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Invite Them All In

Invite Them All In

So many times we try to keep something away, whether it’s a thought, an emotion, or physical discomfort.  We are told we should not allow feelings of fear, concern, disappointment, anger or hopelessness in.  So we try to push them away. Or if we do feel them, we let them part way in, and then they get stuck.

If we try to resist them or let them in just a little, they don’t just go away.  And then they have a way of controlling our experience.  As we try to push them away, we are also pushing away the flow of our source energy, our soul, and our eternal divine presence.  And the latter are the exact solution to all of our concerns.

The light body, ascension process brings to the surface discordant energies that have been resident in our human body and human consciousness for a long time.  And when those things come up, whether it’s anger, depression, a disease or physical discomfort, our mind reacts to it with fear.

And then we try to stop it.  So it’s stuck Part way, and can’t move out all of the way.  It’s a kind of spiritual constipation.


It seems counterintuitive to invite all of those dark emotions and physical illnesses in.  Why would we do that?  We want less pain, not more.

But pushing it away doesn’t make it go away.  What we resist persists.

There is a concern that then we are allowing in more illness, more depression or anger, with no resolution.  It feels to the mind like we are giving up.  But an interesting dynamic takes place as we allow all of it into our house.  As we invite in all of our emotions, that open door also allows in the grand part of us that has the capacity to resolve all of the concerns.

There is an important caveat, however.  Inviting in all of the denser energies doesn’t mean we align ourselves with them. We feel them, even physically.  We may feel it in our heart as a heaviness, or in our stomach or solar plexus as a tightening.  Or it may register as a vague concern.

It’s important to just feel the energies, not go into analyzing them.  Not into trying to figure out where they originate.  No processing required.  That just stops the flow.

If we want to analyze where they come from, we can distill it down to this:  They are inherited, from our bloodline, from mass consciousness, and some from our own need to carry around some pain and suffering.  It’s all from a lack of self-love, lack of self-worth.

There is truly nothing more we need to know about that.  Self-analysis, as we all have discovered, is a waste of time.

And just because we are feeling them, that doesn’t mean they are our TRUTH.  So we can feel something without identifying with it. There is a distinction between the two.  That takes a level of consciousness that we are becoming more comfortable with.


So, putting up inner walls and protection from our emotions or disease or illness does not keep any of it out, and in fact, it keeps us in our own prison.  Because it also keeps us from experiencing our joy and all of the energies within us that bring resolution.

After a point in this transformation we no longer need to protect ourselves from anyone or from anything.  And that’s because it’s all us. It’s all our own creation.  All our own energy.

Everything in our life is what we created in order to realize our own enlightenment. So if we invite it in, knowing it’s all our own creation, all of our own energy, that changes everything.  That’s when alchemy happens.

Now, that doesn’t mean we should not be discerning as to who we invite into our life.  The Master is very discerning.  But here we are talking about our inner landscape, our own aspects.  The parts of us that we were ignoring, trying to push away. The fears, the doubt, the guilt, the shame, the resentment, sadness, discouragement, hopelessness.

Parts of us, but not truly who we are.  Because all of those emotions are not what our I Am, our eternal consciousness feels, ever.

But as we accept those denser parts, and all of the emotions that come with them, that’s when our soul can come in even closer and magnify that acceptance and love within our human body and mind,  that’s when magic happens.

We are encouraged to let go of anything that no longer serves us, like guilt and shame for instance,  and the best way to release or transmute them is to just allow them.  Allow it all to flow in, including the Divine Nature of you.  And then watch what happens.

First watch what happens on an emotional level, then what happens on a physical one.

We know in our heart, and in our soul that we are Masters of creating.  That we hold magic in our hands.

This lifetime we decided to work lovingly with our human self, to regain that human’s trust in us.  To merge with the human and all its concerns, to assist them in transmuting all their stuck energies.  To what end?  To finally enjoy life on this planet without guilt, without illness, without compromise.

We know as souls that energy does not need to be manipulated, forced or coerced.  So we gently encourage our human self to relax. To just allow the energies to shift on their own.  To allow all of the emotions in without identifying with them, or wrestling with them.

We encourage our dear human self to stop trying.  And we know it’s easier said than done, so we have the deepest compassion.  But we also know that just because something feels impossible, it doesn’t mean it is.

This transformation is happening.  Even if we have a ton of resistance, it’s happening because on a soul-level, and on a human one, we gave permission.  It is a natural evolutionary process.  And, we discover along the way that it becomes easier as we allow all of it, the light and the dark, to flow in, and let our soul, our creator self, do all of the clearing, detoxifying and transmuting for us.

As the human, we can assist by some breathing, light exercise like walking, drinking lots of water.  Partaking in anything that feels like fun, anything that soothes us.  That nurtures our body.  Ultimately, pain and suffering will be released, because it has no place in our new home.

And it all happens naturally.


Art by Maria Chambers
© Copyright 2019 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers. 

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