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The Council: Power of the Left Hemisphere of the Brain

The Council: Power of the Left Hemisphere of the Brain

Healing and the hemispheres of the brain were discussed in previous postings over the years.

Here William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council gives us more insight into the activities of the left hemisphere of the brain.

Questioner:  For a healing to be permanent, does the left hemisphere eventually have to accept the healing of the right hemisphere?

The Council:  The left hemisphere of the brain is a very determined, shall we say, segment, and it is controlled by the conditions of the material.  Do you understand?

Q:  Yes.

C: There are some situations and some conditions where the left hemisphere can cancel out a permanent healing.  This again is determined by the overall situation that the individual or the soul finds itself in, but that in itself, the left hemisphere in itself, does not make a decision, shall we say, as to whether there is a permanent healing or not; it reacts to the material manifestation. The right hemisphere, its sole source of input is the spiritual. What registers in the right hemisphere of the physical organ the brain is taken from the material manifestation and adjusted according to a soul's need; it is, shall we say, corrected or rectified according to the soul's need.  Then what comes from that is suited to the soul's material manifestation or the condition or situation that that soul finds itself in.  There is a level above the input to the right side of the brain or the right hemisphere that gives it a degree of spirituality above the input.  Do you understand?

Q:  Yes.

C:  Where the left hemisphere is very technical, very methodical, very logical.  It has, shall we say, no imagination, no spirituality; it reacts to the conditions or you may even say it reacts to training.  Very well.

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Credit - William LePar

For more about William LePar and The Council please view www. WilliamLePar.com
Who is the Council? click here
The Council's description of themselves can be found at www.WilliamLePar.com/TheCouncil
© Copyright 2012-2024 William LePar. All rights reserved. 

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