The Council: All Things are Energy - Part 1
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- Written by William LePar

This is the first of a two-part series where William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council gives us information about the nature of our soul or spirit. They also touch on the auric field that we generate.
Questioner: You have stated that all things are energy and we in the material manifestation are nothing more than a condensed field of energy and also this condensed field of energy is the essence of what we refer to as soul or spirit. Would you please clarify the differences between the energy field that is our material manifestation to the energy field that is our soul?
The Council: The Breath of God that is the very essence of your existence or that spiritual electricity that we have referred to a number of times, as it manifests in the material, its higher vibrations, if we may use this term, must be reduced in order to materialize the creation of your being. As this is reduced further and further you have what you refer to as the soul which in proper understanding is the report card or the achievements of the spirit that is you, the true you, the spirit that God the Father has created that you know as your own being. Do you understand?
Questioner: Yes.
The Council: Beyond, shall we say, the spirit existence then as it is involved in the material manifestation it becomes, if we may use the term, much cruder or much denser or a lowering of the vibrations. In this sense then as it materializes or it maintains the body, the physical container, in your observations of your existence, you see a form, but the form is not solid as we have said before. In truth it is a condensed field of electricity or the spiritual electricity. Do you understand that?
Questioner: Yes, I believe so.
The Council: The spirit and its accomplishments or shortcomings creates according to its need for further achievement or further loss, if it chooses, but it maintains a general form that you know as the physical container and the auric field that surrounds it, which basically is the emanations of that physical container. Does that answer your question sufficiently?
Questioner: Yes, yes, it does, thank you.
The Council: You are most welcome.
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