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Do Children Need More Sleep? The Council Weighs In - Part 1

Do Children Need More Sleep? The Council Weighs In - Part 1

The answer to this question should be obvious. However, in this two-part series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council gives us a little more insight into why this is necessary.

Questioner:  Do children need more sleep because they are developing this processing ability?  Is that why kids usually need more sleep than adults because they are growing up?  or because they have more to process because they are newer in the physical?

The Council:  The foundations that a baby, you must remember that a child does not begin to learn at the moment of birth.  A child begins to learn at the moment of conception.  Now, grant you that we have said that there are times when there is not a spirit entity in the fetus, and this can vary, you know what we are talking about, but as a general rule, assuming that there is a spirit entity at the moment of conception and on through birth, that entity is formulating right from the moment of conception.  In the very early years of a baby, from the moment of birth, now even though the learning process has begun from the moment of conception, it is viewed entirely different, it is viewed from an individual point of experience once the child is born.  As it is in the mother's womb, its experiences are viewed in relationship or in close relationship with the mother.  In other words, the mother is cradling the child so what it learns while it is in the womb is learned in a very secure atmosphere.  Once the child is born, then it is learning on its own and from exterior experiences.  Its mode of learning while in the womb is naturally learning on its own but also not from exterior experiences but learned from exterior and interior experiences. Now, this may be hard to understand because you, in your presently conscious mind cannot conceive existing in the womb unless you were to have regression to that point and allowed to recall that, but it is an entirely different perception of learning.  Do you understand that?

Q:  Yes.

Next – In the final quote of the series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council gives us more detail concerning the learning activities of a baby from conception onward.

Reprinted on CrystalWind.ca with written permission only! Unauthorized copy or posting on other websites is prohibited. 

Credit - William LePar

For more about William LePar and The Council please view www. WilliamLePar.com
Who is the Council? click here
The Council's description of themselves can be found at www.WilliamLePar.com/TheCouncil
© Copyright 2012-2024 William LePar. All rights reserved. 

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