The Federation of Light: Navigating the Energy Surge
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- Written by Blossom Goodchild

Morning Chaps. It seems I was not the only one to be completely zonked out by the incoming Energies last week. Are you able to offer any info on this, please?
Good morning to you, Blossom and Each One who finds themselves happily visiting these conversations. We Welcome you and we have Good news.
Really? I didn’t expect you to say that! By all means … Fire away. Thank you.
In past days it has seemed that there was no end in sight. The Divine Plan gave the appearance of a continual carrot dangling in front of the donkey, as your expression goes. Well, we are now able to reveal that the end of these dark days DEFINITELY is in sight.
WOW. That’s great to hear. Although, let’s not bring the word ‘Soon’ into this. I am sure you understand why.
We do, Blossom, as we smile.
So, what exactly does this mean for us and the Planet as a whole?
Oh, please say it’s Pickle Ball! Please say it’s Pickle Ball!
Blossom, what we can say is that the Pleasure and Excitement you receive from Pickle Ball will have the same effect from this that is to come.
Yes, undoubtedly, as we have always said, there is to be confusion and turmoil, yet, throughout it all … when one KNOWS that the end is in sight … they can FEEL THE CHANGE IN THE ENERGIES … which in turn … will allow one the wherewithal to see the mission through.
Whilst we do not wish to dampen this thought … we must also say that this will not be felt by all. For those who have chosen to remain asleep throughout these long years of darkness, will find themselves in mental states of great confusion. Not knowing which way to turn. And as you know, this is where YOU come in. Each One offering Solace and Understanding.
These celebratory Energies … how will they feel?
They will bring you into a state of Joy that you have not yet felt … until they arrive. For they have not been able to enter in before now, due to the negativity and blockages put in place.
So, how does all this work with the Energies coming in? Why/how … do these incoming Energies knock us out? It can’t be ‘Banana Fred’s job’ to press a button that opens the lid to let them flow into our Planet. How DO Higher Energies actually enter in?
These are good questions, Blossom. These Energies are of a Higher Frequency than those present within your Planet at the time. They are brought in via LIGHT ENERGY … and they ‘merge and blend’ with Energies already present. Due to their unique qualities, they override the denser lower frequency energy and therefore, uplift The Whole to a Higher level.
Yet … WHO/WHAT … sends that Higher Light Frequency? It surely can’t just wander in of its own accord.
It is programmed to do so at appropriate times.
By whom/what?
Those that are part of the Plan.
Those that are involved at a much Higher level of the control of this Plan.
Obviously, Higher Dimensional Beings?
So, does the Higher Frequency Energy come from where ‘they’ are and ‘they’ send it through?
No, Blossom. THE BEINGS OF GREAT LIGHT … and there are many … give collective thought to the Energy Grid just outside of your Earth. They, through thought, are able to infuse that area with the Higher Frequencies and direct them into your Earth’s Energy.
It is a HIGHLY intricate project and intense Energy from these Beings is required, in order for the Frequencies within the Grid to build and reach the expected projected Vibration.
Sometimes … as many of you have witnessed the varying degrees … the effect can play havoc with the physical and mental elements of self. Yet, as you are aware, they are only temporary.
How come some do not seem to be affected at all … and others, quite severely?
It involves the ‘make up’ of the individual and also, the delicate shifts that need to be made at any given time.
Well, I can only speak for myself … yet, four days on the sofa was no delicate shift!
Yes, it was, Blossom.
Ok … Fair enough. I got away with it Lightly. One gentleman wrote in saying he is experiencing the kind of energy body sensations that occur when waking up, yet, not fully awake, happening all day … for days! Ear ringing and head buzzing. It wakes him at night and he feels like his energy body is crackling with his third eye throbbing so palpably it feels like “energy marbles” moving around each other in the center of his forehead! Like a throbbing pressure! I mean that is full-on. Are many receiving the Energies on this level?
Yes, Blossom, many. Depending on how much of an upgrade they require in order to ‘get their Beings’ physically, emotionally, and mentally, to where they need to be … so that they are ready to receive that which is to come.
What if some haven’t felt anything and think perhaps, they are not ready?
This is not the case, Blossom. Each Soul is receiving these Higher Energies … yet, perhaps experiencing them in different degrees, levels and formats … depending very much on the Soul … their task … and their current situation.
Many are being fed what they need via sleep. They may wake up feeling rather ‘Groggy’. This is due to the download that they have absorbed whilst sleeping and it needs time to integrate.
When you say ‘download’ and ‘upgrade’ … what exactly do you mean?
A Download is how we would term ‘New information’. This can only be received and accepted when the Soul is ready for it. For you see, Blossom … although many are getting downloaded at the same time with these Energies … Each One is receiving information applicable to ‘their’ mission, so to speak.
There are some general downloads combined with individual information.
One may not be aware at the time of what this information is … yet, when needed for it to be of use … that inner Knowledge will come to the fore.
The Upgrade happens to Each one … yet, depending on where one is already ‘residing’ within their own Vibrational Frequencies … it will individually Heighten Each Soul to their next position. It really is rather difficult to describe.
You are doing really well.
Thank you. There are many more of these to come. They can create a dizziness and floating feeling … as the Inner Being adjusts to these Higher Levels. This shall settle down in time.
Think upon this as a GOOD THING.
These Higher Energies could not enter unless the darkness was dissipating … and dissipating it is.
With this …
Remember your ‘Spirit’ has been suppressed almost to beyond recognition.
As you are now Free to discover more and more of your True Self … with the aid of these Higher Frequencies … you will feel so much closer to Home. Rather like the smell of the mothers home cooking that wafts past the nose … and memories of Home fill the Heart.
It shall be like this for you, Dearest Souls.
Your world is turning upside down … spun around … and then catapulted into …
About bloody time, I say!
And although there is no time … timing has everything to do with it.
Know too, that with the integration of these Higher Frequencies into your Beings … your ‘skills’ will be surprising you left right and centre.
Particularly in the ‘Telepathic’ department.
Many of you shall find information coming through. Yet, we ask that you err on the side of caution should you be new to this form of communication.
A protection device that Blossom often shares if one is unsure of the ‘source’ of the information … is to ask three times if it is coming from the Light … A ‘Yes’ cannot be given a third time, if it is not and it will simply go away.
How does that work?
It is an unbreakable law.
What do you mean unbreakable? Surely someone/thing can sneakily say yes a third time
This is not so, Blossom. It is an unbreakable law. If someone/thing tries to break it … it would have the same effect, yet, a stronger one, as the disappearance of that energy.
Unbreakable means unbreakable.
Well, it certainly feels like much is taking place in the world and great changes are already being implemented at the speed of Light.
Exactly, Blossom. All these changes have been in place awaiting the Lights to turn from Red to Amber … and then to Green.
You will know without question, why we have said many times ‘Hold on to your hats’.
These are extremely exciting days on your Planet. You will appreciate yourselves and all the work you have put in to becoming who you now are.
And we, you. Cool Bananas! Someone wrote in saying ‘Just a quick note to let you know that the FOL is now known as ‘Blossom’s Bananas’ in conversations with awakened friends.’ … and they are right … sometimes I think I AM bananas! In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.
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