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The Council: Love and Marriage - Part 2

The Council: Love and Marriage - Part 2

How do we know that we are making a commitment? William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, helps us with this dilemma.

Question:  Well, before the legal or religious ceremonies have occurred, then how does an individual know that he or she has made a commitment to another person?

The Council:  As far as knowing or recognizing this from a spiritual fact or level or factor, rarely does one fully become aware of this although there are some who find an inner feeling where a spiritual commitment to another individual is part of their awareness.  Now, the full realization of this only comes after a commitment is made at the verbal level.  It is a question of faith and trust in your own judgment based on your knowledge of the other individual. The problem with society today is that they do not get to know each other.  They have the drive and the urge to copulate as animals and base a future on that drive only.  Of course, you know what happens in situations like that, it falls apart.  So, once one has spent a proper courtship time in becoming aware of the other individual, knowing the other individual, then if there is a strong interest, a strong liking, a common ground there, one could assume that there has been a spiritual commitment made or a commitment to each other at a spiritual level.  Then again, the final physical action must be based on faith, the pronouncement of the commitment and the willingness to give up of self for the whole.  Does that answer the question?

Q:  Well, as I understand then a couple would have to discuss that with each other and see that each one wanted to make that commitment?

C:  Yes.  The problem, again, another problem with today's society is that individuals who meet do not become aware of each other. They do not discuss things.  They do not look at their attitudes and opinions on different subjects.  It would be much easier if mankind were to return to the old ways, not that we approve of the old ways, but they did prove to be much more productive and beneficial to individuals who made commitments, and that is where marriages or commitments were prearranged by the family.  One assumed the responsibility that was expected of them.  Do you understand?

Q:  Yes.

C:  Now, again, let us clarify our statement on this.  This is not the most ideal situation, by any means.  Two people who are in love and wish to commit themselves in a union of one should be able to do so freely, in other words, not as a prearranged or a business agreement.  That would be the ideal situation, but the problem with that is particularly in dealing with the youth, they have not been given the necessary responsibilities to mature at an early age, so consequently they do not have the insight that is necessary to make such decisions.  Does that answer the question sufficiently?

Next – Courtship

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