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Evolution - Part 1 - Animals yes. Humans no.

Evolution - Part 1 - Animals yes. Humans no.

The theory of evolution comes into question with William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, and a researcher.

Questioner:  With the specific exception of man and his influences on nature, can the basic idea of the theory of evolution that species have continued to develop through time to adapt to the conditions around them, can that be generally accepted?

The Council:  Anything other than man has evolved.  There is no problem with the theory of evolution.  It is a natural thing.  You have historical documentation that such a thing existed, but the problem is when you say that some of you were swinging in trees, well, admittedly, it appears from this side that maybe at one time you may have, but in actuality no.  Man has not evolved that greatly where you could say that he was leaping from treetop to treetop and then decided to get down on the ground and walk on his hind legs, no.

Animals, yes, all animals have evolved and will continue to evolve.  Some will evolve, if things are around long enough, to quite an advanced form depending on man's consideration for those particular animals and his willingness to share his true concern for those animals, but man has not evolved.  His structure, his physical structure has changed to a degree.  Now, we have covered this all before. It has changed to a degree but it has not changed from a monkey to a whatever and then to what you might be in the future.  Man has been much taller in the past, and he has been much shorter in the past.  In the past he has had somewhat of a larger cranial cavity, and he has had in the past a smaller cranial cavity.  In the past he has had organs that had a specific purpose and are now gone or have been rendered to a questionable state, shall we say, or a questionable purpose.  So there has been a degree of evolution in the physical body of man, but not to the point where you would not immediately recognize a man as a man. Some of this has been because of climatic changes, dietary influences, intellectual and spiritual influences.  Many things constitutes the condition or the shape or the size of the body.  So, to a degree, yes, the physical body has changed, but there is an extreme limit on that change or the degree of change, taller, shorter, thicker boned, smaller boned, larger head, smaller head, things like that.  Organs that were used at one time that are not used at the present time will eventually disappear from a body.  Lack of use brings an impotency to that particular organ, and then it no longer serves its purpose, then it will evolve out of the body.


For more about William LePar and The Council please view www.WilliamLePar.com
Who is the Council? click here
The Council's description of themselves can be found at www.WilliamLePar.com/TheCouncil
© Copyright 2012-2017 William LePar. All rights reserved. 
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