The Council: The Mind - Part 3
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- Written by William LePar

In the third of this four-part series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us some thoughts on how to break habits that keep us in the cycle of reincarnation.
The Council: Taking small situations wherein you can demonstrate your desire or greater spirituality begins to further chip away at your present state, and making these small good habits, such as kindness, a pleasant smile, a good word, making these then a part of your everyday manifestation they begin to grow then. Do you understand?
Questioner: Yes.
C: Maybe on the, shall we say, first week you would only be pleasant once a day or have a good word or a kind word once a day, but then the second week you may try it twice a day, and then three times a day and so on and so forth, till whenever you speak to an individual you speak first with the thought of kindness towards them before any word comes out of your mouth, and then love and then works, actual works, kindness and love and charity; and so you condition that subconscious area, thus it changes the physical; but the physical must also be trained; the spirit to your being will influence the physical from exterior sources by bringing the physical in contact with the right individuals, the proper individuals, who have a godly attitude, thus you consciously gain knowledge and experiences, while the spirit itself manipulates through this area of the subconscious that carries the karmic debt, and so you work with yourself, influencing from both ends. Do you understand?
Q: Yes.
C: Basically, through past incarnations you have established certain actions, attitudes, to certain conditions that are every bit as set as an individual who has an incontrollable habit of smoking cigarettes or drinking. You become enslaved to that habit, and so to break that slavery then you must work from both aspects, influencing that level of consciousness that contains the karmic debt through the spirit or through you yourself and by your association with others.
Q: Thank you.
Next – In the final part of this four-part series The Council, sums up the problems that we have existing in the physical world and God the Father’s wish for our return to Him.
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