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The Council: Can We Forgive?

The Council: Can We Forgive?

Forgive and forget: That is the eternal question when someone transgresses against us.

This explanation by William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council helps us understand how this can be delt with.

Questioner:  Can we consciously think we have forgiven but yet deep within have not?

The Council:  That is the only thing that you really can do is consciously keep it in the forefront and conduct your actions as such.  That proves the desire and that is what earns you the washing away or the elimination of all karmic debts.  You see?  Can you see the simplicity and the beauty in all things?  Can you see the hardships that you all have created for yourselves?  Can you see the hopeless entrapment?  Utterly devastating and hopeless, and yet out of this, out of this, the Love of your Father has given you the greatest opportunity, the greatest opportunity, has made it ever so easy, to demonstrate to you how much He does love you, to show you how you have so much more to gain by attempting to love, by desiring to love.

Can you not see that?  If you cannot even remove a thought that is causing a scar on your body, how can you do anything else were it not for the love of your Father and for the Love of His Glorious Son? How are miracles performed?  How are healings performed?  Because your desire to be healed and the desire of the channel to help to be used; Christ comes in and wipes away that thought, that memory, that unforgiving act so that the healing takes place. 

It is a very simple thing, very simple.  It is Christ who reaches into that subconscious and plucks out that thing that has caused the illness, and so the spirit is healed immediately, and so is the body.  It is wiped off like you would wipe a chalk mark off of the blackboard.  If the spiritual development is in need of a slower healing, then Christ simply withdraws the unloving thought slowly, and the body heals slowly.  Everything is a celebration of love, a demonstration of love; perfection is reached by celebrating love, and to celebrate you must have action; and so when your life becomes an action of love, a celebration of love, you, YOU, are allowing God and Christ to express through you and to raise you up into the heavens you justly deserve.

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Credit - William LePar

For more about William LePar and The Council please view www. WilliamLePar.com
Who is the Council? click here
The Council's description of themselves can be found at www.WilliamLePar.com/TheCouncil
© Copyright 2012-2024 William LePar. All rights reserved. 

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