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The Council: The Working of the Mind - Part 1

The Council: The Working of the Mind - Part 1

Over the next several weeks William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, will give us an in-depth view of the working of the different levels of our mind.

Questioner:  When you talk about the Subjective Mind, and you said "that in a conscious state you are dealing with the Subjective Mind," and you said, "the Subjective Mind bleeds over into the Subconscious Mind."  Is there a difference between the Subjective Mind and our conscious awareness that we are perceiving at the present time?

The Council:  Well, certainly. We feel that that is quite obvious from what we have said.  The Subjective Mind is somewhat of a buffer zone between the conscious activities and the Subconscious Mind.  The Subjective Mind is the total perspective of events, those from past incarnations that have a direct influence on this present life and the experiences in this present life itself.  The Conscious Mind, that which you are perceiving us with at this present time and dealing with us and the rest, is the immediate thinking process and awareness process.  What happens is that all experiences that you have that you must respond with or to, if they are familiar experiences then the response comes from the Subjective Mind.  If they are unfamiliar experiences, in other words, if you have no foundation to build an action on or God forbid a reaction to a set of circumstances, then the consciousness must draw on what is available in the Subjective Mind plus any necessary animal responses or instinctual responses that deal basically with the physical body and that would deal basically with the function of the organ and its predetermined job of protecting the physical body.  Do you understand that?

Q:  I think so, to some extent.

C:  Now, if you were to have an experience this day that you have not had before, your instinctual response, based on what the Conscious Mind could gather from the Subjective Mind in relation to situations similar to what you have experienced today that you have not experienced before, in other words, is there a parallel to the experience.  Do you understand what we are talking about?

Q:  Yes.

C:  Is there a similarity?  That coupled with the function of the brain to protect the physical body from danger, if that happens to be part of the experience, if that is an element of the experience. That will be the immediate response and hopefully if the character of the individual or the soul quality is sufficient, then the response will be that of a tempered or more godly response and not so animalistic or reactionary, it will be an action instead of a reaction.  Do you understand?

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