The Council: All Things are Energy - Part 2
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- Written by William LePar

In the second part of this two-part series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council talks about the Omega Point and the difference between our bio-electrical beings and electrical fields formed mechanically.
Questioner: My next question then is, is the melding of these fields of energy what is called the Omega Point, when our presence meets our essence?
The Council: The Omega Point is the absolute accomplishment that you are capable of in your particular situation and the conditions that you find yourself in or the situations that you find yourself in. It is that point where the soul achieves its greatest height of accomplishment under the circumstances that it has placed itself in. Do you understand?
Questioner: Yes, I believe so.
The Council: Once a soul has done its greatest or once the soul has achieved its greatest potential, whether it be in the actual physical manifestation of deeds or whether it can only achieve in the deep-hearted desire, it has reached then the Omega Point, when the presence, that is your existing situation or state of being, meets that point of your greatest potential. Now these are governed again by the situations that you find yourself in, the conditions you find yourself in, the circumstances that you find yourself in. Does that answer your question?
Questioner: Yes, thank you. One more question, if I may. Apparently, there is a great difference between the condensed energy field that we are and the energy field that we humans can manufacture with a generator, for instance. Would you please comment on that?
The Council: Again, you are talking about the essences of creation. It would be hard to relate your energy field with that that a piece of machinery would produce; although the underlying thread is basically the same thing. It takes on, shall we say, a different appearance or a different function; yet by the focusing of your own mind to achieve something, that force that is you can do as much as your mechanical apparatuses can do and even more without the need of such cumbersome things. You all fail to realize the power that exists within you as a creation of the Divine Father, but this is limited because of your unwillingness to accept what He has given you.
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