the fertile darkness and blossomed into action in your life. Things you would never have believed you were capable of. Dreams you could not have conceived of before. You felt like a different person as indeed you were. Stronger and wiser for the weakness acknowledged and accepted; surer of your solid, flexible self; trusting your ability to grow and thrive through what’s to come. Even when you have no concept of what that is, or where your place in it might be.
I’ve seen you do it time after time. With each spiral I see you rise up higher and further. Doubt and fear may spark a brief flare across your human mind; yes, that’s only natural. And then you remember. You re-member me. You are stronger and more resilient than you know. From change comes stability. Confidence follows crisis. Out of chaos, you restore balance. All that exists is meant to be. You know this. And for now, that’s more than enough.
Eternally, your Higher Self x
If you’ve never come across the idea of a Higher Self before, you might like to read my explanation of what this is in my article The Higher Self and the soul.
© Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive guide, healer, animal communicator, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Work with me page.
Credit: here
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